by Open-Publishing - Monday 6 February 2006

Internet Wars and conflicts International USA

Other scoops from the super-patriotic, all-american , god fearing, and truth impaired website NEWSMAX

1 ) "Madman Saddam’s Lurking Doomsday Weapons"

2 ) "Saddam’s War Plan Includes Bioweapons to make US a living hell "

3) " Saddam is Behind the Terrorist Attacks

4) "Bush : Saddam Not Interested in Complying"

5) "Saddam Connection : West Nile Virus the First Bioweapon"

6) " Iraq Linked to 9/11 and Oklahoma City Bombing"

7) "Report : Saddam to Arm Palestinian Militants with Bioweapons"

8) "Alibek warns of Smallpox Castrophe"

9) "Rumsfeld Warns : WE MUST ACT QUICKLY "

10 ) Iraq Has Nukes - And Tested them before

Now the "journos" at Newsmax are beating the tom -toms for a war with "Atomic Iran". The Pentagon have given these "patriots" more "solid evidence" that Saddam transferred WMD to Syria and that he and UBL were in love. I have no doubt this is just more pathetic Bullsh*t from the Pentagon propaganda campaign. This agit prop unit did not die with the now-defunct Office of Special Plans or the White House Iraq Group.

These liars at the Pentagon have a witting conduit at Newsmax for their trash.

It’s the old saying : "lots of dollars and no sense ( or morality ) Oh but you say no one could believe NEWSMAX after all the bullsh*t they threw against the wall the last time around. In redneck and Christian Zionist - dominated parts of this country millions of people eat this stuff up.

They want to blow away every Arab from the face of the Earth and will grab on to any reed , no matter how weak ,to justify their irrational bloodlust. The admonition from the Ten Commandments declaring THOU SHALL NOT KILL OR BEAR FALSE WITNESS got redacted from the Bible they bring to Wednesday Bible studies.

Forum posts

  • Is this Newsmax crap real? Not the claims of cabalists, but the source itself. I have not doubt it’s real in the cyber-sense, but what is the deal with Newsmax itself, its background? The advertising banners are surreal. Secrets of impaling? WTF is that? Benefit from the next big oil boom? If that was what was on there in 2002, what’s on there now? I’m afraid to look, seriously. There’s a war on for your mind.

    • "Is this Newsmax crap real? Not the claims of cabalists, but the source itself. I have not doubt it’s real in the cyber-sense, but what is the deal with Newsmax itself, its background? The advertising banners are surreal. Secrets of impaling? WTF is that? Benefit from the next big oil boom? If that was what was on there in 2002, what’s on there now? I’m afraid to look, seriously. There’s a war on for your mind."

      You can tell pretty well what sort of folks read any particular publication by the advertising within that publication. Comic books advertise X-ray glasses and Sea Monkeys because their readers are kids. Cosmopolitan advertises cosmetics and more cosmetics because their readers are women. Newsmax advertises get rich quick schemes and wierd stuff because their readers are suckers. Who else could believe the stuff they try to pass off in their "news".

    • This isn’t sea monkeys; this is a government shill site, clearly. This is a Pentagon, etc., propoganda site, our tax dollars at work. Newshawk, even the name is as inspired as Fallujah Freedom Phosphate FireStorm, or Operation Enduring Freedom, or PATRIOT Act.

    • Newsmax is a Richard Mellon Scaife organ. Scaife is the devil who bankrolled the attempted coup against Bill Clinton. Newsmax, like anything financed by Scaife, is not to be believed.

  • "christian" zionists may eat these lies up...but jewish mafia zionists are the ones cooking them and dont you forget it

  • Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  • How is it that I’m a born-again Christian and agree totally with you? I’m embarrassed that my fellow Christians eat this neocon stuff up like candy. Are secularists the only people who can think on this planet any more?

    • That’s right 67 152. Secularists are "...the only people who can think on this planet." And, we are now accepting applications for membership into the Universal Secular Society. Do you want to sign up? There is no cost except for the loss of a lot of useless baggage.

  • Just reading the URL list and tag lines tells me that Zionists are behind the trend alright.

    The problem is though that I am a citizen of the USA so my fellow countrymen do not catch on to the blatant facts that the real media of the age prove. It never seems to matter how well the obvious is pointed out either.

    These people just can’t grasp it. In my country, one can blow down their largest buildings and tell the people it was done with box cutters and kerosene for no reason without a real perpetrator. And the will believe it! And although the photographic proof of this is shown over and over to them, they remained brainwashed only by the words of known liars.

    You see, my fellow countrymen have grown lazy of mind. They have allowed themselves to be miseducated, diseducated and “dumbed down’ to eternal bliss. They have allowed all of their industrial capacity and technology to be smuggled away by traitors. They didn’t care in spite of the fact that in the past, it had made them the greatest nation and happiest people ever on earth. Someone simply told them that all of this was OK.

    My fellow countrymen hate to think for themselves, they would rather be trained as a lemming or ostrich or anything else their Zionist masters deem useful. They don’t notice that 80% of the high level jobs in their nation’s capitol are held by people aligned to or of a religion not native to this land nor of its founder’s ancestors. These people can be convinced that “Jesus” is not politically correct at Christmas time.

    They have said nothing while lawyers, employers, politicians, homeowner associations, judges private industry, ordinary citizens, Wal Mart, and government intuitions violate and revoke their constitutional rights with impunity.

    Although this article makes a very sound point, that Newsmax is treasonous to the US like the folks in Washington are, I don’t know if I can use it because it is a rare day when I can find someone able to listen to what I have to say.