Home > War threats follow Countries dumping US dollar

War threats follow Countries dumping US dollar

by Open-Publishing - Friday 17 February 2006

Trade-Exchange Rates International Governments USA

Countries dump dollar in dealings for oil

dumping the dollar - Syria, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela



Syria has switched all of its government foreign exchange dealings from dollars to euros as part of a political stand-off with the US.
Is it really “a political stand-off”?

Or is it simply lack of confidence in the monetary unit of a nation which had so quickly squandered its surplus and turned it into an unfathomable deficit, refuses to educate its young people, informs its politics by absorbing the lies from Fox News, and allows itself
(original story at BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business...
Feb 14, 2006)


An Alarm based on 2 verifiable events
The announcement of this crisis results from the analysis of decisions taken by the two key-actors of the main on-going international crisis, i.e. the United States and Iran:

 on the one hand there is the Iranian decision of opening the first oil bourse priced in Euros on March 20th,
2006 in Teheran, available to all oil producers of the region ;

 on the other hand, there is the decision of the American Federal Reserve to stop publishing M3 figures (the most reliable indicator on the amount of dollars circulating in the world) from March 23, 2006

[1]. February, 2006.


The Americans could live with Saddam until he started selling oil for euros
instead of U.S. dollars. Then the Europeans could live with him.

If this oil-currency-war theory is a delusion, the U.S. administration can easily discredit it — by declaring that the USA has no objection if oil exports to the Euro Zone are denominated in euros. March 26, 2003


Venezuelan move to replace US$ with the €uro upsetting Washington more than
Saddam’s €uro conversion last November - June 18, 2003

For more, read Congressman Ron Paul’s speech on dollar hedgmony

February 15, 2006: The End of Dollar Hegemony
"Since printing paper money is nothing short of counterfeiting, the issuer of the international currency must always be the country with the military might to guarantee control over the system.

This magnificent scheme seems the perfect system for obtaining perpetual wealth for the country that issues the de facto world currency. The one problem, however, is that such a system destroys the character of the counterfeiting nation’s people— just as was the case when gold was the currency and it was obtained by conquering other nations. And this destroys the incentive to
save and produce, while encouraging debt and runaway welfare. "

Forum posts

  • Welcome to The United States of Israel!!!!!!

    • I don’t believe that the present administration will do anything to make make the rest of the world like the U.S.Those oil sniffers that are now in charge do not care whether or not other nations like them,as long as the return is cash in their accounts.The big question here is that do we have to wait and see ,or the genuine, honest and true americans would have the final say?

    • Bravo! that’s exactly right!

  • Comrades, all this war-mongering by the powers follows, I submit, perfectly fm New Testament conspiracy theory-analytic-template, the Judeo-"Sadduceans" of modern-day leading, along with the "scribes" (corrupt lawyers and officials), the elders and "Judeo-Christians" (an oxymoron as analyzed at Whtt.org). Conspirators want Orwellian "perpetual war for perpetual peace." "Sadduceans" would refer nowadays to Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Falwell, Robertson, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, et al. Ck JBS.org for definitive expo on CFR. And the crux to the conspiracy is the counterfeiting scam known as Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) which "lends" "money" which doesn’t exist, which Fed doesn’t possess. "Funds" then show up on account books as entry—which are then simply printed up on the Fed’s printing presses, causing classic "inflation." Ck Griffin’s "Creature From Jekyll Island" for definitive expo on Fed. What to do? Well, we simply gotta abolish the Fed, but to do that we’ll need basic kind of reforms, like reversion to original Constitutional method of electing US Senators—by state legislatures, throwing present bunch of conspirators out on their ears. Still we’ll need thematic overall ideal—and that would be Constantinian Christian cultural revolution to unite gentiles against Judeo-"Sadducean" conspirators. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  • This nation needs a major face lift. The pundits and know-nothings are too stupid to do what has to be done to solve the financial crisis we are facing. I remember when a hundred-million dollars was a lot of money - now we’re talking TRILLIONS! And the Federal Reserve has kept inflation under control? They point to rate-infaltion with pride but don’t mention the volume inflation that pinting FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES causes. Here’s what I believe we should do;
    1. Abolish the Federal Reserve - the US Government debt to the Fed is 13 Trillion Dollars. If we can’t pay the bill then let’s kill the creditor.
    2. Turn all monetary affairs over the Treasury Department and the Congress, as the US Constitution specifies.
    3. Issue a second currency, let’s call it The Eagle. Put it out in the same denominations as the dollar and designate it as Foreign Exchange Currency. Eagles would be legal tender only in foreign transactions, trade and tourism. It would be illegal to own Eagles within the United States, and it would also be illegal to transport or possess dollars overseas. A proper exchange rate would be determned for the exchange of Eagle into Dollars and visa versa.
    4. The Treasury Department would announce that 18 months from the issuance of Eagles, dollars held in foreign banks or other repositories will no longer be honored. Face with ruin it’s a safe bet that the holders of these outstanding dollars will line up to exchange them for Eagles:
    20% of a going concern is better than 100% of nothing. There may also be some smuggling of dollars back into this country, but that’s fine - as long as we get them all back.
    5. The huge influx of dollars will be channelled to the Treasury Department through the Exchange Banks (formerly the 12 Federal Reserve Banks) and these dollars will be used to fund Social Security, Health Insurance, Housing and Urban Development, Education, Veteran’s Benefits, and any other funds that need funding.
    6. We should nationalize all Multinational corporations chartered in the United States that have more than 50% of their operations overseas. The stockholders would be paid off according to the formula using the percentage of such overseas operations. This percentage would be subtracted from 100% and the shareholders paid the difference. Ex: ABC Corp has 60% overseas operations
    so 100% - 60% = 40% of the current value of the stocks will be paid to the share holders.
    7. The foreign assets of these corporations would be sold to the nations in which they are located: payment will be 2% of gross profits derived from these assets over 50 years.
    8. Restore the charters of these corporations when they operate 75% in the United States and employ American workers.
    9. Repeal the 17th Amendment. Elected Senators are prone to be influenced by lobbyists for special interests. Having them appointed by the governors of their respective states, as the US Constitution originally called for will help the Senators focus on the interests of their constituents.
    10. Change bank accounting procedures. Instead of banks claiming as assets the principal AND interest of the loans they make, the principal should be carried as a debit to an expense account,
    LOAN EXPENSE, with that amount also being credited to Cash. The interest portion only should be carried as an asset, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. As the loans are repaid CASH would be debited the full amount, LOAN EXPENSE and ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE would be credited accordingly, and banks would thus stop creating money out of thin air.
    11. Revive the Civilian Conservaion Corp.

