by Open-Publishing - Friday 3 February 2006

Attack-Terrorism Governments USA

There is little down that an orchestrated stand down order was issued to NORAD by the highest levels of the US federal government.

Because such a revelation wil never be transmitted via the mainstream media , it is left to the blogs to correct the official story of 9/11 -retailed by the 9/11 Cupcake Commission and their fellow establishment hacks in the big media.

To that end we have examined the activitivities of DicK Cheney and his underling George W. Bush.

This brief study leads us to ask the following questions or bring up the following points of evidence :

1) Dick Cheney has repeatedly stated that he received authorisation from George W. Bush to issue a "shootdown order" of all commercial aircraft menacing the airspace of Washington, DC. The 9/11 Commission claims they have found no documentary evidence to substantiate this claim.

They plainly didn’t believe the testimony proffered by Bush ,Cheney, and Condoleeza Rice who claim they participated in the "shoot-down" phone call or as in the case of Rice overheard plans by Bush and Cheney to scramble fighter jets from Langley AFB in Hampton, Va -armed with the specific order to "engage these errant commerciasl aircraft headed toward DC.

2) The tale of the mystery "shoot down" phone call becomes more dubious because the 9/11 Commission noted that the f-16’s scrambled to DC were never given "shootdown" orders by NORAD commanders. They were told to "tail and ID " - the practical equivalent of a stand down order. Five days after 9/11 Cheney , appearing on Meet the Press, claimed that the Langley fighter piolots were given authority by President Bush to shoot-down incoming commercial aircraft entering Washington ,DC airspace. It is farcical to believe that NORAD commanders deliberately ingored the orders of the commander-in chief during a time of national emergency. There were no "shoot-down orders. The head of NORAD ,General Ralph Eberhardt was promoted and none of his allegedly "rogue" commanders were tried for insubordination by a US Military Court of Justice.

3 ) Who issued the first real shootdown orders ? A patriotic Secret Service officer , lying to the Commander of the 113th Air Wing billeted at Andrew AFB near Washington DC, claimed his chief , vice-president Dick Cheney, had ordered the 113th to protect the the airspace of the nation’s capitol -this time fighter pilots were actually granted authority to shoot down incoming commerial aircraft. The order was issued at 10: 45 am. Both Bush and Cheney deny any knowledge in precipitating the movement of scrambled airplanes at Andrews Air Force Base.

4 ) During his testimony before the 9/11 Commission ,Transportation Secretary Norm Mineta, a Democrat , told the assembled toadies that he witnessed an unidentified young man pleading with the apparently mad Cheney to countermand orders because the commercial aircraft that eventually crashed into the Pentagon was just ten miles away from entering Washington, DC airspace. Cheney ,in typical fashion, lashed out at the young man telling him that the "orders" still stood. The plane that struck the Pentagon hit it’s fatal target at 9: 36 am. By Cheney’s own account he received nor transmitted any "shoot-down orders from Bush before 10: 15 am. Mineta was , in effect teling the commission that Cheney orderd the stand-down that paved the way for the commericial aircraft that struck the Pentagon and killed over 100 people.

5) Mineta also claimed that FAA did not sit on it’s hands for over 27 minutes , the interval between the Logan Airport air traffic controller noticing the supicious activity of the first hijacked airplane and the time NORAD was first notified of this hijacking. Quite to the contrary, the air traffic controller immediately notified Otis AFB that a hijacking was in progress.

6) A Washington Post story , " Cheney authorised shooting down planes" ( 6/18/04 ) made two contradictory findings of fact : a) At 10: 39 Cheney told Rumsfeld that he ordered a shootdown policy of commercial aircraft approaching Washington , DC and that it was his understanding two such aircraft had been "taken out". b) On 10:18 and 10: 20 Cheney called Air Force one to inform Bush or a senior WH official that jets from Langley had been scrambled and were on their way to protect the city armed with the requisite authority to shoot down errant commercial aircraft approaching the city. This version of events spun by the Commission through Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank are a practical impossibilty.

7 ) The 9/11 Commission claims that Cheney issued 2 specific orders to "engage aircraft". One of the "orders" involved Flight 93- that later crashed over Pa. Mineta is quite clear that Cheney had no idea Flight 93 had crashed until being notified of the event -after the fact. In response to a question by Commissioner Lee Hamilton , Mineta stated that there was no specific order by Cheney to shoot down Flight 93.

Sources :
1) http://www.infowars.com/print/Sept1...
2) http://team8plus.org/september11th/...
3) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004...
4) http://www.prisonplanet.com/article...
5) http://newsmine.org/archive/9-11/no...
6) http://www.infowars.com/print/Sept1...

