Home > Join Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey 2 in Washington DC

Join Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey 2 in Washington DC

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 6 July 2006
1 comment

Demos-Actions Movement Wars and conflicts USA Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan is on a hunger strike at the mall in Washington DC and she needs company!

Look at this beautiful park. Doesn’t this look like the perfect place for an extended protest?

"I often get told that I should "love America, or leave it." This is ridiculous logic and empty rhetoric. I love the country that I was born in and I love Americans. I am an American and so are my children. Casey was born and died a fine American who was abused by the same leaders that are abusing the world as I type. I could leave if I wanted to and, in fact, have received many offers to be an ex-patriate in many friendly countries. However, I want to stay and fight for my country. I want my country and the flag that symbolizes it around the globe to stand for something that we can all be proud of again."

"The people of Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering so miserably. Our soldiers want to come home. Our country wants them to come home. The world wants them to come home. The people of Iraq want our soldiers to leave. Generals are recommending time tables. We fasters figure that we can sacrifice something in solidarity with the suffering in the Middle East. What we are giving up is so insignificant compared to what our soldiers and the people they are oppressing are giving up. It’s about time BushCo recognizes that staying a reckless and murderous course is inherently disordered and they should turn around and order our troops to come home."

"I encourage everyone in America to move away from the comfortable complacency that allows BushCo to kill people with impunity. If we don’t stand up and speak out against their offenses and for accountabitlity the crimes will continue even into the next administration, whichever party is in power.

How can we not fast, or march, or write, or speak, or rally, or go to Camp Casey, or sacrifice something, anything when the people of Iraq, and many of our soldiers, don’t even have enough food to eat or clean water to drink? How can we numbly go shopping for groceries when unsuspecting and undeserving people in Iraq are being killed when simply going to the market to buy food for their families?"

"If you realize that the flag no longer waves "o’er the land of the free" and you would like it to again, we invite you to come out to Camp Casey this summer and help us fight for the heart and soul of our nation. If you realize that, while you are "oohing and ahing" over the pretty fireworks in your home town, there are real bombs bursting on the people of Iraq, killing them and destroying their nation for no reason other than that Dick Cheney wanted to, then you need to digest your 4th of July BBQ and get out and show Dicky and the world that we mean business when we say we want our troops to come home to save them and our brothers and sisters in Iraq.

Thousands of peace-loving and war-hating members of the human race from all over the world are planning on coming to Crawford, Texas, to Camp Casey again this summer to stand, sit, or camp in the face of the neo-con war machine and prove to the world that there are Americans who will courageously speak for the people of Iraq and our soldiers who have no voices but who just want to be left in peace."

Come to Camp Casey.

It is time to pop the corporate media bubble. Have they read the polls? Yes, Cindy does speak for America.

Cindy Sheehan on Hardball

O’DONNELL: Cindy Sheehan is America’s most outspoken anti-war activist. But does she speak for America or just the fringes? She’s called President Bush the biggest terrorist in the world and she stood side by side with socialist dictator Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Now she begins a two-month hunger strike to get the American people to join her mission to end the war. Welcome to Hardball, Cindy. Let me begin by asking you, you know, Americans may hate the war, but they don’t necessarily hate the president. How do you expect to get change by going around the world and trashing the president of the United States?

SHEEHAN: Actually, I don’t hate the president either. I don’t trash the president, I trash the president’s foreign policy, which is fundamentally and inherently wrong and immoral. And I don’t tell people around the world anything that they don’t know.

O’DONNELL: But you called him the biggest terrorist in the world. So you are trashing the president.

SHEEHAN: Well you know he says a terrorist is somebody who kills innocent men, women and children, and there has been [sic] over 100,000 innocent men, women and children killed in Iraq on his orders.
video here

Cindy Sheehan in DC: Starving for Attention: Troops Home Fast, Day One

Cindy Sheehan: Bombs Bursting in Air

Cindy Sheehan to provoke the Second American Revolution July 4th

Cindy Sheehan on Hunger Strike at the White House

Forum posts

  • Apparently Mr. O’Donnell’s job description states that he must defend this atrocious President, the most unpopular President in recent US history, even more unpopular than Richard Nixon, come hell or high water.
    Since when is criticizing a President’s foreign and domestic policy ’trashing’ the President?
    Here are some questions Cindy should have asked this paid White House mouth piece, who obviously believes that being an American journalist is being an apologist for the White House:

    Are Americans mandated to ’love’ their President? Is this mandate in the US Constitution?
    Are you, Mr. O’Donnell, implyng that a President of the United States is entitled to the same kind of reverence, even veneration, that monarchist rulers demand of their subjects? Is that what we have become, Mr. O’Donnell, a nation of subjects who should put up and shut up when any issue of vital importance has been decided by our mighty ’DECIDER’, and any criticism of his acts is tantamount to treason?
    Are you an absolutist or a believer in autocracies, Mr. O’Donnell?
    Do you believe that the American people in general have no right what so ever to openly criticize and even disparage this grossly corrupt and incompetent President?
    Do you Mr. O’Donnell even believe in freedom of speech or even of the press, for that matter?
    I think not.
    I think you only believe in money, money and more money, and your patriotism is no deeper than your bank account. Cindy Sheehan is a real patriot, Mr. O’Donnell, whereas you are only a paid goon.
    A well paid goon, I might add, waiting on more perks and privileges to come your way now that you’ve done your bit in trashing and ridiculing a member of the anti-war movement.
    Don’t kid yourself in thinking you’re a journalist.
    The whole country believes that your lot are worse than Congressmen. The last Zogby poll states that Americans found the US mass media to be even more untrustworthy than either the President you defend so much or that other den of vipers, the US Congress.