by Open-Publishing - Monday 24 April 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson

Why George Can’t Fire Donald

By Peter Fredson

April 24, 2006

People have wondered why Bush will not fire his Pentagon friend, Donald Rumsfeld. Some ascribe it to loyalty, to stubbornness, or to his absolutist mentality. Some believe that Rumsfeld knows where too many bodies are buried, and that firing him might force some leakage to occur. He was with Bush during his campaigns and knows what promises were made, to whom, and what inducements were offered.

If ever a Deep Throat could reveal embarrassing secrets it certainly is Rumsfeld, not to mention his colleagues Rove, Wolfowitz, Cheney and a half dozen others. If George won’t fire Donald it is understandable for many reasons. I don’t know.

But, let me take a different tack, instead of WON’T let me try CAN’T.

Bush CAN’T fire Rumsfeld because of many reasons.

1. The Bushites still are trying for world domination and Rumsfeld is a vital link to preemptive, nuclear and other savage means of gaining illicit wealth and power, so Bush can’t fire Rumsfeld without discarding all his neocon ideology and neocon friends. Bush still has 3 years in which to use his army, spies, Special Forces, fifth columnists, tactical nuclear devices, missiles, pilotless planes, propaganda, destablizers, etc. and would not like to “retire” without another shot at fame and glory as a noble warrior.

2. The Bushites are still playing with the idea of invading Iran and Syria to gain petroleum deposits and bases from which to threaten and dominate the entire Middle East. Despite all denials from the entire Bush cabinet the idea of seeking a good pretext for regime change in Iran is still on the table, with clever War College people drawing up plans for a power grab by various means.

The rhetoric and lies by which the Bushites found a pretext to invade Iraq is being repeated daily, nearly word for word, with mushroom clouds and weapons of mass destruction portrayed by Bush and Condi to instill terror into the hearts of True Believers in Crawford or Podunk. Bush needs Donald at the Pentagon to help augment the propaganda and scare his True Believers into panic.

3. Farther fetched is the claim that Bush will not “retire” but will declare martial law, asserting grave imminent terror and cease all elections, declaring himself “President for Life” like many other petulant and impatient dictators have done. If so, he will need all the military might at his disposal and Donald would be a key player in putting down any civil disorder or insurrection.

4. But there is certainly something afoot that could change the face of world power. Bush and his cabinet have no compunction, as everyone knows, in using dirty tactics to achieve their goals. For them, the end does justify the means. Any means, no matter how vile, have been considered by the Bushites. They would rather sneak, skulk, misdirect, spin intelligence, spy, preempt and flaunt any law than act like most normal presidents.

Bush, his Pentagon associates, his Special Forces commanders, and a team led by Rumsfeld have been plotting secret command operations which can operate anyplace in the world. The ostensible reason is to “fight terrorism”, but the actual reason is to gain intelligence, destabilize regimes, seek pretexts for involvement, in tasks which previously were given to the CIA and the State Department. There will be no “Mr. Nice Guy.”

The secret operations and Commando units are fully prepared for destruction, destabilization, regime change, helping insurrections against people Bushites don’t like, dirty tactics, and the use of any and all weapons, like tactical nuclear arms, pilotless planes, spying equipment on any government in the world, missiles, bribery, and even assassination. The Pentagon will spend billions of dollars to train and operate surreptitious these secret groups.

Some will be sent to U.S. embassies, but will not be under control of ambassadors in their operations. From that secure base they will infiltrate any government Bush feels is need of change and will conduct surreptitious and destructive missions which will favor U.S. control of the area. Using secret operations for dirty tricks would be more effective than having expensive bases in foreign countries and would be more in keeping with the Bush strategy.

All of this elaborate façade of covert operations will be explained by Bushites as necessary for the “Global War on Terror.” Bush is at war with the world, and considers that his divine mission is to dominate that world. There is much more to be explained by Bushites but their penchant for secrecy is more resolute than Bush’s penchant for favorable leaks.

This could be one reason why Bush CAN’T fire Donald. All the elaborate plans of the Bushites to control the world would be trashed if Donald should do any leaking about the plans or refuse to carry out his part of the conspiracy to infiltrate world governments and rearrange their attitudes toward the U.S.

All of this would be so secret that it is off the books. It will be free from annoying laws and legislators, because our Emperor does not have to consult with any one, obey any laws, or respect the Constitution. Senators, like Warner, will bow and scrape to his every whim and will, and after some sputtering will acquiesce in any shenanigans in order to keep their perks, positions, and pensions.

There may be other motives for the strange behavior of our petulant, impatient, carefree, swaggering President who is at War with the World.

I’m open to suggestions.

Forum posts

  • Peter, I would love to write you off as paranoid, don’t know what your talking about, ect. However, that would be a republican tactic...You are correct, unfortunately, he cannot fire the Donald for all the reasons you mention. Besides, nobody "quits" the MOB, do they?

    • YEs, that might be one of the reasons. The Bush administration, despite the nice suits and ties, are mobsters, Cosa Nostra thugs, who will act without reason to defend their wealth, power and prerogatives.