Home > The Stolen Election of 2004 : Democracy RIP

The Stolen Election of 2004 : Democracy RIP

by Open-Publishing - Monday 23 January 2006

Elections-Elected USA

I well remember Novembre 2, 2004. The exit polls , they are actually two separate exit polls , showed Democrat John Kerry was headed for a popular vote victory of between 2% - 4%. It wasn’t just the early exits but the third and fourth waves of exit polls that seemed to bode such an ill wind for Team Bush. My hopes soared until are I started monitoring the blog at National Review , the redoubt for bed-wetting chickenhawks who want YOU to die to sate Israel’s grand imperial ambitions while they cheer you on from a safe distance of 2,000 miles . The White House told NR not to worry. Ohio and FL. were in the bag. Take it to the bank . It was money that King George was in for four more fascist years. My spirits sank. The fix was in. It was 5pm on the East Coast . Kerry was headed for a 300+ electoral vote victory total - or so the public was told. Behind the scenes , The White House was actually bragging that they had fixed the election results in the two states that would decide the election. When Kerry supporters cried "fraud" , the "liberal"
national media swarmed down upon the " sore losers" like a pack of locust . How dare these paranoid conspiracy theorists have the temerity to suggest that Bush and his supporters would dare tamper with the election results in a presidential election. Quelle Lese Majeste ! Well the General Accounting Office weighed in with a report that was ignored by the stenographic pool reporters , otherwise referred to in some circles as the mainstream media. Among their conclusions was that it was indeed very possible for a small group of computer hackers to change the results of this presidential election- without leaving the slightest hint of a trace of what they had done. What are the odds that two different exit polls conducted by Miftosky/Edison would show nearly identical results and that those results would be proven to be wrong by such a wide margin ? Specifically I refer to the National Exit Poll (13,000 respondents) that showed Kerry winning 50.7 % share of the popular vote . A separate exit poll conducted in all 50 states (60,000 respondents) ,after being being statistically weighted, came up with a projected Kerry win with 50.3 % of the vote. It was Bush supporters , not Kerry partisans , who were more likely to fill out the laborious questionaires handed them by exit poll canvassers . If anything , the exit polls results , before the infamous 1AM EST "readjustment", were slightly skewed toward Bush. The Stolen Election of 2004 stands alone as the perhaps the greatest impeachable offence in the long littany of high crimes and misdeamenors commited by this foul administration.

Forum posts

  • They got away with stealing the 2000 elections and blowing up 3000 compatriots to start conquering to globe at our expense. Stealing the 2004 elections fits right in. Is Iran next or do they feel we need another attack on our soil first so that we can go nuclear in Iran?

    • We need another attack first. The U.S. government hand-puppet Osama Bin Laden has declared new threats against the U.S. if we don’t "give in" to factions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. created leader of the fundamentalist islamic jihad movements next move is to stage a nuclear attack somewhere in the US. To go nuclear in Iran we have to go nuclear here. Counterstrike. If you don’t remember the plans of last november or october to stage an excercise involving a nuclear-style attack by means of sneaking a bomb across one of our Eastern ports then I think it’s time to recharge your memory.
      Remember the "excercises" being conducted by corporations on 9/11 and again during the British subway bombings? Yeah, if you don’t recall, a similar "excercise" was being planned for late last year. However, internet furvor and the fact that so many people caught onto the guise may have, for now, postponed the plans until the "internet jabber" about such a possible incident subsided. Because the "excercise" was never conducted and the false-flag operation was not conducted "on-time" in terms of when people expected the excercise, the possibility has been dismissed. Furthermore, the anti-conspiratists conspirators have been busy spreading rumors about "chem-trails" and such unproveable nonesense as a means to keep us "looking at the sky" as the rug is pulled out from under our feet.
      The only way to protect ourselves from another false-flag operation or stolen election is to stay vigilant, and to keep up the internet furvor. Let THEM know that WE know.

    • I´m a frustrated democrat, and what I have decided to do is instead of giving my modest donation to the democratic party or to democratic candidates in my district, I´m making that donation instead to Impeachbush.org who will use the funds to buy print advertising in major papers about why we need to impeach bush. If you are in a position to do so, I encourage you to do so as well. If Bush stays in power until Jan 2009, you know we will be at war with Iran, and our economy will likely be in total collapse. (current debt at 8 trillion and counting) Impeachment is our best strategy. Part of that is also raising awareness about the voter fraud of the last 3 elections cycles (2000, 2002, and 2004) and getting a verified paper trail in place across the nation before Novemeber. Chances of impeaching bush are slim to none as long as Republicans control both houses. ANd the only way they will continue to hold control is by continuing to cheat their way in. The majority of the public is not behind them. ANd yeah, keep up the chatter, it is making a difference.