Home > Wake Up America: Congress Just Took Away Free Speech

Wake Up America: Congress Just Took Away Free Speech

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 15 March 2006

Democracy Parties USA

Every member of Congress swears an oath to uphold and defend The Constitution. They have violated that oath.

The First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law.. abridging the freedom of speech..

Congress just passed such a law: Section 602 of the new “Patriot” Act:

[It is against the law to] willfully and knowingly to enter or remain in any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of a building... with intent to impede or disrupt...

Violation of this section, and attempts or conspiracies to commit such violations, shall be punishable by 10 years, if injury results or weapon used (even a camera or cardboard sign), otherwise one year.

That’s a year or ten in jail for "disrupting" an event. Did you watch the last Democratic Convetion--- it was the democrats that had minders, delegates couldn’t have a homemade sign, pre-approved signs only. Next time if you have a "Bush Lied, 100,000 Died" sign, you could be arrested for 10 yrs- they really do claim that signs and cameras are weapons.

And did you catch that about "conspiring to commit" - there’s a headline - Congress passes thoughtcrimes in new "Patriot" Act. If you email a joke to a few friends about crashing a special event, they can lock you up. Not that they’ll do that to everyone, just the pesky news informers they want to silence.

Section 602 of the new "Patriot" Act clearly "abridges the freedom of speech" - period. There is no doubt about it, If you have an "undesirable" message, you can be arrested for disrupting the "event of special significance".

Read the First Amendment again.

Congress shall make no law.. abridging the freedom of speech.

Congress just made such a law. They broke their oath!

Wake Up America!
Congress Just Took Away Free Speech.

Congress Just Took Away Free Speech.
Congress Just Took Away Free Speech.

This is an act of Treason.

How do We the People deal with
Treason committed by a large body of public officials?



Forum posts

  • Yes, that’s what’s so insane. Congressional TREASON! The millions of us who are ashamed and furious must write our Senators and Congresspeons, daily. Phone their local offices as often as we can. Write to our local newspapers and the big, grey media boys at the Times and the Post, etc... Call them, haunt them and demand accountability. Darkness is falling. Fight back.

    • Tried that - they’re looking out for their own asses and don’t give a flying you-know-what about us or what we want or the future of this country. Be prepared and God help us.