Home > Democratic tyranny & media lying re 1.8 million Afghan War deaths & (…)

Democratic tyranny & media lying re 1.8 million Afghan War deaths & Australia, Bush, Blair betrayal

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 21 May 2006

Wars and conflicts Governments USA Australia

Australian Prime Minister Howard is touring the world carrying a message of blind loyalty to the Bush Administration and unrelenting support ("stay the course") for the criminal Bush Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mainstream Media have reported the honours lavished on Howard by the war criminal Bush Administration and the extreme right-wing minority Canadian Harper Government (which has recently extended the Canadian presence in Occupied Afghanistan despite majority popular opposition).

In an attempt to redress outrageously dishonest Anglo-American, Canadian and Australian Mainstream Media lying by omission over these matters, the following letter was distributed to media and others around the world (the silence is deafening):

Dear Sir,

In reporting Bush and Canadian PM Harper fawning over extreme right-wing, war-mongering, union-bashing Australian PM Howard, mainstream media may have omitted to report the following:

(a) US, Canadian and Australian complicity in post-invasion avoidable deaths and under-5 infant deaths in Occupied Afghanistan totalling 1.8 million and 1.4 million, respectively (UN data; passive genocide violating the Geneva Conventions and the Convention for Rights of the Child) [1],

(b) post-2001 opiate drug deaths totalling 1,600 (Australia), 3,000 (Canada), 3,200 (UK) and 50,000 (US) due to Coalition restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry [2], and

(c) illegal US$250 million Australian wheat sales kick-backs funding of the Saddam Hussein régime - cheating US and Canadian farmers, robbing the UN Oil-for-Food funds, depriving and killing up to 21,000 Iraqi infants, funding the post-invasion insurgency (according to staunchly pro-US Australian Opposition Leader Kim Beazley) and betraying American, Australian and Coalition soldiers in the field [3].

The Australian Howard Government still denies knowing about the illegal Australian Wheat Board (AWB) funding of Saddam Hussein - however effectively everyone else with an interest knew from the middle 1990s that such bribery was required for trade with Iraq. Echelon-informed US and UK intelligence must have known and indeed in 2000 the Canadians alleged Australian corruption - if Bush and Blair knew, then they betrayed their people, their Coalition allies and their soldiers in the field.


[1] http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5489/42/ , http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5872/26/

[2] http://mwcnews.net/content/view/185... , http://www.countercurrents.org/us-p...

[3] http://mwcnews.net/content/view/6390/26/

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya

Melbourne, Australia

(see: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpo...

and http://globalavoidablemortality.blo... )

Forum posts

  • Are you joking! The Anglo/American coalition does whatever they want ot civlians. They can’t commit crimes! They bringing freedom and democracy - in the bitter form of dead - to Afghanistan and Iraq.

    These people are just out of mind!!!

    Someday we have to make a decision in order to fight these "freedom bringing" nations.

    • These "freedom bringing" nations and their industrial and military powers are agents acting on behalf of an external, even more sinister force. Look to the tail wagging the US military dog, and you have the answer.