by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 14 March 2006

Wars and conflicts International USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

March 14, 2006

Years ago, in Central Park, a young woman was jogging when a gang of thugs waylaid her. They beat her, then raped her, and stole whatever she had of value. They felt victorious and gleefully encouraged their companions to rape her again. A truly jolly crew.

They were eventually brought to justice, but meanwhile no jogger felt safe.

There is an analogous situation with the Bush cabinet and Iraq. The Bush thugs waylaid Iraq, beat the crap out of her, then proceeded to rape her and steal whatever she had of value.

I wonder if the Central Park bullies justified their action by the fact that the victim was scantily clad and therefore was probably intending some evil act of sexual nature toward men.

Certainly the Bushites justified their actions by allegation of evil intentions, such as when little Condi hissed visions of mushroom clouds and vast devastation imminent while Dick Cheney snarled at the massive Weapons of Mass Destruction that he saw in every Iraqi house or mosque.

Donald Rumsfeld prepared the many tons of high explosive in shock and awe, to satisfy his blood-lust and dreams of glory. George Bush performed his war dance hourly upon every form of media he could intrude his lying propaganda.

And no one dared question him.

For fundamentalist Christians, evil is forever lurking and must be combated with prayer and good deeds, or in the case of Iraq, by seeking out an evil leader and replacing him with another ignorant but Christian thug who he says he loves Jesus and thereby justifies any action as the ends, for them, does justify the means. Very persuasive for superstitious followers that wish to renounce the world for entrance to their heaven.

The difference with the jogger scene is that the Bushites are still raping Iraq, stealing whatever valuables or dignity it may have, and setting up huge bases and embassy while planning the rape of nearby Iran and Syria, and any other nation of the Americas that dares to interfere with their vicious bullying.

They intend the permanent aggressive raping of nearby nations.

They gleefully recite their daily victories and rape of their victim. They strut and swagger for their immoral violent actions, and congratulate themselves daily on their marvelous bullying.

They are preparing a repeat of their rape. Due to lack of imagination and to the success of the previous rape, they are using the same rhetoric as with Iraq. We hear little Condi reciting, while hissing hate, of the mushroom clouds hanging over all our heads. Little George daily recites the fable that he is protecting us, and needs to send missiles and bunker buster bombs to safeguard our “democracy.”

Little Dick and Donald and Karl snarl their way to death and destruction, on their way to dominating the world. Bad-tempered Bolton, the world’s worst “ambassador” continues to sabotage any attempt at reconciliation to please his boss. They all seem to relish the sight of blood and devastation, as long as it does not personally reach out to them, because it will bring riches, glory and power to the anointed.

They daily exploit flag, country, patriotism, religion, and terror while supporting maximum profits for warmongers and corporate cronies. Their ignorant superstitious supporters are clueless, deaf, dumb and blind to the imperialistic dangers posed by a fascist corporate theocracy being installed presently under their very noses.

Tyranny does not seem to worry Bush supporters, as long as they can post their 10 Commandments in public places, hold public prayers, and grab on to the public moneys in the faith-based lunacy of G.W. B. Killing Muslims daily does not bother them, as heathen and infidels deserve killing.

They remain committed forever, fearing that their God has chosen Bush as his model Christian.

Bush and his gang are eerie hold-over of the 1500’s, with the Inquisition ready to spring forth and burn or drown its critics. It is really important to burn gays, witches, or disobedient children.

Raping Iraq still brings thrills to the Bush crowd. It is such fun to target- practice live Iraqis in their door-frames, run tanks through the walls, send missiles screaming at random and kill hundreds of innocent bystanders.

(Like college kids who behave nicely at home, they often go wild where no one knows them.)

The Bushites are not about to leave their victim, until some major force brings them to justice. Sometimes it appears that they are even raping their own country.

Ignorance knows no bounds. Gullible people are everywhere. A good con-artist can make a fine living almost anywhere in America.

Some even become President.

Forum posts

  • If only you were wrong, but the analogy fits them to a tee.

  • But the administration’s actions (however amoral and vile) benefits America, doesn’t it?

    • Pardon? Do you mean the whole country, or the elite fraction of a percent that is becoming obscenely rich and powerful?

      The problem with the analogy about college kids, is that they are behaving the same way at home, and their parents are indulgently saying: "It’s only their way!" I’m sure there are enough convenient trees and enough rope available in Washington to string up the whole bunch of bastards, including Congress, in one single mass lynching.