Home > Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez Frias did not fire off missiles at (…)

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez Frias did not fire off missiles at innocent women and children

by Open-Publishing - Monday 23 January 2006
1 comment

Wars and conflicts Discriminations-Minorit. USA South/Latin America Mary MacElveen

by Mary MacElveen

It is so typical of the United States media to sound the alarm as they just did in an editorial: Halt Chavez arms buildup as if the sky is falling. Meanwhile, under this Bush administration, and as reported in a previous article, they allow Russia to rebuild the arms race ... which is far more devastating to the human race.

Easy does it, my fellow Americans, you have nothing to fear from President Hugo Chavez ... but you do from Bush. Come to think of it, so does the world.

Case in point is where the United States just blew up innocent civilians in Pakistan killing seventeen women and children.

As the editorial states: "After requests to Spain not to go ahead with a $1.5 billion sale of military aircraft and naval vessels to the Chavez regime went unheeded, the United States has taken the right step by refusing to authorize the transfer of US technology which is incorporated in the aircraft. Earlier, Washington asked Brazil not to go ahead with the sale of jet trainers, which also have US components, to Venezuela."

Perhaps the United States should have thought of that little detail when they sold these aircraft to Spain. Once this technology was sold to Spain, it became Spain’s property to do with as they pleased. As the editorial mentions the sale will cost Venezuela $1.5 billion dollars ... now compare that to our defense budget which is over $400 billion.

I want to first point out to the American media that the Chavez administration is NOT a "regime" (in the negative sense of the word) but a democratically-elected government. If any government has proved to be a regime it is the Bush government when they tell Spain not to sell what is rightfully theirs.

They cite where, last year, President Chavez started buying: "100,000 AK-103 and AK-104 automatic rifles, plus an agreement with Russia to manufacture 300,000 more of the weapons under license in Venezuela. He also signed up for 44 helicopters and is negotiating to buy advanced MiG-29 fighters from Russia."

Notice what is not included in this package and that is any weaponry that includes depleted uranium which we (USA) of course have used liberally in warfare.
By the way, when was the last time anyone has heard of Venezuela being engaged in any type of warfare? It is a pacifist country after all.

US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld warned that this could destabilize Latin America ... but I find it hypocritical considering we have destabilized the Middle East by invading Iraq. Maybe Donald Rumsfeld has been at this job too long and needs a long vacation?

I really had to laugh when the editorial cited that with South American countries voting socialist governments into office, President Chavez posed a real danger. I would like to see just how he (President Chavez) poses a danger, especially when Bush has allowed the use of depleted uranium in Iraq.

I would rather live in a socialist country than one that can harm innocent babies with the use of DU.

After yesterday’s editorial on the effects of DU, I have been overwhelmed with positive and thankful emails.

Warning, if you have small children, they are not to view these pictures
I want those who are angered by my piece last night, not knowing what effects DU can have on babies, who are the most innocent of us all, to see the effects that DU has. I want you to see exactly what was done in your name and with the use of your tax dollars.

This was done by the government of the United States ... not the government of Venezuela. So, who is far more dangerous?

Who hurts innocent babies in the name of any alleged freedom? There is no freedom if we allow the use of these munitions on innocent babies. Bush only cares (if he cares at all!) for babies in their pre-born state ... and if they are American.

As the American media brands President Chavez as a threat for purchasing defense weapons, they must remember, he is not doing so out of paranoia as that editorial relayed. I would suggest that you do your homework and see for yourself where he was briefly toppled back in 2002 ... I call his purchase of defense weaponry as protecting Venezuela’s best interests since he is their President.

If your government was toppled, wouldn’t you want the head of your government to protect you?

The editorial cites: "Despite Venezuela’s oil wealth, the vast majority of its people are dirt poor."

Let us remember that despite the vast wealth of many, there are so many within this (USA) country that are also dirt poor. Let us remember where the federal government just made huge cuts to social spending just in time for Christmas. Let us remember that by not reinforcing those levees in New Orleans, a city flooded and many poor people lost their homes and may not be able to return in the future.

Of course, President Chavez offered us aid, only for Bush to slam the door shut to that aid.

It takes time to address the needs of the poor, but President Chavez has used the profits from the sale of CITGO oil to fund 1,100 feeding centers in Venezuela. What has our government here in the United States done to feed the poor?

While the editorial chides President Hugo Chavez in his "close alliance with Cuba’s communist dictator Fidel Castro who supports the left-wing guerrilla armies in Colombia" Bush has a close allegiance with Saudi Arabia ... in a White House Press Release dated April 25, 2002, Bush said: "I was honored to welcome Crown Prince Abdallah to my ranch, a place that is very special for me, and a place where I welcome special guests to our country. The Crown Prince and I had a very cordial meeting that confirmed the strong relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States of America."

As we all know, Saudi Arabia is known for human rights abuses where women are not allowed to drive and where children are executed for their crimes.
Let us also remember that it was stated that those terrorists who flew those planes on 9/11, came from Saudi Arabia.

I believe that before the American media goes sounding the alarm at anything that President Chavez is doing, they should rightly sound the alarm over what the Bush regime has done.
You did not see President Hugo Chavez fire off any missiles at innocent women and children as has just been done in our name in Pakistan.

Mary MacElveen



Forum posts

  • Of course, Chavez isn’t on a mission from God, with direct communication with the Almighty. I mean, who should we believe: a low-IQ religious fanatic or a supportive socialist?