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Racist UK-US democratic tyranny, "free market", "drug patent rights" & African HIV/AIDS catastrophe

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 10 May 2006

Discriminations-Minorit. Books-Literature USA UK History

Of course, unlike the situation in the 19th century, the democratic West is now politically correct (PC) and eschews explicit racism. Kurtz’s assertion of "exterminate all the brutes" in Joseph Conrad’s African novel "Heart of Darkness" was acceptable back in circa 1900 when it was first published in an explicitly racist Britain. Western intellectuals armed with Darwin’s "Origin of Species" justified racist colonial impositions in terms of "survival of the fittest" (i.e. those with guns). Even ostensibly "liberal" H.G. Wells in his "Outline of History" commented sadly on the "inevitability" of the (asserted) extermination of the Tasmanian aborigines.

Sven Lindqvist’s outstanding book "Exterminate All the Brutes" (Granta Books, London, 2002) analyzes the 19th - 20th century racist Western European "social Darwinist" attitudes that were used to "justify" genocidal colonial excesses and ultimately led to the Jewish Holocaust and the horrendous German invasion of Poland and Russia for "lebensraum" (living space) - the Nazis simply did to Jews (6 million victims) and Slavs (20 million Russian war dead, 6 million Polish dead) what the Western European colonialists had already done in North America, South America and Australia.

Racist Western European colonists seeking lands suitable for Western European agriculture seized huge swathes of the TEMPERATE world from indigenous owners in the 19th century but this involved extermination of the non-European inhabitants. American Indians were ordered out of their residual lands East of the Mississippi and the West was "won" by a genocidal US Army; the indigenous Australian aborigines were substantially exterminated by introduced disease, deprivation and violent genocide (the population dropping from about 1 million to 0.1 million in a century); and millions of indigenous Indians were exterminated by horrendous genocide in Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.

Now HIV/AIDS and First World greed are doing to Southern Africa what horrendous colonial violence and genocide failed to do in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Southern and Eastern Africa ultimately represented a "failure" for genocidal Western European colonialism. For a variety of reasons Western colonists failed to exterminate the indigenous inhabitants of the temperate, Western agriculture-compatible lands of Southern Africa and the highlands of Kenya - however this was not for want of TRYING. In the 1904-1907 the Germans practised horrendous genocide on the Hereros and Namas of South West Africa (Namibia), the Herero population dropping from about 80,000 to 15,000. In the 19th and 20th century, other indigenous peoples were violently driven from their lands in Southern Africa on a huge scale.

In the post-1950 era the Portuguese, White Rhodesians and the British put down indigenous resistance with horrenous violence as revealed by the following figures for the following countries: Angola (1956-1974, armed resistance; 1975-2002, US- and South Africa-backed UNITA insurgency; 1955-2005 excess mortality 8.5 million); Kenya (1952-1960 emergency: 0.3 million Kikuyu held in concentration camps, 1 million held in enclosed villages, 0.1 million killed or died in custody, overall excess mortality 1.1 million); Mozambique (1964-1975, Frelimo-Portugal war, excess mortality 2.1 million; 1981-1992, war against South African-, White Rhodesian- and (secretly) Anglo-American-backed Renamo terrorism, excess mortality 2.5 million); Zimbabwe (1965-1980, war against South Africa- and (secretly) British-backed White Minority regime; 1 million homeless; 1965-1980, 25,000 killed, excess mortality 0.7 million).

Nevertheless Southern Africans and East Africans were ultimately NOT exterminated, the colonialists and their Anglo-American backers were defeated and left, and Anglo-American-backed minority regimes collapsed (albeit with replacement by greivously incompetent and corrupt indigenous regimes). However the instatiable desire of the First World - notably the US - for RESOURCES means that the pressure is STILL ON indigenous African inhabitants and Southern and East Africa are CURRENTLY undergoing a form of GENOCIDE from HIV/AIDS - while the World looks on.

In the post-1950 era racist Britain largely withdrew from its colonies. In the 1970s Afro-Americans finally got to eat in formerly "Whites-only" restaurants. Post-colonial and post-"civil rights campaigning" "politically correct racism" (PC racism) meant that the UK and the US can no longer say "exterminate all the brutes" and have to give lip-service to non-racism both domestically and internationally. PC racism involves simultaneously DENYING racism while being COMPLICIT in racist human rights abuses (e.g. most seriously, the deadly invasion and occupation of remote, non-threatening countries). However "on the ground" the racism, violence and avoidable mass mortality is REAL and is best assessed by estimating AVOIDABLE MORTALITY (technically, EXCESS MORTALITY) which is the difference between the ACTUAL deaths in a country and the deaths EXPECTED for a decently-run, peaceful country with the same demorgaphics) (see: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpo... and http://globalavoidablemortality.blo...).

Racist UK-US democratic imperialism (democratic tyranny, democratic Nazism, UK-US state terrorism) is the "politically-correct’ (PC) successor to the "old-style" racist, jingoistic imperialism. Thus in the current Bush Wars (the War on Terror but actually in reality a War on Women and Children), the post-invasion avoidable deaths due to the Coalition now total 2.7 million, comprising 0.5 million (Occupied Iraq), 1.8 million (Occupied Afghanistan) and 0.4 million (post-2001 opioid drug-related deaths due to Coalition restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry) and the cost to the US is estimated at US$1-2 TRILLION (see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5489/42/.

According to “Layperson’s guide to counting Iraq deaths” (see MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5872/26/ ), (a) “under-5 infant mortality” in “bad outcome” Third World countries is numerically about 0.7 of the “avoidable mortality” and (b) under-5 infant mortality data for Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan and other Third World countries is regularly up-dated and reported by UNICEF (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/) - the TRUTH about Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and indeed the whole First World-dominated World is ONLY A CLICK AWAY.

