by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 14 February 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson

But He Didn’t Shoot the Deputy

By Peter Fredson

February 14, 2006

I just finished my daily review of news and blogs, and paid special attention to the Dick Cheney shotgun blast incident. Actually there is a ton of news, joking, and commentary on this topic, so I will limit my comments to something I saw which may not have been reported. At least I didn’t see any comments.

Yesterday, when eating supper and watching TV, I saw a report on the Cheney shooting. On the screen appeared the female reporter from the Corpus Christi newspaper that broke the story. She was proudly holding her newspaper. I only caught a glimpse of part of the headline, but it read CHENEY HURTS FRIEND.

I first went into a paroxysm of laughter, but then suddenly realized that this was a microcosmos of the entire Bush administration strategy.

Never admit to anything negative. Deny anything occurred. Make it all seem trivial. If any admission is to be made. put the best possible spin on it. Manipulate it, massage it, get wordsmiths working on it. If you can’t make it good by clever wording, then lie, misinform, obfuscate.

Your gullible True Believers will swallow anything if you pat them on the back.

Bush people, probably by authority of the Supreme Being, have an untouchable status. They are above man-made laws. They can make their own rules and disobey them at will.

One of the first people Cheney called was not the local sheriff, or his boss, but the spin-master himself, Karl Rove. I wish their conversation had been recorded, but the Bush people have learned from the Nixon debacle that recordings are taboo.

I’m sure fellow bloggers can suggest a plausible dialog in which Karl Rove might suggest that the shooting victim had a self-inflicted wound. “Take one for the Gipper.” And when the words “shotgun” or “shooting” or “wound” came up that they would substitute some innocuous word to make everything seem like a harmless prank.

Alas, we may never know how the Whirling Dervishes of Spin agreed on a deniable scenario.

I wonder what influence they exerted on a small newspaper editor to change headlines from “DICK CHENEY SHOOTS LAWYER” to “CHENEY HURTS FRIEND.” I was once in the small newspaper game and if I ever ran across a shooting incident I would never ever report it as a kind of “tickling.” But, of course, I would never report abuse or torture as some kind of fraternity prank either.

The Bush people have no such delicacy or compunction. They will crush truth until it bleeds a white powder.

They will take any negative fact and strangle it, shoot electricity into its genitals until it declares everything to be greatly exaggerated, of no importance, or will certify that it is a Democrat device to weaken the imperial arrogance of the Bush cabinet.

Now perhaps the Bush supporters will suspect any utterances of the administration that “everything is going well in Iraq.” They may now suspect that when Bush says he is “bringing Democracy and Freedom” to small oil-rich countries that something is not quite right.

They might look twice at reports that Millennnium Corporation has “lost” several billion dollars. And they might even look at the reports of 2000 AD that Bush and company were interested in invading Iraq, Syria and Iran .. long before the 9/1l disaster.


Lying by omission, by obfuscation, by Double-Think, must be recognized as the main strategy for the Bush Legacy. Incompetence or malevolence is shielded by prevarication and the Emperor’s new clothes fit him very well indeed.

Now, at last, the former status of “Warmongering Chicken-Hawk” may be modified to “Warmongering Quail-Hunter”

Forum posts

  • You really think that the True Believers will change their minds about the divinity of King Bush and his handmaiden Cheney? They could appear on national TV, naked, and stab members of the public with barbed swords, and the True Believers would find a way to justify it with their beliefs in Divinity (e.g., "they must have been gays, abortionist or [gasp] liberal war haters; they deserved what happened to them").

    • Sadly, you are right. I have tried for several years to get Bush supporters to admit that Bush ever lies, or that the war with Iraq was an invention of Bush and Cheney. They will not admit to anything about the NEW WORLD ORDER, or that the Neocon strategy aim is to dominate the world. They think that is some sort of Hollywood tale. I, and many other bloggers, have pointed out hundred of lies..lies that are documented, factual, but the True Believers are blind to truth. They are fixed upon some religious notion that Bush will save them from evil, and this justifies any means to bring about some great religious destruction, after which Bush and his supporters will all go to heaven. I wish I knew how to penetrate their religious fog, but I keep trying. Bush supporters look at his swagger, smirk and strut and see a gallant courageous military and administrative genius who has come to give them the theocracy they dream of. They want to go back hundreds of years when the Church was in control of every facet of life. They want the Bible to be their textbook, the only reading ever needed for anyone, to substitute prayer for medicine, to praise invisible nontangible entities, to blubber in front of statues of saints or the ten commandments. They live in a fantasy world, like Bush in his Bubble. They are happy being ignorant, superstitious, gullible, expecting to win their lottery. They are invulnerable to logic, to reason. They have been brainwashed beyond any arguments. They are fully committed, and will give their last dollar to televangelists asking for seed, or for Bush asking for their cash, support or votes. So we must appeal to non-Christians to change the regime, because most Christians have been corrupted by hallelujah faith-healers and demagogues like Falwell and Robertson.
      Peter Fredson

  • THis is what I think. Either Whittingham is dead or he was grievously wounded and could die. On Sunday, he was hit by a few pellets and was sitting up in bed making jokes. Today, he has a heart attack with a pellet close to his heart and his body could have as many as 200 pellets in it.

  • You folks need to get a life! You obviously have too much time on your hands.

  • Who with a sane mind would go after tiny quails? Shooting wild animals for fun? What kind of entertainment is that?
    Only American sickos can commit such heinous acts. It turned out the same kind of mind stands for brutal torture in Iraq, too. But because Americans did it, its not murder or crime.

    I would be laughable, but people got killed.

  • I found a link to Alex Jones video that was released today [Feb. 17 th.] on a balistics analysis Alex did on the shot patterns from a 28 gauge shotgun fired at the distance of 30 yards. The website was getting so many hits their servers were crashing today. I found an alternate download site and downloaded a zip file of the video. I got it from http://web.295.ca/electronics_tech

    Basically the video shows that Cheney could not have fired from 30 yards with the 28 gauge shotgun and done the amount of damage he did. It would have had to been fired at closer range for the pellets to enter the heart.

    Just something to think about.