by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 17 May 2006

Parties Elections-Elected Governments USA

The only way we can secure our borders is to pass an enforcement-only bill, and then see to it that it is actually enforced. Our nation’s security cannot be held hostage to the politics of amnesty any longer.

Fact is, 20 million people have invaded America, and no one, not even President Bush, knows a damn thing about any of them. Except, that is, those illegal aliens who are 29% of the inmate population in federal prisons.

Bush seems to believe that Hispanic migrants are above the law, and due a presumption of ’goodness,’ owing to a mystical ’good-hearted, hard-working’ gene, no longer found in most American workers.

Democrats are salivating at the prospect of millions more of low wage earners who will likely be compelled to use the generous social services being provided to illegal aliens now by taxpayers. They will be Democrat voters. Rank and file Republicans are scratching their heads at this giveaway of political advantage to the Democrats. However, elite, influential contributors to the Republican politicians are calling the tune and insisting on an endless flow of low wage earners.

Polls are consistently showing that over seventy percent of Americans do not want amnesty. Americans want closed borders and enforcement of the laws we have now. President Bush will likely not have to face these voters again, but all other Republican candidates will, Democrats will. They have been hearing a consistent message from their constituencies: build the wall, arrest those hiring illegal aliens, no amnesty for the border crashers already here. However, hoping to get some support, the pro-amnesty elites looked to the president to make his/their case to the American people.

The American people no longer trust the leaders of either party to make an earnest effort to enforce the law when it comes to stopping the corruption of illegal immigration.


Forum posts

  • The whole immigration issue is a smoke screen! It deflects attention from Iraq and Iran. It places troops on our border. I wonder......does a wall keep thing out or does it keep things in?

    You say that 20 million people invaded America. I doubt they could get that many people on the Mayflower.

  • Most Mexicans that come here wind up voting Republican, not Democrat. It is the same for ALL UNEDUCATED poor people. They are easily swayed by nationalistic fervor and scapegoating. That is why he’d like them to stay. He is pandering to the other half of his base.