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Violence in the Middle East is a SIGN of the END of the RELIGIOUS MIND CONTROL authority of Zionism

by Open-Publishing - Friday 21 July 2006

Wars and conflicts International Religions-Beliefs

Today the mind control of the lies - the false system of religions which "PREACH PEACE" but practice violence and politics based on economics, deceptions, and propaganda SURELY IS NOT the sign of any G*D chosen people or even intelligent behavior — IT IS THE EXPRESSION of FEAR and ignorange that believes that lies can control everything and anyone with the use of money, blackmail, and subversion of human social instutions - including education, media, government, economics, and public discourse.

THIS IS A SIGN OF A TRUE and serious moral and social weakness. This is a point of decay from which the power of the lies will never recover — the psycho social awareness - the internet mass publishing of deprogramming information - that is destroying this ancient system of MIND CONTROL and genocide is on the RISE GOLBALLY. The global media can not stop it and with in two months it will seriously impede the progress of it’s BASE. The people have already globally started boycotting the system and the money system is failing as it always was a social failure for humanity. This combined with the massive global deprogramming it is only a matter of 5 or six months that the system will self implode — AS CURRENTLY is HAS NO GOAL and is ACTING OUT like a stoned DRUG addict mentally degerate and sick from his own delusions and psychi FEAR and loss of SELF CONTROL and a USEFUL set of behaviors. The system can not identfiy a useful social goal anymore and the money changers have failed to see the long term needs of humanity and are stuck on short term GENOCIDE - mind control profits...

Today you are witnessing the SELF destruction of mind controlled religious CAPTIALISM and the 3 thousand years of its SICK and depraved existance since it emanated from its prmary home in the middle east. A home that means nothing - stands for no one - and is a complete facade as to genuine purpose or human creatvie peaceful expression.

Today the world is witnessing the total EXPOSURE of the LIES that have been the cause of the worlds problems, the intitutional deceptions, and the basis for global racism, bias, and the xenophobic roots of FEAR and human suffering that rests at its pathetic foundations.

PEACE is coming. And this time it will be brought by the PEOPLE and established through the TRUTH.

Forum posts

  • God is free - no doctrines required. Once you’ve realized it, you’ve taken the power away and taken your brain back.

    The bible is a collection of books written by many different people over many different eras. It’ PACKED with myth, symbol, tale, lore, superstition and downright LIE. It contains a smattering of history, but most of the history is fabricated. It is a book of wishful thinking with some spiritual truth - most of which was copied from existing religions.

    There never was an exodus. The Egyptians were meticulous record-keepers. No records exist of any expulsion of any people from Egypt other than the Hyksos.

    "IF" there was a Moses, there were probably 5 of them.

    No one ever parted the red sea. It’s a fairy tale.

    No one wandered in the desert for 40 years. There is absolutely no archaeological evidence of any encampment, no bones, no ashes, NOTHING. It DIDN’T HAPPEN.

    In short, the 1st five books are largely fabrication ans wishful thinking.

    The christian god-man is a re-write of numerous older savior god-men stories. No one ever rose from the dead or floated up into the sky and no one is going to come floating back down.

    "IF" the shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus, it demonstrates beyond caval that the body wrapped in it was NOT DEAD but ALIVE as there are more than 20 wounds that CONTINUED TO BLEED AFTER THE BODY WS WRAPPED. Corpses Don’t bleed.

    The christian story is a myth re-write of the Osirian/Attis/Baccus god-man stories all designed to keep the rabble from knowing the truh of their own indwelling God.

    Religions keep the focus outside rather than within where the TRUTH really can be found.
    Give up religion and embrace your own spirituality. Read Rumi and the writings of the Sufis. Numerous forms of Yoga provide the path to liberation from the mental chains of religion. Proclaim your freedom.

    Be Still and Know.

    • Man, WHAT YOU SAY!!!

      We are leftists here and opposed to war and bad stuff. What we are good at is whinning and whinning some more. We are not capable thinkers of non-indoctrinated thought.

      I don’t think anyone here is capable of (with the exception of you and possible one other person; and it ain’t me, BTW) realizing that the Universal Force (for lack of a better term) is within us. It isn’t floating around someplace and is not in need of worship from us in some standardized forms/rituals.

      Who, I ask, even can name a Sufi, or a Yogi or Budda or quote a word or two of Rumi — let alone realize the words and thoughts and power of these people! Or what they were saying to empower us!

      If we only knew that what we concieve and believe our mind creates.

      The war and evil is happenning because without realizing it the people who are conducting it are harnessing the power of the thoughts that the Sufis and the Yogis and the Buddas and others taught and wanted us to learn. But we, leftists, are scared and cannot think beyond the indoctrination; we cannot think peace — since we don’t concieve and believe then peace isn’t created. We are frightened into the reality created by the rulers and evil doers and follow like sheep.