Forum posts

  • The 9/11 commission (or more likely, omission) was set up to confuse the issue. Period.

    Plus, as "mandates" go for these kinds of things; they are given a set of questions to answer and no more. The are not often open-ended. From what I recall, the omission had to answer only 15 questions. I am not sure if they even did that...!!!

    • The real question to be asked and very few asking, it is that: there is enough scientific evidence that the 9 11 is inside job, can the US Government take the challange and prove that the 9 11 is not an inside Job scientifically and Mathematically?
      The rest are un naccessary details and waste of time, please see wing tv artical the 9 11 exposed. God bless Americac

  • TYPO!

    Your first sentence reads: "There is little down that an orchestrated stand down order was issued to NORAD by the highest levels of the US federal government."

    The fourth word in that sentence, "down", should be the word "doubt".

    The sentence should read: "There is little doubt that an orchestrated stand down order was issued to NORAD by the highest levels of the US federal government."

    Correct me if I’m wrong.

    • Yet, on feb 5, 2 small aircraft flying toward the bush ranch in crawford tx are forced down. imagine my shock, that a 100 billion dollar defense system like NORAD actually can work when cheney aint telling them to standdown. its time to get out some ropes , and tall trees and turn wash dc around

  • posted by qal.

    Flt.93 debris was spread over 8mile radius, suggesting it was shot down. If Cheney didn’t give the order, who did?

  • Is is clear to anyone that is not a real American (me included) that much of one’s interpretation of the events of 9/11 are based on emotions.

    Most real honest to goodness Americans are far too close to the situation to think objectively. Most real Americans could not possibly believe that their own "countrymen (and women)" would do anything against "their own country". Unfortunately, EVERYONE in this world has their price. Those that sold YOUR country out had their price met and they were in the position that guaranteed them that price.

    Most real Americans still believe that the attacks were brought about because of some hatred of the US. Let’s stop and think for just a moment. What hatred is that anyway?

    We are told by those in the power position that all Americans are hated by Muslims because of their freedoms. Well, your going to wonder why, but I can actually believe this. What I am saying is not what you think I am saying. Wake up and pay attention.

    Muslims hate Americans because of their freedom to choose what THEY want to do to foreign countries. After all, YOUR representatives are bringing about all of the bad things that are happening to Muslims. You just don’t know this because you believe that your media tells you the truth. But the US courts have ruled on more than one occasion that the media has no obligation to tell the truth (that’s freedom of the press for you).

    Muslims hate American democracy because, after all, we all know that American democracy is not democracy at all. It’s just a sugar coated form of slavery. Every real American knows that the current government is not legitimate. But what are you going to do about it?

    Right now I know you’re thinking I caint do nuttin’ so it ain’t my problem. BU-ll SH-it it is so!

    Now, just look at how Americans (thru their official representatives) have brought their democracy to Iraq, Afghanistan and a zillion other countries. Do these people want this? Did they ask the American public to send their military to destroy their countries, to murder their people (men, women and children) and did the Iraqi people actually ask the American public to ensure that parts of their country could never be inhabitted again?

    I think the answers are obvious.

    Look at the official American reaction to what amounts to real democracy in Palestine. Because the result was not what the official American representatives wanted (i.e that Israeli shill factor), the American representatives want to stir up trouble in the "paradise" that your representatives have helped create over decades of your ignorance.

    Most Americans are not even aware that their government has been messing around with foreign politics for a good many years - decades. Perhaps that is why they don’t do a good job at home. If they were not messing around with Iraq, they could have prevented the disaster that occurred in New Orleans (assuming that is wasn’t planned that way in the first place),

    Most of the countries the US shills have messed with don’t have the power or the resources to fight back. These shills have never chosen to mess directly with countries that do.

    Wake up please real American people. 9/11 was brought about by the direct involvement of American paople in power that sold out their country long ago. Sooner or later yous are going to realize this. By then it may be too late. I hope not for the sake of everyone on this planet.

    The once mighty US is showing significant signs of deterioration. The military cannot even hold its own against Iraq. The "welcoming rose petals" that were promised never came. The "mission" was never accomplished (or was it - some other mission we are not aware of). The real American people have been deceived by the ugly little man behind the curtain with the megaphone shouting "terrorist". Right now, the only real sources of terrorism are in the American homeland.

    Do you honestly want to fight terrorism?

