Home > World Mourns Pope John Paul II

World Mourns Pope John Paul II

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 3 April 2005


Forum posts

  • come on, guys have a little respect

  • my poor, ignorant, hate filled, fearful communist friends; with a sincere desire to improve your pathetic lot in life, I would refer you to the philosophical proposition commonly known as "Pascal’s Wager"; research it, study it, reflect on it. If approached with a truly sincere and open mind it can only improve your lot in life.

    • ’ Pascal’s wager ’ proposes that if you believe in God and are proven wrong, then you have nothing to lose, but if you are an atheist and are proven wrong, then you have everything to lose. I may be wrong but I think God would want me to love my fellow man from my heart, not as a cold, calculating means to an end which you seem to endorse.
      As far as that picture goes, bellaciao should fire whoever approved it . John Paul wasn’t perfect, but even an atheist should know when to shut up !

    • To my poor deluded ignorant mindless and foolish religious friends. Your God fucks you over every day and yet you still claim he is kind and giving. Research it and you will fine that all of that praying gets you nothing, there is no proof that any prayer was ever heard or answered. Your religions are used to keep people poor and uneducated and at the mercy of the power hungry leaders who use God to club you over the head and fill your empty heads full of superstitious nonsense to keep control of you. Most if not all of the killing and looting of other people’s countries is done in the name of these Gods. But the worst part is that you are too stupid to see it.

    • If God wanted you to love and be kind then why is all war and killing started by people who calim that my God is bigger than yours? Most of histories wars were and are (muslims vs. christians vs. jews) over religion and that is the reason no one should belong to these nutty groups that teach hate and intolerance and prejudice and judgemental hate.

    • You probably cream your jeans at the sight of the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus, why not believe in nonsense it is a "good insurance policy" "Pascal’s wager". Stupid Christians will buy any farcical fantasy as long as it is dressed up in some authoratative or pompus disguise...would you buy a used car from Bush?

    • Lighten up fella. After all there’ll be another Pope. Besides, Pascal’s Wager is evidence of what Nietzsche called the ’suicide of reason’. It is the last resort for an intellectual defence of God’s existence. In effect the wager argues that the rewards for believing in God and enduring the minor inconvenience of going to church of a Sunday outweigh the pleasures of a lie in on a Sunday and the remote remote remote possibility of eternal firey damnation. There is a terrible flaw in the argument of course. This statistical balance of probability and expectation and the role of rational choice eliminates the necessity for faith, the thing that separates religious belief from science, say. The wager can convince you that it is in your best interests to believe in God, but this is hardly the way in which to enter a religious faith that might demand that you give up all your material goods and serve the poor. In other words, upon approaching the Pearly Gates ’God’ is unlikely to be convinced by your proclomations of faith when he can just remark that you only believed in him to save your own sorry selfish ass. However, in a way you’re right, reflection on the wager has improved the lot of my life. Reflecting on it made me quit gambling.

  • The catholic Church and the Pope have been responsible for millions of deaths around the world. They have been responsible for destroying ancient knowledge from societies that they did not like. And they have been responsible for child abuses and torture that has surpassed the most brutal dictators … enjoy the pic, I think the Pope may need a drink to cool him off in Hell

    As for the people who are are sad that he is dead … well they should all be happy because his suffering has ended and according to them he is now in heaven with God … who doesn’t want to be in heaven with God enjoying all those virgins? … Oh sorry wrong religion

    • For us ignoramuses who do not speak Italian, please translate.

      The pope no doubt was a virtous man as he saw himself, observing his rules.

      As he has laid down the law for others to keep, that needs much scrutiny,

      Many suffer guilt pangs through knowing they have same sex activity, though fully wanted
      and approved by the parties engaging in the activity.

      Some will have taken their lives over this guilt.

      Many suffer guilt pangs through knowing they have had an abortion, believing that it is great sin, and that they might be awarded eternal damnation.

      Some will have taken their lives over this guilt.

