by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 22 February 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

February 22, 2006

People wearing bed sheets, Frankenstein masks, triangular black hats, try to scare people on Halloween. They say “Trick or Treat” hoping to get candy.

When I was young if you didn’t get candy, or sometimes just for the hell of it, some rowdy young people would toilet-paper the yard, empty garbage cans on the porch, and in the countryside they would turn over an outhouse. But, except for some fundamentalists already terrified of sin, really nobody except the very young participants became frightened.

We have master fright-monger story tellers on radio and TV who dream up Frankenstein or Dracula monsters, creatures from the Black Lagoon, giant man-eating sharks, and crazed people with chain saws, spooks, ghosts, and motel owners who stab young ladies while they are in the shower.

Then we have the original fright tellers, who have been menacing humans for centuries. with stories about demons, Satan, Hell, Apocalypses, and what happens to little people who masturbate.

Now we have a Taliban-type President who creates terror, invents situations which are sure to create terror, purposely lies in order to instigate wars of terror, and, in order to retain this office, periodically scares the hell out of the public with fake alarms, visions of mushroom clouds, and bacteriological labs with anthrax to wipe out entire cities.

We have a President who knowingly lied to create a war against a sovereign nation where there were no terrorists, but after our illicit invasion took to terrorism in order to protect themselves against the murderous onslaught of a master liar. Bush creates terrorists by the dozen.

We are now at war with the entire world.

We have a President who utters the phrase “9/ll” unceasingly, as a pretext to destroy civil liberties, spy on his own citizens, makes warrantless arrests and detentions, unceasingly claims the right to torture and abuse anyone he deems might be involved in terror, has secret “interrogation” facilities in far-away countries, will watch and listen to private meetings and conversations, and in total acts of arrogance is even now planning acts of terror against Iran and Syria.

All this seems to stem from his self-evaluation of someone who may never be questioned, challenged, or brought to any accounting of his actions. He is above any man-made law, the anointed of the Supreme Creator, the modern Julius Caesar.

Even worse is the fact that the entire Republican legislators turn a blind eye to his depredations and vicious lies. They seem caught in a kind of Jello existence, in which they shake and wriggle in satisfaction at not doing the slightest act of evaluation or criticism. Anything, so far, goes.

We wonder if even public murder of a citizen would go unchallenged from the vast claims that he, or she, instigated terrorism. We know a number of instances where this has occurred, and citizens were murdered by guardians of public order, simply because they “acted suspicious.”

This President claims the right to send a Hellfire missile to any country in the world, against anyone he labels “terrorist.” In the process he does not seem to notice that for every “terrorist” he kills, he also created a dozen or a hundred people aching for understandable vengeance. He does not seem to understand that dirty tricks do not enhance the soiled reputation of the United States.

His unitary privileges grandly overlook any diplomacy, any debate, any criticism, any legalities, and any consultation of the Constitution. The “diplomats” like John Bolton, whom he appointed by stealth, are shameful irascible creatures that should never represent any country or any organization other than the KKK or Dominionists

At present he is selling off bits of our country under the most false and reprehensible illusion. After years of shouting terror and mentioning 9/ll he is proposing to let a flood of Arabs into our country to take over some strategic port facilities.

I must ask, what happened to all the people that created our ports, managed tugboats, lifted cargo onto the docks? What happened to all the stevedores, to all the union workers, to all the many thousands of people that were perfectly capable of managing our own ports?

How in hell did the Brits get control of our docks, and how in hell can we let the Brits sell the right to manage our ports to people who have fostered terrorism, financed terrorism, and come from the same religious background which sympathizes with terrorism? Is it not because they have tons of money and millions of gallons of petroleum?

We know that Bush is not really frightened of terrorists. In the first place they can’t get within striking distance of Bush. We know that Bush uses terror as a front to retain his office. We also know that Bush will consort with anyone with large amounts of money, and large amounts of oil.

Are Americans no longer capable of managing our industries? What did Bush do to all the engineers, all the mechanics, steel handlers, baggage handlers, tug boat operators, crane operators and thousands of other categories of industrial workers?

Well, basically Bush outsourced them to make his corporate buddies richer than rich. Money rules the day, not terrorism.

