Home > George Tenet Deserves Whatever Penalty Is Given to Moussaoui

George Tenet Deserves Whatever Penalty Is Given to Moussaoui

by Open-Publishing - Monday 13 February 2006
1 comment

Justice Attack-Terrorism USA Michael P. Wright

Michael P. Wright — Norman, Oklahoma, USA — mpwright9@aol.com

An Associated Press article by Matthew Barakat reports about the sentencing
proceeding under way for Zacarias Moussoui, who boasts of membership in
Al Qaeda and pled guilty to terrorism last April. Barakat writes that the federal
prosecutors plan to link Moussaoui to the 9/11 attacks directly and that they will
argue that Moussaoui’s lies to investigators when he was arrested in August 2001
prevented the FBI from thwarting the attacks. They intend to seek the death penalty.

Whatever penalty is given to Moussaoui is also deserved by former CIA director George Tenet. In August 2001, at the time Minneapolis FBI agents were attempting to obtain a warrant to search Moussaoui’s computer, the CIA lied to the FBI and denied that Moussaoui was an Al Qaeda member. This lie enabled the FBI headquarters to obstruct the search warrant request. The result was that the Al Qaeda attack plan went forward. See this TIME magazine article. You might need to use the mouse to enlarge the scan:


I confronted Tenet about this in March 2005 at the University of Oklahoma, after
a speech he made in the comforting presence of his mentor, OU president David Boren, who was with him having breakfast in a Washington hotel on the morning of 9/11. In response to my question, Tenet disputed the TIME report and said: "We knew who Moussaoui was all the time." Go here for associated documentation and the video of Tenet making this statement:


Since Tenet and the CIA gang "knew who Moussaoui was all the time," and concealed it at a critical moment, they all deserve to be brought to trial too.

Why are they still at large?

It will also be interesting to see whether the prosecution brings forward the fact that Moussaoui and Mohammed Atta had a meeting in Oklahoma City on August 1, 2001. This was reported by the LA Weekly and by former State Department terrorism expert Larry Johnson, when he was interviewed on the Fox News O’Reilly show in May 2002.

This meeting has been covered up. The FBI failed to bring it out, and the 9/11 Commission lied in their final report, which claimed that they were not aware of any evidence of such a meeting. Go here for links and documentation:


I know that the 9/11 Commission lied about this, because in an email sent to them in September 2003, I called the meeting to their attention. A response in the form of a phone call came from Commission staff member John Tamm, who promised to read my report and then contact me again. I never heard from him after that.

Bringing out the August 2001 Moussaoui-Atta meeting would obviously be in alignment with the prosecution’s stated goal for the sentencing proceeding. I have written a letter to the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice to call this to their attention. It will be interesting to see whether they decide to continue the cover-up and suppress the information. After all, to bring it forward would embarrass both the FBI and the 9/11 Commission.

For the record, I don’t wish the death penalty on either Tenet or Moussaoui. They know many secrets. They know where the skeletons are buried. We don’t want the secrets to die with them. Moussaoui can answer some very important questions: how did he acquire Nick Berg’s University of Oklahoma computer userID, which was found on his laptop after it was finally searched on 9/11? What was his true relationship to Berg? The FBI has told an enormous lie, in order to avoid answering that question. See this:


For my comprehensive 9/11 report, go here and follow the links:


Forum posts

  • It’s hard to know *who* is pulling the strings right now - but Tenet sure has access to the information that you’ve presented, and in his position follow-up is mandatory. Will we see it?
    Not unless we make it happen.

    There’s been questions and inaccuracies raised and raised and raised again in connection with all of 9/11 - and I while people are waking up to it, we see a government deliberately unresponsive.

    Do any but a few know that a court found the US 70% COMPLICIT in Martin Luther King’s assassination? That was a ’conspiracy theory’ they pounded people with over and over. When it was proven not to be, it was swept under the rug.

    What about JFK? Sixty years and a million charges of ’conspiracy theory’ later ... the overwhelming majority of American’s no longer believe the hokey pre-packaged theory. Six decades later, yet no real answers. Swept under the rug.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t take 60 years for the overwhelming majority to not only wake up to September 11th, but demand answers. The ridiculous inconsistentcies, outright lies, impossible suspension of the laws of physics, or any attempt at adherence to standard operating procedures when compared with what we are being told happened is enough to make any person with a drivel of common sense realize something is just NOT RIGHT with the "official" version. Oh, ya, we’re Conspiracy Theorists all over again. We can’t let this one be Swept Under the Rug all over again.

    Anyone reading the 9-11 Commission’s Report with an IQ roughly above that of broccoli can only be thoroughly flabbergasted.

    In the end, even this "official" account says that there were people in key organizations who were "grossly negligent".
    Those people have all been promoted and retain their positions.
    That stink alone should be enough to wake the dead to a coverup.