      Many suffer guilt pangs through knowing they have made a decision to terminate a family members life because of illness, believing, though done through love and mercy and the wishes of their loved one, that it is great sin, and that they might be awarded eternal damnation.

      Many suffer guilt pangs knowing they use contraceptives.

      Many have not used contraceptives and have had children which they cannot afford, which they cannot even feed, due to this clerics admonitising,

      The list extends onwards, hurting others, forcing them through guilt and fear to do what their minds say is not what they should do.

      Being virtuous unto yourself, but forcing others to do as you command is ignominy.

      It has great personal dishonor.

      It is shameful and disgraceful action.

    • I am not forced to be Catholic. No one is forced to be Catholic. If you willingly join the church you just as willingly accept its discipline. Guilt pangs are a blessing and indicate a living conscience. [if you would change the world, change yourself.] I have noticed that Communists, Socialists, Trotskyites, Homosexuals and other creatures of the left usually seem astoundingly guilt free.............

    • Oh puke, you judgemental fuck. Pretend that you are holy and better than thou, you are a blind fuck too stupid to see your own shit. But you are no better than anyone else and probably worse because you are a busybody nosing into everyone’s business and trying to tell them how to live their lives.

      You religious nuts always amuse me thinking that there can’t possibly be people who would do good because they are good, you, probably because your just an asshole, couldn’t do good without the fear of some fantasy God making you tow the line. So you’re just an evil fuck that doesn’t know right from wrong without going to church to get a lecture from some selfrightous old fag in a dress and ruby slippers....oh Dorothy.

    • Oh please, who are you trying to shit. The pristhood of the Catholic is full of homos and everyone but you knows it. Where is the guilt of the church for all of those child rapes??? Where is the guilt of the church for exploitating women as unpaid help to do all of the menial tasks that the men are too good to do and too almighty to lower themselves to perform? How blind can you be, wake the fuck up and see your stupid religions for what they really are, evil, hypocritical, and ridiculous in all ways. Terri Schiavo was not the only brain dead Catholic in that organization, most of the members would have to be not to see what is going on. Where is the guilt for all of the wars they have started and all of the murders of native peoples around the world? Pretend you don’t know about it you turdbloosom.

    • Yes, many homosexuals have lied their way into the priesthood, and most homosexuals are leftists. These homosexual priests are your revolutionary comrades. They obviously like boys, while it seems your sexual interests might be more scatological in nature.

    • are you good?

  • I don’t know how bellaciao meant this post but these are the lyrics to this song translated(probably poorly)

    1. A morning is waked up to me,
    Or beautiful hello, beautiful hello,
    Beautiful hello, hello, hello,
    A morning is waked up to me,
    And I have found the invasor.

    2. Or partisan portami via,
    Or beautiful hello, beautiful hello,
    Beautiful hello, hello, hello,
    Or partisan portami via,
    That I feel myself to die.

    3. And I know I die from partisan,
    Or beautiful hello, beautiful hello,
    Beautiful hello, hello, hello,
    And I know I die from partisan,
    You must bury to me.

    4. You bury me lassù in mountain
    Or beautiful hello, beautiful hello,
    Beautiful hello, hello, hello,
    Lassù me seppelisci in mountain
    Under the shadow of a beautiful one fior.

    5. All people that will pass
    Or beautiful hello, beautiful hello,
    Beautiful hello, hello, hello,
    All people that will pass
    They will say to me "that beautiful fior!".

    6. And this is the flower of the partisan
    Or beautiful hello, beautiful hello,
    Beautiful hello, hello, hello,
    And this is the flower of the partisan
    Died for the Liberta.

    I can understand that folks have issues with some of the teachings of the pope and the catholic church, but at this time it seems we should focus on the positive and pray that the cherished vision of peace he championed is spread across the globe at this crucial time in global history.

    • Peace around the world...he accepted the metal of honor from the biggest killer on earth today, Bush. Empty words are nothing to respect or give praise for. The degenerates that run that organization are disgusting and foolish people who pretend they do not know are just as guilty.

