by Open-Publishing - Thursday 2 February 2006

Governments Secret Services USA South/Latin America

Ever the dutiful son , Bush the Dumber, rescued Bush the Elder’s Miami Vice Squad in early Septembre 2004. .

We speak of the the seventy something Cuban exiles who attempted to over throw Fidel Castro in 1961 , but ended up tossed ashore like Pigs of Bay Watch .

In the recently published book by author Gerald McKnight , " Breach of Trust : How the Warren Commission failed the nation and why" , we read of the charade constructed by CIA asset Lee Harvey in the city of New Orleans in the months leading up to the JFK assasination.

Operating on instructions from CIA -and under constant surveillance by Hoover’s FBI - Oswald creates the legend of the Castro loving commie dupe. Little does he know that he’s being set up to play the part of the dupe in the US government sponsored assassination of President John F. Kennedy. According to McKnight , the head of the CIA’s psychological warfare unit in Miami was well aware of the operational reason Oswald was dispatched to pick fights with anti-Castro exile groups in 1963.

Consequently this man’s files were purged by then CIA Director of Plans Richard Helms. Helms was trying to conceal from the agency’s in house JFK assassination investigator evidence that would lead to exposure of the alleged role of Cuban exiles living in Miami in the JFK hit.

Their base of operations was Dade County , Fl. (code-named JM WAVE). Though the exiles probably did not act without instructions from their CIA handlers , they had plenty of motive to kill President John Kennedy after he refused to provide air cover for Operation Zapata , the CIA code name for the invasion of Cuba.

In the book by Webster Tarpley , "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush (41)" the alleged covert activities of Bush the Elder are brought into sharp relief. Particularly his alleged involvement in JM WAVE . http://www.tarpley.net/bush8b.htm

What is amazing about this story is that Baby Bush rescued two elderly gents from prison in Panama over 40 years after their JM Wave activities first commenced -under the apparent auspices of E. Howard Hunt , Bush the Elder, and his deputy Theodore Shackley.

The outgoing President of Panama was "persuaded" to issue pardons to Louis Posada Carrilles and Guillermo Novo in Septembre 2004 . Again they were in the dock charged with attempting assasinate Castro as he spoke at a mass meeting held in that country. One of their close confederates, Mr. Orlando Bosch, was pardoned by Bush The Elder in his last day in office. The rap sheets of these guys are most impressive.


President Richard Nixon was well aware of the goings on JM WAVE . He instructed his chief of staff Bob Haldeman to order then CIA Director Richard Helms to instruct the FBI to kill it’s investigation of Watergate , owing to the involvement of E. Howard Hunt in the Watergate burglary .

Nixon to Haldeman on June 21, 1972 " I mean you just -Well we we protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things. Of course this Hunt, that will uncover a lot of things . You open that scab , that will uncover a lot of things."

Haldeman later wrote without equivocation that Nixon was referring to Cuban exile involvement in the "Bay of Pigs" thing - the euphemism he always employed in referring to the JFK assassination.

Forum posts

  • Cuba compared with America is a real democracy!

    • At the rate that America is heading into facism, even Soviet Russia is going to look like a democracy in comparison!

  • America is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic, a system where the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law and citizens elect representatives to government.

    Democracy, by contrast, designates a system of government where the will of the majority rules, unrestricted by any law. The Founders of the United States of America went to great measures to ensure that our new nation was not a democracy.

    The Constitution was designed to preserve individual rights and to limit the power of government to the protection of individual rights. The Founders opposed unlimited majority rule because they recognized that individual rights and liberty would be compromised by mob rule, that the will of the majority could be just as tyrannical as the will of a monarch. In short, they knew that just as monarchy did, so democracy would, lead to the infringement of individual rights.

    The Founders created a system of checks and balances, such as the division of the government into three branches, to prevent government officials from acquiring too much power. If an official could acquire such power, he could become like a tyrant and violate individual rights. For a similar purpose, the Founders also created checks and balances to prevent the majority from acquiring too much power (which is one of the reasons, for example, behind the Electoral College).


    • Dear 24.57: Thanks for the lecture. But you are quibbling. After all countries like Britain and Spain are nominally constitutional monarchies, but they are considered democracies because their respective populations have such basic rights such as due process, freedom of expression, etc. They are also considered democracies in that their leaders are chosen through universal suffrage, i.e. they elect leaders to represent them in legislative assemblies. Today any country is considered a democracy if their citizens’ human rights are considered inalienable and are defended by law, and if they choose their leaders through universal suffrage. The rest is window dressing.
      You are incorrect in asserting that a democracy is a system of government where the will of the majority rules, unrestricted by law. The ancient Athenians had no such thing. The first democracies of the West had legislative bodies composed of the entire citizenry of their city-states. In effect, every piece of legislation was passed by direct vote. The ancient Greeks had democracies where every citizen was entitled to vote on legislation. The whole point of having a democracy is to create laws passed by the majority, in other words, laws that were created out of mutual consensus, so that the entire population would abide by them. This is far from being ’rule by the majority unrestricted by law’. You are confusing democracy with mob rule.
      You should teach the American political class as to the correct definition of a democracy. After all every President of the US has called his nation a democracy, from Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Reagan, to this latest bozo, who tells us that all we are doing in Iraq is ’exporting democracy’ at the point of a gun, while he does his best in weakening his own people’s civil rights.