Home > Rep. Kucinich’s to introduce Resolution Calling on Bush to Push for Cease-Fire

Rep. Kucinich’s to introduce Resolution Calling on Bush to Push for Cease-Fire

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 19 July 2006

Wars and conflicts International USA

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) will introduce a resolution in Congress on Wednesday that calls on President Bush to appeal to all sides for a cessation of hostilities in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict and to commit the United States to multi-party negotiations.

Also, at bottom, read the speech that Rep. Kucinich delivered on the House floor on Tuesday that warned of “mutually assured destruction” if saner heads do not soon prevail in the Middle East.

Click here for a .pdf version of the resolution

Plain-text version of the resolution follows:




Calling upon the President to appeal to all sides in the current crisis in the Middle East for an immediate cessation of violence and to commit United States diplomats to multi-party negotiations with no preconditions.

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Calling upon the President to appeal to all sides in the current crisis in the Middle East for an immediate cessation of violence and to commit United States diplomats to multi-party negotiations with no preconditions.

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress:

(1) calls upon the President to:

(A) appeal to all sides in the current crisis in the Middle East for an immediate cessation of violence;
(B) commit United States diplomats to multi-party negotiations with no preconditions;

(C) send a high-level diplomatic mission to the region to facilitate such multi-party negotiations;
(2) urges such multi-party negotiations to begin as soon as possible, including delegations from the governments of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt; and (3) supports an international peacekeeping mission to southern Lebanon to prevent cross-border
skirmishes during such multi-party negotiations.

Rep. Kucinich’s speech, delivered on the House floor on Tuesday, July 18.

Mr. Speaker, We make war with such certainty, yet we are befuddled how to create peace. This paradox requires reflection, if we are to survive. Making and endorsing war demands a secret love of death, a fearful desire to embrace annihilation. Creating peace requires the mirror of compassion, putting ourselves in the other person’s place, in all their suffering, with all their hopes, and to act from our heart’s capacity for love, not fear.

The fight against terrorism in the 21st century is beginning to have the feel of the fight against communism in the 20th century: Conjuring of enemies, scapegoating and wanton destruction. Our war on terror has become a war of errors as we blindly exercise our capacity for war making.

We have not yet begun to explore our capacity for peacemaking, so we are reduced to a predatory voyerism: creating war, watching war, being aghast at war, impotent to stop ourselves. 

We are the most powerful nation, but even we do not have the power to reserve for ourselves, or to grant to our allies, an exemption from the laws of cause and effect.

The fate of the world lies in the balance. And until we consciously choose peace over war, life over death, the balance is tipping toward mutually assured destruction.

Forum posts

  • If the American people had any brains and truly wanted peace, Dennis Kucinich would now be our President.

  • Paper Ballots, Hand Counted — and it shall be done.

  • Many American people have brains - that’s why they no longer vote. Many people voted for Kucinich - including myself. But unfortunately, the computerized voting machines are PROGRAMMED to vote for the party in power.

    The machines are controlled and Diebold has committed itself to supporting the Imperialist party of the Bush family. You can find plenty of evidence on this issue at the following sites:


    Of particular interest is this site:


    If you think people are stupid, think again.
    Only stupid people would trust computerized voting machines.

    While I agree Kucinich would make a great president, the lilelyhood is less than slim as he’s not a member of the "machine". Then again, perhaps he is and this latest resolution is only providing lip service to make it appear as though the Dems are trying to do something about corruption. Alas, they both feed from the same trough.

    It’s one big party in DC and YOU are not invited...unless, of course, you’re connected to the Bush family in some way. There is only ONE party in the US and it has 2 faces. The one-party system isn’t working any more. What the US needs is a SECOND party. Failing that, a second REVOLUTION.

    • You really think Americans aren’t stupid? In 2003-2004 I worked long and hard for Dennis Kucinich in Minnesota and Iowa. Talked to thousands of people. Most had never heard of him. Most really liked his ideas when told of them. Most said they would not support him.

      From the Star Tribune: “Of those who used the ‘Select a Candidate’ tool on Minnesota Public Radio’s Web site, which asked people their positions on various issues and then reported which candidate for president best matched those views, ratio of those who best matched up with Dennis Kucinich to those who matched up best with Sen. John Kerry and President Bush: 3 to 1.”

      Kucinich ran a distant third in the Minnesota primary. And that was far better than he did in most states.

    • Kucinich’s problem is that he’snot backed by the MACHINE. He hasn’t the money nor power to penetrate the media. Their wall against outsiders is very thick.

      No one with any brains will be in the white house for at least 2 more years.

  • God, I love this man. This is what we need in the Oval Office.

    Ignore the way the media digs at him next time around and vote with your conscience. NO ONE wanted kerry until CNN piped in and called him the front-runner. Anyone who saw the early debates knows that Kucinich was the one who stirred the crowd and responed honestly. Kerry was booed on several occasions, and was showing himself to be the loser that he became.

    • I’ll never vote again until manually counted paper ballots are ir-introduced. Computerized voting machines only make you THINK you’re voting. The machines do the voting according to who programs them. - much like the casinos.

  • I would love, more than anything, to see Mr. Kucinich run for President again in 2008, with Ms. Cynthia McKinney as his running mate. If we had more leaders in this country right NOW running the show with the same type of positive and practical attitudes as Kucinich and McKinney, imagine what a wonderful world this would become.