    • POPE John Paul II made a final plea for peace last night, in a posthumous message he had prepared for the Sunday mass that turned into a moving farewell by 130,000 pilgrims huddled in St Peter’s Square.

      "To humanity, which at times seems lost and dominated by the power of evil, of egoism and of fear, the Lord rises again to offer the gift of his love that forgives, reconciles and reopens the soul to hope," said his message, read by Vatican interior minister Archbishop Leonardo Sandri. "It is a love that changes the heart and bestows peace. How much the world needs to comprehend and embrace the divine mercy."

    • Yawn, snore, so what, are we supposed to think this is holy? The old fag did nothing to promote peace in his lifetime, he kissed all over George Bush and accepted a phony metal of honor from him instead of calling George an evil warmonger like he had the opportunity to do which would have meant sometning except empty gestures and words that have no meaning.

  • Shame on you.... shame on those who had this indecent, disrespectful idea.
    look at your disclaimer: "we will erase messages with caractere DEFAMATORY, ABUSIVE, xenofobe, sexist, the treats,politic and commercial advertizing"..
    and you call this "journalism?"
    even satire has it’s limits...and this one is gross..
    and I am a liberal...
    take that immage off...IMMEDIATLY!!... and apologize ... !

    • take that immage off...IMMEDIATLY!!... and apologize ... !


      who call this "journalism" ???

    • There is nothing shameful, nothing wrong.

      The Pope when he took on the role of Catholic cleric relinquished his right not be scorned for his words.

      And many words he has left this world, many not appreciated, nor benefiting mankind.

      That he did champion some causes of charitiy, and had some semblance of knowledge of the starving masses excuses little.

      His church, still steeped in riches at the top, cardinals archbishops, bishops, monsignors, few who do little except feed off these poor, still with their pomposity, still there, are there because of him, because he did nothing to stop any of it, during his 26 year tenure.

      Excuse me if I retch these next few days over the hypocrisy that will espoused over this man.

      Death does not excuse the pain this man has caused to so many.

      The pain he has caused through his unrelenting governing principles.

      The pain people unable to escape this fantasy of beliefs hold in their hearts and souls.

      The pain through fear and terror of ’hell’ they can never disclose.

    • Do you feel the same concerning the "hypocracy" of Castro, who has squirreled away nearly 2 billion in Swiss banks while the Cuban people live in abject poverty? Or Mao, who never missed a meal while tens of millions of Chinese starved to death? Or Lenin, who was warm, safe and well fed while his red army and killer squads of Cheka kept the Russian people cold, hungry and in constant fear? Or Trotsky, the coward, safe in his armored train while directing the slaughter of millions of unfortunate Russians? Pol Pot, comfortable in his base camp while turning the entire nation of Cambodia into a charnel house? Chicken Livered Stalin, secure in his fortified dacha while sending 22 million young men to die assaulting the armies of the third reich, in a war he provably instigated? Kim Jong Il, drunk on VSOP brandy in a North Korea he has turned into the image of MORDOR? These are your heroes, hypocrite, what is your excuse, hypocrite???????

    • You can say the same about Western Leaders ... so what

      As for Castro ... he took a 100% illiterate country and turned it into 100% literate in 20 years ... provided healthcare and education for everyone ... and as for the 2 billion, stop reading American propaganda and you will learn and grow beyond your wildest dreams

      The best place to start is by learning the history of Cuba and what it was before Castro took over and what it is now and comparing it to its neighbors including the USA

      Have fun reading and educating yourself

    • You forgot Adolf (a friend of you?) or more recently George W. (surely a friend of you!).
      Nonexhaustive list!

    • Fuck you, go over to the church and rape a child you moron, it will make you feel better, like one of the boys.

    • Or Bush who has off shore bank accounts full of bribe money and suitcases full of cash under his bed. Let’s face it all of these people are greedy assholes including the pope and all of those old faggots he is surrounded by fairys the whole lot of them obviously or why would they dress in drag and pretend celebacy but still rape the kids?

