Home > Classic Right Wing Responses

Classic Right Wing Responses

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 20 June 2006

Movement Wars and conflicts Democracy Governments USA

Someone (it wasn’t Elvis) once said "There are none so blind as those who will not see"


I have a really good Conservative friend who has a good mind except when it comes to politics, and then his mind tends to freeze, his eyes glaze and all reasoning goes out the window. Here, in nutshells,are some of his typical responses to assertions made by me againt the Bush administration.

Cheney is a war profiteer and has a terrible voting record in the Senate.
RESPONSE: (he shows me a Cheney biography written by some GOP staffer which praises Dick to the hilt,saying he has had a "distinguished" career.) My friend says he’s heard Cheney speak and thinks he sounds like "a nice guy"

Bush lied us into war.
RESPONSE: There’s no hard evidence of that. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true (er, false).

Bush has broken the law by enabling and supporting National wiretapping.
RESPONSE: We must stay vigilant. How else can Bush keep us safe?

The Bush administration is guilty of many unethical actions and outright crimes, including: Loosening pollution laws, allowing inroading in National Parks, cutting VA benefits and medical coverage, avoiding serious fining of corporate heads who hire illegals, permitting certain "acceptable" torture methods, rendering prisoners to unnamed prisons in foreign lands to be tortured, giving the OK to operation of our ports by foreign companies,etc,etc, etc,
RESPONSE: If these charges were valid as you claim, this administration would have been put out of power or arrested or both..long ago.

Our Constitutional rights are being slowly and surely eradicated and/or reduced by this heinous government, and the Republican majority isn’t lifting a finger to stop it.
RESPONSE: We’re "at war" and we must give up some of our rights to stay free.

The Iraq war was orchestrated and promoted by the Neocons for control of oil (among other things)
RESPONSE: Our corporations don’t need to go overseas to make money, they can make plenty right here at home! Also, if they need oil they can buy it on the open market. (yes, I know...I found this answer totally absurd!)

I did think of buying this psychologically "blinded" friend a pair of special "specs", but in the end I just decided to walk away, shaking my head in disbelief.