The consequence of UK, US and First World "politically correct racism" (PC racism) is that the First World gets richer, First Worlders sleep well at night while there is horrendous mortality in Africa due to deprivation and particularly due to HIV/AIDS as outlined below.

The HIV/AIDS epidemic is particularly acute in Southern Africa, Central Africa and East Africa. Thus the percentage the population that is HIV positive (2003) (listed in descending order for the worst non-Arab African countries) is: 20.6% (Swaziland), 19.9% (Botswana), 17.9% (Lesotho), 14.1% (Zimbabwe), 11.9% (South Africa), 10.7% (Namibia), 8.6% (Zambia), 7.0% (Mozambique), 7.5% (Malawi), 6.8% (Central African Republic), 4.4% (Tanzania), 3.8% (Kenya), 3.7% (Burundi), 3.6% (Gabon), 3.5% (Côte d’Ivoire), 3.1% (Rwanda), 3.1% (Liberia), 2.9% (Nigeria), 2.4% (Congo, Brazzaville), 2.4% (Ethiopia), 2.4% (Chad), 2.3% (Togo), 2.1% (Congo, Zaire) and 2.1% (Uganda). French West African countries in general have fared much better than the rest.

"Politically correct racist" (PC racist) Anglo-American democratic imperialism (democratic tyranny, democratic Nazism, UK-US state terrorism) is killing millions of Africans through its ostensibly "reasonable" commitments to "the free market", "globalization" and "international patent rights" on anti-retroviral and other drugs.

Forum posts

  • 80% of the Black population is infected with AIDS. A desease hatched in the labs by the elite. Why? to rid Africa of the black population and claim the land. and for the pharma corp. to get rich selling their drugs. GO NEW WORLD ORDER THE GLOBAL ELITE. Amerika one party system to the ruling class. grow a brain you stupid FAT amerikans.

    • To the pidgin speaking wog:

      "A desease* hatched in the labs by the elite".

      *In English would be: disease

      Proof ?

    • AIDS started when some truck driver in Africa had sex with a monkey. Look it up !

  • Great Work! Thanks for the update!

    Excellent article with great research. Obviously some others who only read what "BOSS man" tells’em can only speak about the disfunctionality of their mind control programming. This is quite obvious from the comments they made. In fact serious research into these matters with a non biased stance is quite difficult because of the incredible control the global elitists are imposing on the medical fraud establishment, which is selling all kinds of medicines that are being "recalled" and people ARE dieing.

    So why is it so far fetched that HIV/AIDS is a manufactured form of elite sponsored BIO-terrorism running under the guise of a moneky related "human virus". The whole AIDS explanation has ringing simularities to the sham 9/11 story and the "TERRORISTS" that are "all muslims" sitting amazingly on "top of the LARGEST OIL reserves."

    Who would benifit from HIV/AIDS? Who would benifit from the OIL grab in the middle East. If these questions lead to the ANSWERS like "elite globalists" trying to sponsor their own hegemonic adgendas and fulfill their lust for control power and racist greed, then it ALL MAKES perfect SENSE.

    The only real proof in these types of things is that you see a large amount of slanted and biased information being SPONSORED now both by the governments, coroprations, and military industrial and medical complex, all brainwashed by the love of money, the fear of change, and the lack of vision and respect for the truth and human life in general, especially their own, and those that they can get away with exploiting.

    In addition it does not matter what the issue is that we are speaking of as much as what is spoken of it, in what way, and by whom and for WHOS benifit. Remember this when taking in information, if it does not leave the door open to form your own opinion from solid facts, non biased view points, or your personal sane preferences then the information is most likely a form of mind control eminating from the MATRIX programmed long ago to produce mind controlled slaves subservient to FEAR programming, and to dogma indoctrination.

    Just like those that work for the PSY ops branch of the brain dead that wrote the negative comments. They people have no spine, no respect for life, for they have and are the mind controlled of racist biased ideology of the mind control matrix. They are dangerous to the world, largely opperate using illiterate modalities of thinking, and follow the donut despensing paycheck master to get their doggie bowl of goodness and a pat on the head by their NEO-COnning leaders. They love to REPORT to their master like a good slave, have little self identity and identify with violence, emotional bigotry, self denial, and self defined regurgitated thinking processes which define their own racist, biased, and small minded selfs which DO NEED A MASTER to FOLLOW for their are the MENTAL slaves of a process that they accepted long ago.. in hopes of DOING SOMEONE ELSE who in fact could give a damn about them in a real and personal regard. Thats why the army is made up of poor and uneducated people who fight for the riches of the elitist children and their mind control programming families. All in all their system as they are is a FAILURE. It represents the outcome of their illogical thinking and their emotional immaturity, and mostly their lack of a REAL self identity which was taken from them by their mind control matrix training and dogma indoctrination. That my friends is the REAL SICKNESS of the world.

    Peace to all those that SEEK it and PRACTICE it.
    To those that don’t practice PEACE — start DePROGRAMMING your minds! NOW!

  • ...some remarks about Africans are pretty disgusting. Sex with chimps? Is it you Dick? 80% of the Africans are infected with aids? Nonsense! But the situation is bad.

    The African contingent has been abandoned by the rich Western countries and from time to time these richmen need to steal poormens resources, such as oil or metals to name a few.

    • Sorry if the truth hurts. Aids was caused by a virius non harmful to chimps, but lethal to humans. SOMEBODY made it available to people. You guess how.