Home > The top two Republicans in Congress caught in an outright lie

The top two Republicans in Congress caught in an outright lie

by Open-Publishing - Monday 13 February 2006

Justice Parties USA

A Republican staffer has named Frist and Hastert as the two lawmakers that added the vaccine makers liability protection to the defense bill- after the committee had met several times that day, and Dems even asked Alaska Senator Ted Stevens if the language was in the bill, and he told them no.

After the conference committee broke up, a meeting was called in Hastert’s office, [Rep staffer Keith] Kennedy said. Also at the meeting, according to a congressional staffer, were Frist, Stevens and House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo.

About 10 or 10:30 p.m., Democratic staff members were handed the language and told it was now in the bill, Obey said.

He took to the House floor in a rage. He called Frist and Hastert “a couple of musclemen in Congress who think they have a right to tell everybody else that they have to do their bidding.”

Frist and Stevens deny this charge saying the language was in the bill when the conferees voted on it- but if that’s so, why did Stevens tell Obey no? It appears there are several witnesses to the Leaders meeting... this is the top two Republicans in Congress caught in an outright lie, blatantly adding in crap that wouldn’t pass on it’s own.

Frist has received $271,523 in campaign donations from the pharmaceutical and health products industry since 1989, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a watchdog group.

Remember how Frist slipped this exact same lawsuit protection into the Patriot Act. At that time it was a big scandal, he didn’t even change the font- but literally copied and pasted this tiny item at the end of 450 pages of legal mumbo-jumbo. Now they have the gall to do it again... because they know the Democrats won’t do anything about it. A few will make noise, but that’s about it...

Why are the pharmaceuticals so concerned about this lawsuit protection anyway?

When the hell will people wake up to this dog and pony show of Reps and Dems screwing us all over?

Forum posts

  • Why so surprised? We all know that the Republicans are the lapdogs of Bush and Cheney. They will do whatever they are told to do: sit, beg, roll over, even lick their asses and balls. The only surprise is that nobody has done anything about it!

  • I ama Canadian, and I am appalled at the dishonesty, corruption, and cronyism that exhists in your government. I wouldn’t be concerned ( it is your business), except that if your phony president and his war-mongering associates arn’t careful, the entire world will find itself in a nuclear war.

    • I am an american, and I am appalled at the dishonesty, corruption, and cronyism that exhists in my government. I am concerned that if my phony president and his war-mongering associates arn’t careful, the entire world will find itself in a nuclear war.

    • I also am an american, and I am appalled at the dishonesty, corruption, and cronyism that exhists in my government. I am concerned that if my phony president and his war-mongering associates arn’t careful, the entire world will find itself in a nuclear war.

      I am also concerned that our economy is on the verge of collapse and our rights have been illegally diminished by legislation. I find such legislation inoperative and not law at all.

  • The pharmaceutical companys are looking for protection because of the verifieable links between autism & the mercury preservatives found in many vaccines. ALL FLU SHOTS MUST CONTAIN A MERCURY PRESERVATIVE, BY LAW. The pediatric association supposedly had Thiemerasol removed from childrens vaccines in 1996. However, mercury preservatives of one brand, or another, are still present in the multidose vaccines given to children. Lots more frightening info about this stuff out there, too. We have a 2 year old with developmental delays and know several others in our area with similar issues. Huhmm.....

    • Well guys, maybe you haven’t figured it out yet. Bush is oil, Cheney is Halliburtion & conglomerate as well as FEMA. But the guy layin low who has made 80 or so million so far from govermnent contracts to the pharmaceutical’s for things like the flu shot, amthrax immuzation, (the everyone is in danger and could die) flu scare, is now, or was in the past, on the board of directors, Ceo for about 3 pharmaceuticals and has infuenced everyone including legislation, Its our buddy, Rumsfield. Check it out. Just read his autobiography.

  • Standard operating procedure-lie to protect your corporate croneys at the expense of the public at large. With the thimerosol scandal involving vaccines and children ( remember the gov. said it within acceptable levels BUT kids get 15-30 vaccinations-WAY over the limit!!!) and current reports showing 2-10 times more likely to contract alzheimers if you had multiple flu shots in the past it is absolutely no wonder that congresscritters lie to protect the incoming lobbyists money as well as Frists healthcare millions. Meanwhile kids are suffering from add/adhd and put in special classes, on ritalin or other drugs NOW being called dangerous for kids while Social Security/disability payments from public funds pay for the damage caused by the healthcare industry. Look at the aspartame fiasco as well- I hope New Mexico does outlaw aspartame as a serious health threat. The there is mercury amalgam (toxic hazardous waste in the landfill but great to put into peoples mouths!) and it is ABSOLUTELY NO WONDER WE HAVE THE MOST EXPENSIVE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD YET RANK NO 72 IN TERMS OF QUALITY. I personally have been fighting with doctors for four years with chronic severe haedaches that I am told ’ we can’t find anything/ there is no problem/ its all in your head’. I cannot work, can barely drive and if I am lucky get 1-3 hours a day of good time where I can actually do something. No diagnosis, no temporary disability, no iwork and no insurance because of this. I am living on my 401K because the system is broken and will probably eat a bullet in a most public forum when I can longer stand it. THE BOTTOM LINE IS THE GOVERNMENT DOESN’T CARE ABOUT PEOPLE- ONLY CASHFLOW. JUST LOOK AT THE RECORD NUMBER OF CONVICTED CRIMINALS GETTING PLUSH GOVERNMENT JOBS, THE LOOTING OF IRAQ (8 BILLION MISSING) AND THE PENTAGON (2.6 TRILLION MISSING). WE DO NOT HAVE TO FEAR THE ARAB WORLD BUT RATHER OUR OWN LEADERS!!!!!!!!!!

  • Funny how when the GOP leadership is caught red-handed in yet another in a long string of egregious criminal acts (i.e. defrauding other members of Congress about the contents of a Bill) people get mad at not only the Republicans, but the Democrats as well – even though the information presented clearly indicates the Democrats tried to prevent the illegal act.

    Similarly, virtually everyone believes that in the Abramoff scandal, Democrats are just as guilty as Republicans – even though the goal of Abramoff’s activities were to completely freeze out the Democrats out of the political process through the “K Street Project,” and Abramoff decreased funding to Democrats even as he poured money on the GOP – apparently including President Bush.

    This strategy of tarring the Democrats with the crimes of the Republicans has been very successful, and the GOP majority in Congress guarantees that they can simply kill any investigation that will not at least make the Democrats look bad too. For example, a GOP majority was very recently used to kill all investigations into President Bush’s use of TORTURE, which is obviously a WAR CRIME and grossly illegal under International, Constitutional, US Military and Federal Law. Since there is no way to share the blame with the Democrats, the use of their majority to kill all the investigations of President Bush’s WAR CRIMES is ignored by the “liberal” ROTFL press.

    While the Democrats are not perfect, it is unfair to blame the Democrats for failing to stop the Republicans from advancing their now obvious Fascist agenda when the GOP majority in Congress (almost certainly achieved and maintained by election fraud – they are Fascists after all), simply blocks any and all actions designed to stop them.

    Let’s give credit where credit is due.

  • And there is nothing you can do about it. They could stick their faces right into the camera lens and admit that they lied to the people. So what. Just shut up and let them have their fun and if you don’t like it too bad. Hail satan, Hail Bush.