    • Grandpa, the U.S./C.I.A. could teach a lot to the dictators from the distant past that you are so stuck to with their tactics of the present day and the future. Who dropped the first NUKULAR weapons...we did, who has more than anyone else, we do, who is bankrupting the country to make more and more and more WMD, we are. How can one warmonger be any worse than another, all have the same intentions.... mass murder, and it is never okay, even when we do it. Try to learn something new. Try to get up with the times.

    • Wow - you memorised the anti-’communism’ part of your education/brainwashing there fella. Waddya think Lenin was to do whilst protecting a fledgling Worker’s state? As he perceived it at the time, Russia was going to be the domino that knocked over the rest of the capitalist states and workers of Europe could then organise work and production along social need and not capitalist want/profit. Then the Americans and the bloody British along representatives of twelve other countries illegally invaded the Soviet Union on behalf of the murdering beasts that were the White Army; responsible lest we forget for the massacre of 100 000 jews from 1919. As for Trotsky, good luck to him - you should read his autobiography or anything by him. I can guess your response to that though - you don’t sound like the kind of person who likes to read or think of material opposed to your own miniscule perspective. Your China rant, well read your own CIA reports on the Sino-Soviet split in the fifties to get a handle on that. www.foia.CIA.gov. And Pol Pot was a bad choice since the Yanks funded and supported him. So tone down your rants and tell us something interesting instead. After all, we can just read a Murdoch newspaper or listen to your President to hear that sort of rancid crap. (It’s ’hypocricy’ by the way).

    • Well done! - I think there was one word with more than one syllable/grunt in it there. Keep the English lessons up. All that hate must be so energy consuming. Why don’t you go on a spree with an AK like all the other right wing nuts do?

    • Do you speak from experience? Do you "feel better" after having raped a child?

    • education is obviously something you lack.

    • Adolph was a socialist, a national socialist. I have no socialist friends.

    • 110,000,000 MURDERED BY LEFTISTS AND ALL YOU WILL SAY IS "SO WHAT".............

    • You have seen this "bribe money"? Innuendo, ad-hominem, lies, kangaroo courts, slavery and mass murder: the industries of the left. No wonder all the socialist countries failed. You people are so filled with insane hate, when you do get political power all you do is destroy. The priests don’t rape the "kids". They rape the BOYS!!! They are not really priests, they are homosexual infiltrators, and the majority of them are of the LEFT.

    • How many has the west murdered, combined with the Catholic church the numbers are so large they could never be accurately counted, or is your lack of education getting in the way again? You blindly site numbers on only one side, and have no credible argument. You really need to do some reading and stop watching Fox news.

    • I always laugh out loud when the Catholics condemn Hitler, because even if the church tries to play otherwise, Hitler was a Catholic and the church supported him (recently JPII apologized for the church, but the members haven’t gotten up to speed on that) so Hitler is the last person the Catholics should bring up about the "leftists"....he was just another cheap dictator just like Bush. And like Hitler, Bush has his blind support from his followers.

    • I haven’t raped a child, but then I’m not the religious sort. What’s it like?

  • Regarding the Renaissance: "In most fields a start had to be made from the very beginning. Antiquity had bequethed Euclid and the Ptolemaic solar system; the Arabs had left behind the decimal notation, the beginnings of algebra, the modern numerals, and alchemy; the Christian Middle Ages nothing at all." Frederick Engels, "Dialectics of Nature," Introduction.

    The Christian message of "Eternal Life" rings hollow in the ears of millions of malnourished and starving people all over the world. The Roman Catholic Church, in particular, and the organized religions in general all pay lip service to this suffering, but do little or nothing at all to alleviate and ultimately abolish it from the face of the earth.

    Pope John Paul II was an enemy of socialism and, therefore, from that point of view, an enemy of the right path that, if followed, would alleviate and ultimately abolish malnourishment and starvation on this planet. This said, it is not "immoral" or even "disrespectful" to castigate one’s sworn enemy. Having been himself a very political animal, the Pope would understand Bellaciao’s choice of editorial expression.