      We verbalize (that is, whine and whine) but in our deeper level of mind we cannot visualize peace and view the brown-skinned peoples as the images that are created for us by the people who indoctrinated us and who are now running the show that is the wars and the evil.

      Kudos to you and what you say...

    • Excellent post 64-49! BTW, Moses is the ancient Egyptian word simply meaning "priest".

  • I agree with your reflections. Zionism is now revealing its ugly side, cleverly hidden beneath rhetoric and deception. As it is more fully unmasked, more and more people will realize how its sickening tentacles have reached into the economic, political, industrial and military spheres which govern our lives.

    For those interested, here are links to two fascinating interviews this week with Christopher John Bjerknes on the insanity behind Zionism and Israel’s actions in the Middle East:
    There’s also a new interview at www.iamthewitness.com with Eustace Mullins, who once again, as he has done for the last 50 years, tells it like it is with the Zionist machine that governs the world.

    • I doubt anyone will actually realize what Zionism is and what the belief system is doing. You have too much false optimism and it is facset of the indotrination. What is happening now has happenned before a number of times and nothing of the truth of what is Zionism was realized then and it will not be realized now.

      Your reply is a fine example of what I said about "the Leftists" not being able to concieve and believe in peace and only particpate in the reality that is created by the warmongers. We are conditioned to reply to the warmongers — we are the opposite face of the same coin.

      Re-read what 64/49 has to say, read it again a hundred times if you have to until you begin to understand the depth of his/her reply. Especially the part where s/he says, "Be still and know". Meaning, (an example,) close your eyes and focus your thought on one thing like a grape or a pen in front of you— try, try to do this for even 1 minute. You will find that you cannot. Your mind will introduce other thoughts and words. It loves to wonder; wander with negative thinking, there won’t be a moment of peace in that minute of effort. You have been condition to never be able to be "still" and "know". You react to the negativity in a negative way, without truly knowing how to take power away from the original negativity.

      Your mind cannot concentrate on one thought. Throughtout our lives the insanity of society, the ever-present hate we are autosuggested from the day we are born to the day we die prevents us from clearing our mind. (This is a prime reason your reply refers to Zionism; you are condition to reply like this.)

      This has nothing to do with intelligence. Bright people as well as non-thinkers have to struggle with this. And as we can broadly see, how easy it is not to think; not to stay in a moral arena, of all of the people who, for example, who are still pro-killing of Iraqi peoples and who view the Arabs/Muslims as subhumans.

      Now think. If you cannot even sit for a minute and think of only just one simple thing like a pen or a grape that is in front of you, how much harder do you think it will be to think of "peace". Of bombs not being dropped on people. Of people eating to their fill in peace. Of people in comfort with their children. Of children in comfort with their parents, grandparents.

      This stuggle with your thoughts/mind is what Islam calls the most difficult jihad, what the Zorotrians call the most difficult nafs and what the sufis, yogis and the Hindu Brahmans (et al) tried to teach each generation they encountered. Very few leaned.

      This is the major reason why we are the sheep to the evil running this world.

    • Zionism is only a word. What is important is what the word conveys and that the realities behind the conveance is TRUE or REAL. They are-
      Zionism is a belief system - it is based on the illusion that money is a form of mind control energy - IT IS. You where BORN into a Zionist world - all modern states USE MONEY - AND ALL PEOPLE SUBMIT Their MINDS to this POWER. Sonry but the COMPUTER you purchased to READ and respond to the POST was purchased with money that flows through zionist controlled banks. Its NOT an illusion - WHEN you were in elementary school EVERY HUMAN BEING was TAUGHT about zionist controlled money and how to BUy and SELL and what PRICE is. That is no illusion and when you work as a WAGE SLAVE or you culture or country is overRUN by soldiers PAYED with ZIonist money to KILL another race of people that are NOT in the same perfered mind control as them --- then that is the source of the desire of the violence. Its a no brainer..

      If you are indoctrinated to work or do what ever to GET MONEY so YOU CAN BE A CONSUMER... Then if someone decides that they want to control a group of people — THEY create armies — create the illuisions of enemies — of the indoctrination of the government CONSTITUTIONS or to PROTECT the mind control context of the STATE — then they manufacture the weapons — train them to KILL - --- and create the needed pretexts to START to GENOCIDE MACHINE... That is real--- and the motivation is the FEAR that is inside the concept of exclusionism that is the basis of zionism and that is excuted through the pretense and control of the economic system through money.

      Look every religion that is accepted and allowed by the political governments ACCEPTS money and BUILDS large ornate buildings with lots of STUFF to look at and admire to complete the illusion — the basis of is a wrapping around the fact that the ORGANIZATION of GOD NEEDS money — THUS PEOPLE NEED MONEY — that is the PRIMARY auto suggestion that is being PROMOTED and is the primary Dogma that drives the death dealers and their money changing life purposes.

