Home > What Next?In case of total collapse, is there an alternative?

What Next?In case of total collapse, is there an alternative?

by Open-Publishing - Monday 27 March 2006
1 comment

Movement Democracy Governments USA

Everyone seems to think they have the solution, yet no alternative plans have been announced and no details emerge as to what this agenda they have is, however there is a plan known as PNAC that most of these neoconservatives (in want for a better definition, I will use my own, unethical stance that they are only right, with their trust us, have we ever let you down easy yet; cavalier, elitist, arrogant unmanly ballistic mayhem of _delusional doublespeak., (yet I regress.)) subscribe to, and after reading PNAC,if this doesn’t scare the “bejonkers” out of you, I don’t know what will... Personally with a feeble mind as mine, I wander if there is a solution that could unwind the web of deceit that has been cast over us by these vampiristic creations of bloodsuckers that have derailed all illusions of democracy at home, in their effort to expand their doublespeak democracy around the globe.

My view of politicians; if they have the desire to run, they are probably too unintelligent to lead and that if that isn’t the case then they are probably only after greed and control. In my limited lifetime, I have seen this proven over and over, if only to myself. Therefore I conclude that my theory must be somewhat correct when I debate my alter-ego, my compassionate conservative side that we all tend to embrace in solitude. You know the one that comes out when you think of the good things we grew up with and how we always want to be able to revisit these memories of time. Yes, poor people may not enjoy the luxuries in life but we do have memories of love.

In retrospect, I read an article where the Libyan president said theirs is the only true democracy in the world, I donut know, I haven’t been there, nor do I know anyone who has. I do know we have a United States resident who goes on the publics airwaves and tells us how he wants to promote his doublespeak democracy around the globe and establish US domination in the capitol markets, which is fine and dandy to me if we play fair achieving this dominance and if his idea of democracy weren’t that I pay no attention to public polls, I endorse no international illegal means to be held accountable for torturing anyone whom I deem fit to be an enemy in mine eye imperialistic. I am to be judged by no one attitude will not spare him to upcoming war crime tribunals that the perpetrators will face either on earth or in heaven, the choice is still ours, but believe you me, the true enemy combatants will be judged soon here on earth or in Gods court. But enough about my opinions of the current traitors in the white house, and donut think I am here endorsing the democratic conspirators who are laying back like a coiled rattler awaiting their chance to strike and assume these oh so democratic claims of power bush delusional thinks he has created. Buddy fyi george walker bush jr, this isn’t a dictatorship no matter how much you want it to be, and you are a traitor to the united states of America, and we are mad as hell, and we aint gonna take it no more to paraphrase from the prophetic satirical “Network” piece of art movie decades ago.
My how thinking about our current atrocity that call themselves the government will truly make me want to rant on endlessly, but since you have bourn with me thus far, I will try and get back to providing my idea of a realistic government that would work for me as a democracy and one that I think would work for all of us. Bear in mind, I am not saying this is complicit in the scope of what could take place, I am merely issuing an idea for a rational starting point of returning our once great nation back to its original constitutional intent that America would welcome the downtrodden and help us all find an honest chance of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which isn’t an easy task no matter how rich, how educated, how pure we each may think we are.
Going back to my original theorem that anyone with the desire and will power needed to run under current day demands would have to be either too unintelligent to lead effectively, or too greedy for control of industry and might, (I’m sure there are many well intentioned also) but lets reflect, and try and find solutions that wouldn’t be so vehemently devoted to winning the most popular presented candidate and work on directions that could be more random, but also possibly more competently executed form of government that is actually by the people for the people, not for the few leaders of corporations who enslave us all, whether we have admitted this to ourselves yet or not. So when the inevitable happens and a country hell-bent on domination through sheer power and control of every aspect of the public to even make a choice, whom seemingly are determined to mortgage the very seaports and national parks we have all prided ourselves in, and squander all these resources for what amounts to welfare for the elite, their should be an alternative other than martial law in a democracy. I mean come on would there be terrorists if there weren’t repressive people in power.

You might not totally end terrorism but by building everyone a secure dwelling and helping them find a decent paid job that they are capable of doing, that benefits each and every one of us, and this is not unattainable. I think it would reduce terrorism drastically and could be done for less than a quarter of what worldwide governments spend on so called defense, in most cases it is for offense. We get close throughout time, and despots and usurps always try to seize these times and restrict the rights of people to choose, a God given right. We are on this earth for who knows why, but one thing I have learned is the choices we encounter every day of our lives, should be no one else’s to make other than our own, whether we choose wrong or choose right. People are going to make mistakes and no mistake goes unpunished before God almighty long, you may go your whole life and live to a ripe old age, but there is an eternity, you all know this in your gut, and yes there is a hell fire, and yes some people willingly sell out so they can assume these positions of power and try and attempt to suppress every one else’s opinions but their own. Usually in my life it doesn’t take too many foolish decisions on my part before karma or whatever you want to call the little nuances in life that seem to pop us and remind us we aren’t all we think we are without the help of a creator take me down a notch .