    • "Guilt pangs are a blessing and indicate a living conscience."

      Well I would agree with that if you have done something you are sorry for to another person or animal.

      To have guilt imposed upon you from an outside source, guilt about such ridiculous sexual activity as masturbation, well what is there to say.

      Unfortunately it takes many years to establish a belief system for yourself, and many never do, choosing to piggy-back off the established sytems, hoping that of course these systems will be correct when it comes time to shake off the human body.

      I am certainly not an atheist, not that I say anything disrespectful of those who hold to that system as an answer.

      But I am sad, that in the 21st century we are still steeped in the "worshipping of the calf" as future generations will view our present faiths.

      Under John Paul, the Catholic Church has not progressed one jot in its teachings.

      Perhaps that is why the billion of its members are really less then a tenth of that. or maybe less than a hundredth of that.

      Still a lot of people however to hold to such incredulous unreality.

    • That picture is hysterical he looks like one of the tellatubbies with that radar antenna on his head. Who thinks up those get-ups? Poor Jesus, he would be so upset if he came back and saw those old drag queens marching parading around in those funny costumes all bedecked and bejeweled and riding around in bullet proof glass cages. Hopefully he has a sense of humor and can get a good belly laugh out of it all like the rest of us do.

    • It seems some people doubt that the concept of religion and god was created by man out of ignorance and fear thousands of years ago. It is now a corporate money spinner. Catholicism with its sacraments and mystique is a brilliant diversion, no one truly understands it -which gives it its so called holiness.

      OK, let’s look -’’In the beginning god created the heaven and earth... the seas, beasts of the field bla bla....AND...On the sixth day he created LIGHT. This means he did all the rest in the FUCKING dark!!! -amazing. Still it must be true because its called the gospel.

    • I’m an atheist and so I’ve paid as much attention to the death of the Pope as I would to the death of any other 84 year old bloke. There are miles more important things going on and/or about to happen after all and I know it’s irresistable not to take the piss out of all that nonsense faith but how about some doctored pictures of a more subversive hue rather than just straightforward Catholic-baitng. All religious mimicking is fair game - but it’s pretty small beer - just move on and up....

    • I’m a Christian and I agree with the last post. Was John Paul to blame for the last 100 years of war-for-profit? He is an asterisk compared to the truly sickening assortment of ghouls ( communist, capitalist, fascist and you - name - it -ist ) that have decimated the planet in recent history . Let’s keep our eye on the ball , people . There’s bigger fish to fry than the pope , may he rest in peace .

  • This string is very instructive. From the enlightened modern Left, we see pure, unadulterated hatred. So much for "hate is not a family value," huh?

    The reason for this hatred is simple: JP2 and the Church are obstacles to the secular statism they advocate.

    Bellaciao provides a great service by exposing the sheer nastiness of the Left.

    • Oh sure, the "left" couldn’t possibly see the corruption for 2 thousand years.

      It couldn’t that they hate your phony family values, and your hypocracy.

      It couldn’t be that they have seen the churches discriminate against women, not allowing them any positions of authority (Catholics). It couldn’t possibly be the gay preists in the Catholic church.

      It couldn’t possibly be that they see the leadership of the Catholic church as nothing but gays, while preaching hatred against homosexuals and women.

      But put your head back up your ass and continue to explain to us all about the "left" and how they hate just for the hell of it. What a laugh. Believe what you want to who cares, there is no liar like a religious liar.

    • Well lets examine why someone might thing the pope was just a missguided individual. Before he came to power, the Catholic church has actually started down a path that observed what Jesus actually preached and stood for. The church was condemning the militarism of the earth and the armed conflicts that were part of the arms race and the path of "mutual assured destruction" they were even starting to consider women as equal people.

      Then the old fart pope came in and turned the church into a "traditional" organization observing all out dated and disproven ideas from the dark ages and set back any progress that the church might have made to drag it kicking and screaming into the present.

