by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 28 March 2006

Democracy USA Sports

The George Mason Patriots have stunned the world of college basketball by advancing to the Final Four NCAA basketball men’s basketball championship semifinals.... Who was George Mason ? He is frequently known in the history books as the "Father of the Bill of Rights", the first ten ammendments of the United States Constitution ..... Those ammendments specifically enumerated those inviolable rights guarenteed each citizen of this Republic .... Owing to the efforts of those two crude Texas ruffians Mr. Mason’s contribution to our nation , as well The Republic, lie in rubble...... The ruffians seek the fool’s gold of Empire . An Empire can not be born and later administered by the cumbersome process outlined by our nation’s founding document.... A military strongman who rules by imperial decree are a necessity.... In such a system the indivisual is sublimated to the level of a mere cog , slaves to the State.... And machine parts have no human rights . They are to be used and discarded when they no longer have utility to the new God , the State (aka Fatherland" orHomeland’ )..... The current insanity will have to play itself out - and it won’t be pretty....The circuit breakers placed within the founding charter ( balance of powers , the bill of rights, impeachment of a tyrannical executive) are not being employed.... The Jellyfish Bloc , that ever so loyal `Opposition’ , refuse to step up to the plate.... The press have been completely debauched.. The American people are fed a steady diet of "junk-news" by cup-cake "reporter-ettes" and zombified "ken dolls" . Their loyalty to the State and it’s imperial war machine are as total as Goebel’s adoration of der Fuhrer. ..... The Supreme Court has been despoiled by fascist-jurists named Scalia , Alito , Roberts and that mute "justice", Clarence " Step - in fetch it " Thomas. .... The escape valves have been shut off ....