His action is reprehensible, treasonable, unexcusable. He should be impeached immediately. His regime should be changed totally.

Bush is a far-greater terrorist than Osama bin Laden. But Bush keeps replaying the Osama record until the grooves are all worn out.

Forum posts

  • Mind you, the Democrat legislators are no better; they talk big about impeachment, stopping the Busheviks, etc., but in the end, they still vote with the Republicans to support Bush in his next piece of insanity. Read the 17th Ammendment (which was never ratified), declare all senators illegal, and throw the lot of them out!

    • Actually, the great majority of Americans are silly already. So you can’t scare them any sillier. But you can scare them. And W has done a magnificent job of that.

      As for the Democrats agreeing with almost anything W wants, they are also pushing hard to make it all but impossible for third parties to run for office. In other words, protecting their own turf. No public campaign funds for a third party candidate who can’t get signatures from at least 10% of the total number of voters in the previous election. The 10% figure would be required for partial funding; for full funding the figure is 20%. This is part of HR 4694 sponsored by David Obey and cosponsored by, among others, Barney Frank, James McGovern and Henry Waxman—all supposed “liberal” Democrats. Now that’s pretty scary too.

  • 911 was a state-orchestrated event brought down at the highest levels of UK/US/ISRAELI intelligence under the direction of the controlling world financial oligarchy. purposes: 1. to scare the s**t out of the population in order to lubricate the removal of the constitution, personal freedom and civil liberties of all colours. 2. to enable the unchallenged invasion of once-sovereign states under false pretexes (wmd/911 etc) in order to remove possible military threats and secure the worlds major natural resources. 3. to enable the expansion of israel [or its influence) throughout the arabian peninsula.


    All of your irresponsible rhetoric is totally and completely falls apart by one single undeniable fact!

    George W. Bush will NOT be in office after the 2008 election.

    IF he has done ANY of the things that you believe, (WITHOUT ANY PROOF BYW.) that he has, it will all be brought to light then.

    I wonder if you will apologize to him then?

    You need to spend more time thinking and less time regurgitating this wacko drivel.

    Leonard Pickel

    • Is that really your name? I don’t smoke, period. But you seem to have been taking in a great deal of that shit known as AMM (American Mass Media). That stuff is proved to rot the brain and destroy any ability to discriminate between truth and lies, reality and fantasy. Just a little reality now and again can have an invigorating effect on your brain. And if you don’t want to face the reality of Bush’s America (just see what has been revealed in the last month), then I wish you good luck. You’re going to need it!

    • Undeniable fact? What if, under the pretext of some engineered national crisis, a state of martial law is declared and the 22nd amendment is removed?

      You can name-call all you like, but if you blindly, unquestioningly accept the words of the incorrigible liars that are politicians, then you are the one who is full of wacko drivel.

      Never forget Operations Northwoods, the now declassified plan by US Joint Chiefs of Staff to engineer mass terror as a pretext for war with Cuba in the 1960s.

  • Lots to be frightened about.

    Eric Margolis [send him mail], contributing foreign editor for Sun National Media Canada has an idea about what to do about it.

    In 1980, the US and Britain engineered Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran in an attempt to crush its new revolutionary Islamic government. That war inflicted nearly one million casualties on Iran. President Ahmadinejad led volunteers in the war.

    Saddam should face trial for his many crimes, but in a proper legal venue, under full western and international law. The trial should be moved at once to the UN tribunal at the Hague. A fair trial will establish an important international legal precedent.
    Dead dictators tell no tales. If allowed to fully testify, Saddam would reveal the whole sordid story of America’s long, intimate collaboration with his regime, and how the U.S. and British governments of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher encouraged, armed and financed Iraq to invade Iran.

    1 http://www.prosefights.org/larryeverest/larryeverest.htm
    2 http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=2292
    3 http://www.proseights.org/buehlerpayne/buehlerpayne.html
    4 http://www.jya.com/nsasuit.txt
    or http://www.prosefights.org/cibolafraud/nsasuit.txt
    5 http://www.aci.net/kalliste/speccoll.htm
    6 http://biphome.spray.se/laszlob/cryptoag/buehler-tape.htm
    7 http://www.prosefights.org/baltimoresun/shanebowman.htm