    American people, wake up! Your country is so very close to total destruction. I am not referring just to military destruction but to something equally as (or even more) destructive. You have been drawn into wars that you real American people never understood and never really wanted. Nothing was ever explained to you. You’ve been lied to. You bought snake oil. You’re now selling out your own country to these people.

    Continued wars are only going to bring about destruction of your once wonderful country that much quicker. The blind fools that are leading you down this blind alley do not realize that your economy is in GRAVE danger. They do not care. They will bail out and leave you when your economy collapses. And then, further war will be futile. You will be taken over. Many of you will die hungry, homeless, dirty and cold wondering how all of this happened.

    Wake up and stop these madmen and madwomen before it is too late. They are not your government. They are your enemy. Turn off the TV and get out on the streets. Fight for your rights. Fight for your country NOT for another country.

  • 911 was an inside job.....now what? There had to be over 200 people involved in setting up and executing the plan. The plan also had to include the placement and activation of demolition charges in the WTC towers and building 7’s structure and sub-basements. The question is...what rationalization of this atrocity could convince so many that it was necessary?

    911 has paved the way for an ever enlarging foreign and domestic security apparatus. I think it likely, the government is preparing to deal with widespread civil unrest. Something big is approaching that will fray the fabric of our society. Peak Oil? Global Warming? Economic Collapse? Nuclear War? Hard to say. I think the megatrend toward resource wars abroad and suppression of dissent at home is driven by world energy demand surpassing the world’s ability to provide it. Energy costs are on the rise and nothing short of demand destruction (world recession/depression) will prevent that imbalance from growing.

    The Federal Reserve is printing money like there’s no tomorrow. Next month their going to stop letting the world know how much. (No more M3 reports). Energy is wealth and the United States is energy poor. It’s hard to see how the current economic system, based on an ever inflating currency, can be sustained.

  • No-one wants to connect the anthrax mail killings to Bush’s terror plot. We have alot of dunces,that beleive it was Arabs that did it. Even the 9/11 WTC was planned and Bush was the mastermind. Notice that Bush’s suggestion in using a B52 plane dressed up as UN one and to have been flown over Iraq-ect... has got no traction. Just shows how sick of a mind our presidunce has.
    All of the terror is home grown.Wake-up fools!

  • As a matter of documented fact, and I quote:

    "At 9:25, [Jane] Garvey [FAA], in an historic and admirable step, and almost certainly after getting an okay from the White House, initiated A NATIONAL GROUND STOP, which forbids takeoffs and requires planes in the air to GET DOWN as soon as reasonable.

    The order...APPLIED TO virtually every single kind of machine that can takeoff - civilian, MILITARY, [and] LAW ENFORCEMENT."

    — Time, 914

    Another much ignored body of well-documented facts (so indicting that nobody really wants to discuss them at all) concerns the TWO (not none) planes at the Pentagon, the flight path of THE SECOND PLANE, its description by one of the at least thirteen witnessess as "ELECTRONIC WARFARE", and its remarkable interconnecting flight between 77 and 93 when these numbers fell from the sky.

    "Thank God somebody else saw that. There was most definitely a second plane," [Kelly] Knowles said. "It’s so frustrating because NOBODY KNOWS about the second plane, or IF THEY DO THEY’RE HIDING IT for some reason."
    — Daily Press, Arlington, 915 [copy]

  • I do not know anyone that believes the official story about 911! I remember when all the tapes from that morning were destroyed and scattered into many garbage cans all over the FAA. Every time I see bush, cheney, pearle, wolfowicz,etc. my skin literally crawls. They make all of us feel dirty and understandably so!!! Why are we letting members of the pnac run our country? I really don’t get it, do you? KMP

  • The fact that anyone buys the Government version of events shows how ignorant people are of the facts. The collapsing of the towers simply defies physics and would mean ALL such towers are dangerous. The fact that the 911 OMISSION Report was focused so narrowly as to hide or ignore crucial information shows a deliberate and willfull intention of hiding the truth. To have the people believe the most powerful (and expensive) military in the history of the world could be caught with its pants down defies all logic. The fact that George sat ther reading to kids AFTER being told of the disaster and the Secret Service LET him is proof that there was an expectation of the event. The look on the Presidents face when told was a ’so it has begun’ kind of look. The fact that so many careers (military, intelligence and political) have been ruined because people question the official story PROVES they will go to ANY extreme to quash dissent that could be dangerous. All of the above points to official allowance of 911 and the deaths of thousands of Americans. This is treason of the worst sort and should be punished by public execution via firing squad. It is not about right or wrong, or even about religion or ’freedom’- it is simply about POWER and CONTROL and the use of FEAR to maintain it.