Call me naïve, don’t call me an extremists because simple facts throughout time reveal there are always plenty of living atheists, but when studied, very few die that way. In short the creator revealed himself to me as giving me a savior through Jesus Christ, and a mission to help spread his message of love mercy and forgiveness and faith that Jesus was buried for all my transgressions and sins and anyone else who truly believes. I truly believe this with every last ounce of my soul and heart, please don’t mock me here let me finish; this is truly a wonderful state of being when you are in tune with your soul. I highly recommend you try it, with belief that this will save you and a desire to live with love and compassion. But for being naïve enough to allow myself to tell someone else they are wrong in their beliefs is just beyond my belief, I am not going to tell you that my creator couldn’t be the same creator who may have revealed himself to you in some other form, or who may not have chosen to reveal himself to you at all yet: or that he didn’t. These are mysteries beyond my imagination or power to reason.

Just for starters on my ideals, would go something like this: I see allowing as representatives of congress, two from each state, who would serve much shorter terms and only 1 term, either limit them to 6 months or 3 month terms and 2 senators with the same terms. Hey this way even if we wind up with 200 representatives who in my opini

on are totally psychotic like we have now, how much damage could they do trying to implement the peoples will and needs from a society that governors should attempt to provide in 6 months time? I would also like to see the basic law of Magna Carta followed along with our original Constitution and Bill Of Rights returned, repealing every other law and excluding no one from having a voice in democracy no matter what their crime they are charged with. Then the downsized government elected congressional and senate officials could win the election by a true random selection, every citizen over a certain age, would have their names drawn from a lottery, hand picked, I like the odds of fair representation like this more so than relying on someone who is spending millions of dollars trying to obtain a 160000 dollar a year job.

Draw four names from each state 2 to 4 times a year, have centers set up in each state where people with special needs send in their ideas and adopt policy so that government takes into account these special needs or determines it a fraudulent need after they all debate. It would then be the job of congress to assemble these requests and address the legitimate needs through enacting legislation to atone for the needs of the people. In this model of my ideal utopian government the senates job would be to coordinate with the state work centers where the ideas sent in from people would be organized for the next congress to come in and debate, and after the congress that is serving at the same time is done debating the issues before them and vote on their recommended laws to implement , then the senate would also have short debate and vote whether to send this new law if they all agree to the executive branch, which would be restructured and instead of voting for presidents we could allow all college junior classes to determine what they would attempt to do if their schools senior class were elected as the Executive Branch, if their idea for direction is elected they will fill the managerial tasks of overseeing the departments of legitimate government needs, like a limited defense system, the education system, the safety net system that insures that no one goes hungry , or that none can be thrown out into the streets to defend for themselves, you know the basic needs for survival are met. If and when any citizen asks service from a department like this , that he will be trained to do something constructive to help others. Very few of us are helpless and with a fair system in place that wouldn’t allow anyone to be needlessly thrown away when we could all help each other.

Would this simplistic idea help? An alternative is needed, we are going broke, they are selling our jobs, they are selling our national parks, they are confiscating our lands, they are building detention facilities, they are wreaking havoc around the world representing yours and mine names, they are not only attempting to build weapons of mass destruction, they are dispersing them, poisoning us all whether you realize it yet or not. Depleted uranium is just a nice way of saying deadly needless waste utilized to kill kill kill and maim for life. It’s radioactive and has a half-life of billions of years. I concede this is merely a simplistic model and I am not naïve enough to say there are no legitimate reasons to be concerned about harm. It happens no matter how many precautions we take, most parents see harm come to their children: whether it’s their hurt feelings, broken arms, illness or any other everyday life occurrence that happens. This world because of mans mistakes are seeing natural phenomena that will destroy us all unless we all join together and science isn’t suppressed along with information of news. Secrecy is akin to Satanism, and yes goats are their symbol.

I am truly sorry if I have offended anyone, and I truly don’t expect anything to change, but wouldn’t it be nice if we did find a utopian government that focused on everyone’s needs instead of big business only? Mind you this is only my idea of a starting point to think about , if as reality looks to me, these irresponsible men and women in our government default our country over to the creditors , seems to be real terror to me, yawl have a good day and keep the faith, we prevail in the end, I read the script.


Forum posts

  • Do you want a plan for defense against terrorism? It’s called the second amendment to the United States constitution, it’s the same approach as Iraqi citizens are taking against the evil of axis the Amerikkkan government under the leadership of george walker bush jr the shadow government led by george herbert walker bush and the idiotic governments around the world that these psychotic mass murderers have convinced to go along with their sadistic morals and enlist in the coalition for world dominance through fear and the strong military preemptive strike capability that we harbour over other law abiding countries heads. call a spade a spade , whether its your own country or not, i ALONG WITH MANY MILLION OTHER AMERICAN CITIZENS SINCERELY APOLOGIZE TO THE WORLD FOR OUR PSYCHOTIC LEADERS WHO SOMEHOW SEIZED CONTROL OF OUR GOVERNMENT AND HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF RELEASING CONTROL OF OUR MILITARY AND TREASURY RESERVES. SOS PLEASE!!!!!!!