Home > War On Terror A Losing Game

War On Terror A Losing Game

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 25 June 2006

Wars and conflicts International Attack-Terrorism Canada-Québec


War On Terror A Losing Game
By Michael Harris
June 23, 2006

What will it take to persuade this government that our military deployment in Afghanistan is a disaster for Canada?

Stephen Harper bristles at the very notion of seriously debating this doomed mission.

But the president of the country we are supposed to be "securing" sees it differently. Afghanistan’s president, Hamid Karzai, says that the recent deaths of 600 Afghans in the so-called war on terror is "unacceptable."

He wants the international community to rethink its strategy of hunting down terrorists and collecting scalps and to start dealing with the roots of terrorism. No wonder. Far from discouraging terrorists, the mission in Afghanistan has inspired the Taliban and created a dangerous militancy in tribal Pakistan. That’s why Karzai wants us to put down our guns and put on our thinking caps.

You would have thought that we might have come to that conclusion on our own. In fact, the 100 top foreign policy analysts in the United States have done so in spades.

According to Foreign Affairs magazine, a blue ribbon group of bipartisan foreign affairs experts in the U. S. view the war on terror as a disaster measured against its own aims.

The group, which includes a former secretary of state, ex-heads of both the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, and former military commanders believes that the war on terror has actually made terrorism much worse because President Bush and his advisers have adopted a totally unrealistic view of what they can accomplish with threats and force. They also conclude that with the utter failure of Homeland Security, the next 9/11 is virtually assured in America.

If the experts of both political stripes have it right is there any wonder that the global image of the U.S. has plummeted even in those countries closely allied with the Americans. Just consider the list compiled by the Pew Research Center: Spain, Russia, Indonesia and Turkey, where only 12% of those polled had a positive image of the U.S. And while George Bush tries to convince the world that Iran is the greatest threat to world peace, the citizens in 13 out of the 15 countries polled said the real threat to the globe was the war in Iraq.

Here is what Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Center had to say about that: "When you get more people saying that the U.S. presence in Iraq is a threat to world peace as say that about Iran, it’s a measure of how much Iraq is sapping good will to the United States."

How could it be otherwise with the western values on display in this ugly war? The United States has replicated the old Soviet gulag system, with Abu Ghraib and various torture destinations around the world. Naked men tangled together like a heap of worms while some sadist took snaps for posterity. Murder charges against marines accused of executing a disabled man. Fake news stories put out by governments and occupying forces who do not enjoy the support of local populations. And now fresh allegations that marines may have executed 24 men, women and children out of battle rage.

The record is not much better back in the United States. For the first time in history, an American president has resorted to the warrantless wiretapping of his own citizens, a major step towards a police state. Sapped by the trillion dollar misadventure in Iraq, the U.S. government could not mount an effective rescue operation of its own citizens after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, all the worse because the event was easily predicted.

President Bush now has Americans so worked up about security that many of them want to wall up the southern border with Mexico.

Perhaps that is why Amnesty International recently reported that the relentless pursuit of security in the strongest nations has undermined human rights around the world: "Governments collectively and individually paralyzed international institutions and squandered public resources in pursuit of narrow security interests, sacrificed principles in the name of the ’war on terror’ and turned a blind eye to massive human rights abuses."

The culprits, according to the Amnesty report, were the United States, China and Russia.

I for one do not want to see my country added to that list.

Forum posts

  • Are the American terrorist fighting themselves now?

  • Terrorism is the cia mossad and mi5.

  • Mr. Harris can do himself, and a lot of hopelessly confused Americans, a huge favor by stop calling this deceitful war, a ’War on Terror’. When you use the language of the corrupt parasites who rule us, you allow them to control the debate & the agenda and you will lose to them before the debate has even begun. This war is nothing but the naked conquest of a formerly sovereign nation, a nation that never posed any threat to the US. Even Mr. Harris agrees with this statement. This war is nothing but the blatant, murderous take over of another country to control a large region of the world’s vast natural resources. Calling it anything else is a lie, and no one on God’s green earth can solve any problem when the solution is based on a lie. A solution based on lies is no solution, but a means of stalling, a means for those who want to continue with this war to do just that, complete the annexation of Iraq. Again, the war in Iraq is not a ’War on Terror’, it is a war of annexation.
    To call it anything else would be a lie. When you start confusing the facts with such fundamental lies, when you allow the war mongers to legitamize their intentions by blindly using their false use of our language, you achieve nothing but delusion, which is exactly what the vast majority of apathetic Americans are, deluded.
    The people who run our country, I include the Democrats as much as the Republicans, are deceitful, cunning liars who have fooled the American people into thinking that this war was all about safeguarding their lives, property and liberty. FAR FROM THE CASE. This war was all about taking a foreign people’s property, liberty and as many of their lives as possible in order to steal away what properly belongs to them. You can call Saddam Hussein a murdering tyrant, but just six years ago anyone, I repeat anyone, could walk the streets at night from one end of Baghdad to the other, without fear of being shot or bombed. That real freedom, the freedom of mobility has been gone ever since American forces invaded this long suffering land. The US military has not given anything to Iraq but negatives: mass murder of innocents, the destruction of hospitals, the loss of the freedom to move about ones’ own country and now, legions of Iraqis are leaving their country in despair, tens of thousands. The Iraqi people would much rather have their freedom of movement back then the false freedom of ’voting’ for someone too powerless to oppose their oppressive American occupiers. The Iraqi people would much rather have the real peace of not living in fear for their lives and their loved ones every night, instead of this false ’peace’ that continues to degrade their existence, that continues to kill more and more of them with each passing day. And yet, the vast majority of Americans, apathetic and often hypocritical turns a blind eye to their suffering, and in their ignorance of their government’s real intention, often accuse the Iraqis for their fate.
    For any American to say that this is the fault of the Iraqi people to have allowed this hellish ’peace’ is to betray a cold, merciless heart, since this hellish ’peace’ was brought about by no one else but the American government.
    In the glaring light of truth, and simply by using the language of truth, we can see that what has been going on in the Middle East these last five years is nothing but out and out theivery & out and out mass murder. Once any American removes the treacherous veil placed over their eyes by our ’leaders’ simply by stopping them from controlling our language they will no longer appear to be the benevolent, caring people they portray themselves to be. In the harsh light of the truth, how different are these American rulers from the Mob, Ghenghis Khan or any other greedy, killing warlord of humanity’s long & miserable past?