      The old tired rules of no birth control, no women in the priesthood, celebacy, and other issues that could have modernized the church and made it somewhat inclusive were nipped in the bud by that fat old fag. So the harm he personally did is immeasurable. He set back progress in that silly organization by a few hundred years at least. This is nothing to respect.

      Why? Well the best guess is that the fags didn’t like the idea of power sharing with disgusting WOMEN, the hated other half of the human race, yuck. And celebacy provides such a convenient way to hide the homosexual activities that are rampant in the priesthood. It is amazing how none of the Catholics ever address this glaring issue, they all PRETEND it isn’t happening so are complicit.

      But the worst thing about the pope is that he was so phony, he claimed to want to see the world at peace, yet he did nothing to protest the warmongering of the world’s leaders, as it was politically expedient to stay on the good side of all of the people like Bush who is just about the worst human being on the planet, but the pope didn’t want to speak up for fear of alienating BUSH (?), he might as well have been afraid of offending the devil, because Bush is the present day antichrist.
      What possible good can a leader be that sits on the fence and does nothing because it more comfortable to wave at the crowds from your ivory tower and live in a fantasy world.

      So the bottom line is who needs leaders of anything that are about nothing, which is what the old fag was about...NOTHING.

      Now go tear your hair out because there are actually people who can see through bullshit, and dare to speak up.

    • "Dare to speak up." Funny. As if it takes courage to plink away on a keyboard in a rich, fat, free country. (Odds are, if you’re reading this, that’s where you are.) But whatever self-dramatization gets you through the day, I guess.

      One thing that fascinates me about this site is the repeated bile directed at homosexuals. I always thought lefties at least weren’t homophobes, but I guess not.

      I don’t "tear my hair out," I just shake my head and marvel at the ignorance and hatred. You don’t even have to believe in God to see the good works of the Church in the past century, building hospitals and schools, preaching the need to serve God by serving your fellow man, etc. You may not agree with all that the Church stands for . . . I guess that’s one of your requirements, though. With you or against you, etc. etc.

    • So you hate family values........Do you have any idea who your father is? Do you have any idea who or where your children are?

  • A pudental faced little shit.
    This is a group of thugs that murdered and tortured for centuries, subborning governments, whilst all the time building wealth and power.

    Thou shalt not kill, except if you are powerful, or if invading the middle east.

    The world mourns? Not a chance, only the followers of a deluded abraham.

  • Your hatred of the Catholics rivals the Klan’s hatred of Catholics. That doesn’t bother you?

    • In america alone, the catholic church has had over 4,000 priests convicted of child molestation, that bothers me.

      If wal-mart employed 4,000+ paedophiles there would be uproar.

      The church can deliver votes and power, that is why they are left alone.

      Perhaps the poster is also a michael jackson fan?

      Then there is the little question of the "inquisition"; when all those who could not remember their prayers were tortured, raped, burned, and so on. And of course, what is organised religion if not a con, a money raising scam?

      Actually I have contempt for catholics, jews, muslims, scientologists, baptists, mormons...get the picture, pal?

    • Many members of the Klan are Catholics, look at the attire, practically identical...that should tell you something.

    • The "Priests" that have been convicted of homosexual assault are all leftists. The very heart of the left is Homosexual.

    • I think I get the picture; the very foundation of your life is pure contempt for most everything and everyone, yourself included.

  • WOW! aRE U CRAZY? Honestly, ur discraminating other peoples religion mostly the Roman Catholic show some respect to our great Pope that helped almost every one and respected everyones religion. A kind man that forgave people for their true wrongs, helped people out.

    If today Pope John paul Saw what u have done by putting him into humiliation, he’d give all his heart to you and forgive you for what you have done.

    Please respect the kind man, that didnt do anything wrong. Dont discriminate, respect other peoples beliefs.

  • God bless Pope John Paul II. He chose good over evil. May we all learn from this!

    • Bullshit, he was looking out for number one. And name one thing he did to help the poor except give lip service which is too free.

  • he was given that life by god respect his parting