Home > What Kind of Damage The Julland Posen Newspaper Has Done

What Kind of Damage The Julland Posen Newspaper Has Done

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 8 February 2006

Newspapers-mags Discriminations-Minorit. International Religions-Beliefs

As you all know that Islam and Muslims respect all religions and the means of media in Islamic countries did not contempt any religion. That respect is a basic rule in Islam, as can be concluded from many verses in the holly Quraan, For example the verse 108 says:- [1]. The Danish newspaper (Jyllands Posten ) exposed to Islam and prophet Mohammed in insolent and sarcasm method. If one recalls that , according to Islamic faith, drawing images of the prophet is not allowed he can imagine the extent of damage and insult those cartoon images have caused. So that Muslims allover the world are very offended and are protesting. We are asking you to follow any legitimate way to stop this newspaper and others from publishing such irresponsible images that will only provoke unrest and hatred among nations. Please be sure that our response would be similar if such insults were directed towards other prophets like Jesus or Moses .

Muslims are also claiming a clear apology from that paper, not only expressing that they did not meant harming the Muslim world, so that it may remedy some ofS the damage that it has incurred on the relation between Danish people and the Muslim world. If some body say that newspapers are free to express their views, they should be sure not to offend others !. Otherwise all Muslims will have the right and freedom to boycott Danish goods, since the Danish government failed to act in a way that shows its respect for religions !. Consequently, wide spectrum of Danish citizens will be affected, and it turns out as if the Danish newspaper has incurred damage on its people!. This can be seen from what has happened to Danish embassies in Damascus, Beruit and Tahran. Moreover the economic relations with Muslim countries have been heavily hit. All that was the results of the provocative and arrogant attitude of the Julland Posten newspaper, and the refusal of the Danish government to condemn the insulting images.

I am sure that wise people should do what is necessary to convince Danish government to take the proper action .

Mohamed Younis
On behalf of Mosul city

[1And insult not those whom they ( disbelievers) worship besides Allah, lest they insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge

Forum posts

  • It’s interesting how many people are saying publication of the cartoons is protected as free speech. Such people feel you can say or do anything. That is true. Contrary to what people often say, you CAN shout “fire” in a crowded theater. You’ll end up in jail, but you can do it. Just as the newspaper can publish a disgusting cartoon. But they have to be willing to accept the consequences. Yesterday I heard on PBS Radio, here in the US, that the same Danish newspaper a couple years ago refused to publish a cartoon depicting Jesus Christ because they felt is was sacrilegious. Hypocrisy?

  • There are many conflicting viewpoints in this story as there are many self-interests of both the major and minor players as well as the public at large.

    One item that seems to have escaped the entire world of Islam is that as a Muslim, a person, should realize that this (the cartoons) are the actions of a "Kafir" (basically, a non beliver in the Islamic tenets) It is appropriate for a "kafir" to do such things — the (divinical) reply to the cartoons are between the Creator and the cartoonist.

    To protest a "karfir’s" actions by Muslims (humans) as such should be understood to be beyond the scope of any Muslim.

    A simple, one line said prayer (prayed for the Muslim who becomes aware of the cartoons,) would have been recited in the historical past by enlightened Sufis and their followers and the whole of the original action of the cartoonists/editors/leaders dismissed. The cartoons would not take on any temporal or spatial dimensions at all.

    Alas, the current world of Islam is not as enlightened and falls for the reality that is created by the "Kafirs".

    • I think you are right. This is nothing but a psyops attack on a noble religion, seeking to demonize the Muslims in Western eyes, like last year’s "Koran down the Toilet" riots. The problem is, the Muslims have walked right into the trap again; they have let themselves be insulted and are rioting. The "leaders" of the Western world can then say: "Look, they are nothing but savages, and thus their religion must be false!" This is nothing but a preparation for another attack, probably that on Iran.

  • I feel such sadness that the Muslim people have allowed themselves to be minipulated by the Global Neoccon facist regime originating in the U.S. If they only realized the gloating and "I told you so’s" being passed back and forth. While it may have been the the final straw, the ultimate disrespect after so much restraint, it fear this will become the reason for many injustices to come.

    • Has the penny yet dropped that islamic immigration into the liberal west was an experiment that has gone terribly wrong . Other immigrants be they Polish plumbers,Lithuanoan builders , west indian , Hindu’s, Buddhists , Jews etc are generaaly law abiding & do not bring their old baggage to their new homes but with islam it is different.What sort of society are we bequeathing to our children or grandchildren

    • Psychops are an everyday thing now. They keep us confused and distracted or even at each other’s throats while the fat ones are cooking up another war. http://www.prisonplanet.com/article... or more thoroughly said:

  • Wow!! Reading the comments to this and other articles makes me realize the blissful state of ignorance everyone seems to exist in. Have any of you seen the cartoons? Totally innocuous and certainly not insulting for the most part, in extreme contrast to the many racist editorial cartoons seen in most Arabic newspapers today. The violence being seen is nothing less than the outgrowth of rampant ignorance created by fundamentalist creed, and those who profit from it.

    At the heart of the Prophet’s teachings was ENLIGHTENMENT, the opposite of the ignorance, violence, hatred, anger and vengeful actions being seen today.

    • I keep reading and hearing about all the rascist cartoons in Arabic papers. I would like to know how many of those people have REALLY SEEN such cartoons. My guess is they heard it someplace like FOX and take it as gospel.

      It has now been verifiied that the same newspaper that published these cartoons did, in fact, a couple years ago refuse to publish a cartoon of Jesus Christ, saying it was blasphemous and would offend. You say the current cartoons are innocuous and not insulting. I guess it depends whose ox is getting gored.

    • Since I can’t post the cartoons here, post an email address and I’ll send you some along with their verified dates of publication and newspapers they appeared in. Oh....by the way, isn’t it facinating how those imams who started all the trouble with their false stories (now proven) will not be made to suffer the Islamic punishments decreed for their own crimes against Islam? That would include death for fabrication and distribution of images of the Prophet as a pig. So whose agenda are they (and you) pushing forward anyway?

      I look forward to your email address so as to send you as many different examples of the virulently hateful and racist cartoons published by and for Muslims as you require.