    Think about these ideas.

  • The very evident "boom" in the United States has clearly been fueled by the US’ exporting of inflation. How much was last year’s balance of trade deficit for the US? Was it not $750+ billion? How was the US able to get so much credit from other nations? I won’t bother to enumerate the ways that a debtor can get credit. There are a few, to be sure. But I think it is becoming fairly evident that the new "tool" being used is Democracy. So, world, give us what we want - or else. Otherwise, in the world court of opinion (the press), your countries will quickly be found deficient of Democracy. In which case we, the US, will be duty-bound to bring it to you, no matter what the cost in your lives. And when the dust clears and the flames subside, I just know the cost in lives "will be worth it."
    After WW2, the US based the value of its dollar on its industrial capacity. That was not particularly difficult, since the industrial infrastructure of the rest of the world had been pretty much demolished. Then, in the 1970’s, the US switched to backing the dollar by making it the reserve currency for international transactions. This gradual switch was aided by the denomination of the oil transactions in dollars and several other factors, such as the cold war. By the early 1990’s the cold war ended. Other currencies are candidates for international transactions. The Euro, or maybe the gold Dinar, or maybe even the Ruble, backed by Russia’s substantial energy reserves. So now how will the US have its dollar accepted? How about war? Backed by the US’ big war machine, with stealth bombers, satellites, bomb-carrying drones and - the thousands of nukes - ready to bring "Democracy" to any nation that doesn’t respect the "value" of the dollar.
    This is a grim picture. There are only two outcomes that I see. Either the world buckles to the US demands and feeds the US’ insatiatable voracity for treasure, willingly accepting worthless scrip (the dollar) in exchange, or World War ensues, brought to you by the biggest military apparatus ever to be on the planet.
    Message to the world: quoting the Buddha, "Work out your own salvation."

  • Important dates to remember: This year, March 13th is Purim. The Invasion of Iraq started on Purim, didn’t it? And isn’t here some kind of election in Is. on the 28th?

    Christian friends of mine are freaking out over June 6. It’s the anniversary of Is. bombing Saddam’s reactor, the anniversary of the Six-Day War, and when written as month/day/year is 06/06/06 (or 666?)

  • The "end" question is:
    Does protection of the global petrodollar justify allowing high treason and mass murder?

  • It’s simple- it is necessary for Iran (among other nations of the world) to declare their independence from the dollar, and the reckless and destructive fiscal idiocy of the Bush administration. Of course, Bush and co. can’t have this, as it will expose to the world what these selfish acts have wrought (the world, and, yes, the people of the united snakes, too. We’ll see how all the brainwashed morons love their Reichstag when the s@#t hits the fan...) So what will happen? Another "terrorist" attack followed by "proof" Iran and Syria did it, followed by lobbing nukes into their countries, followed by WWIII?
    Got me.

  • the proper name is Usreal
    it is not the dumping of dollars why Usreal will blow the heck out of Iran
    Usreal has intended to do so for years
    the dollar is not backed by oil but F-16’s
    link to good article