by Open-Publishing - Saturday 18 March 2006

Media-Network Governments USA

http://abc.go.com/site/contactus.html Needless to say, the warhawks and Bushistas are trying to flood ABC with negative messages about the James Spader monologue on Boston Legal. They are out to make sure the speech never appears in reruns.
If you agreed with the speech, if you applaud the stand for the Constitution expressed in the show, if you want to encourage mainstream media to finally exercise their role as watchdog on government abuse, even if it is in a drama, then YOU NEED TO WRITE IN AND SUPPORT THE SHOW.

Boston Legal is under attack for the courage they showed in last week’s episode. Left unchallenged, the manufactured email flood will at best silence the show, at worst drive it off of the air. If Boston Legal is "punished" for speaking out, what other shows will dare follow?

Now is the time to prove James Spader’s character wrong; that We The People DO care about what is going on, and we are capable of acting in our own best interests.

Send a message.

Do it now.

I’ll wait.

UPDATE: Some of you have written in, many of you have NOT. Please take a moment to let ABC know how much you appreciated the courage that Boston Legal has shown.

If you respect the message, you must protect the messenger.

Forum posts

  • Will do, and yes I agree with the speech. Maybe this is what it will take to wake people up to what is happening to this country and the people in it.

    I should have said "the American Citizen"

  • I find Boston Legal to be entertaining for its boldness and its fearless handling of issues. As for Spader’s recent monologue, I’m sure the furor would be even stronger if it had been supportive of our current administration. All Spader was saying is what the majority of Americans would say, if they had the gifted writers that Boston Legal has.