      — Just look at the things in front of you and ASK yourself WHAT PURPOSE DOES each of these things SERVE and WHO DOES it SERVE and WHY DOES it FOLLOW this STRUCTURE.. ASK the questions that expose REALITY of the interactions and it that is what IT IS. The history of the world and the fact that BANKS like the religious buldings are the most ornate and expensive in the WORLD. I wonder what that says?

    • I think we value ourselves to highly. It is difficult to still the mind. But a utopian society doesn’t require still minds. We are animals, no, worse than animals. We group together and get the idea that a pyramid game benifits those at the top. It’s always the satan worshippers who take this high position. When Jesus was tempted by satan, he was offered any Kingdom in the world. That is because satan rules the Kings (leaders). The central banking system proffered by the Rothchilds gave the oppertunity to have control, by gathering interest on money "created from air". Money (the desire of) is the root of ALL EVIL. The many among us are good people, the few are evil. The bitch is that they are in the positions to make everyone else’s life miserable, and not everyone can read between the lines (lies) yet. Peaceful warrior.

  • ".....SIGN of the END of the RELIGIOUS MIND CONTROL "......

    The practice of meditation and contemplation are the only way of freeing yourself of religion and moving into true spituality and knowledge of self.

    You are not YOU - is an age old adage of the adepts. Do you understand that?

    The task of escaping the mental chains of illogical doctrine and dogma and false guilt of the worlds religions can only begin on an individual level.

    True, meditation and contemplation are the practices of the Indian belief system, the Hindu and Buddhist, but the real adepts, the real Yogi’s do not embrace banal religion or ritual. Neither do the sufi’s, whose ecstatic dances and chants lead the mind inward toward the indwelling God. Toward the ONE. The spiritual practices of the East far excell those of their counterpart in the west, including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. These three focus on a god "somewhere out there".

    "There is no religion higher than truth" - is the slogan of Theosophy

    Namaste - I bow to the light within you, which is the same light within me.

    THESE are the ways to the "END of the RELIGIOUS MIND CONTROL"

    If you can’ t name a Sufi saint or quote anything from Rumi you have only yourself to blame. Today, the world is available at your fingertips. Coleman Barks Translations of Rumi were top sellers in the US in 1998.

    Open your mind and your heart to a path away from religious indoctrination. God if free.

    "Footprints but come to the ocean shore, therein no trace remains" - Jelaluddin Rumi

    • I do not know anything about Sufism. But I do know a significant amount of truth about myself and about my connection to the TRUTH and the Force that Causes reality which emenates from within. I derived this myself through my own struggle and inner strength of vision to strive to strip away the dogma and illusions that where created by me through my acceptance of the what I call "mind control" of others messages - that come from the psycho linguistic mechanisms of the language elements of the brain. The frontal lobe and the reptilian brain which still responds to fear if your LET it. Most do not understand what this part of themselves is. This is the mechanism that the autosuggestions works. Thats how propaganda works it — works on this part of the FEAR part of the brain. Those that know themselves well do not respond to this self delusion element in the brain. You see I do NOT believe anything. I only develop awareness about myself and rememeber them and the feelings I had in those states. From here it is quite clear that we are a programmable mind machine capable of learning mind controlled programing and becoming the WAGE slave in a system of economics, or whatever we allow and act on in the psycho linguistic mind programmable through language and FEAR elements.

      I do not need to learn anything except the REALITY and WHERE it EMENATES from. That is the basis for GENUINE LOVE that can be shared through an INTELLIGENT expression toward an awareness of another. This is all that one needs. Its all built in. Just use it with whatever language you know. And have the strength to accept and act on what you become aware of and change is impossible to stop — you will self evolve and LOVE that is useful will emenate from you from listening to what is going on inside and in your reactions to the outside and why they are as they are — from here clearity is quite simple and very STARK in fact. Today their is a clear and present media war that is clearly design to reenforce that it is from the outside and through the acceptance of certain expressions that "safety" or "hope" will come. This continous illusion is what allows the lack of response. It is psycho linguistically repressed by the marketing and propaganda machine. The mind is refocused and is diverted and CONTROLLED somewhere away from the illusion and the destrution of it — SO IT LIVES in a latent form in the psyche forever. This is the problem.
      This is the impediment to stoping the evolution of LOVE. It is THROUGH the LIE that this happens. This system of cyclic illusion drives the means to the control and diversion from change.


  • For the past 2 months, Yahoo has been busily blocking all my accounts, one after another, from posting messages on Yahoo boards.

    I have been creating new accouting almost every week. One by one, Yahoo blocks my accounts. At the beginning, they sent me a warning about my breaching of their rules (I post about Larry Silverstein’s confession to Pull Down his Tower), later, they just silently blocked my account.

    Today, they have come out with new scheme, knowing that I will create new account If they block my account. Yahoo simply blocks my posts. I cannot post anymore on Yahoo board.

    Why Yahoo is busily protecting Larry Silverstein who has confessed his own crimes against Americans?

    • Yahoo and AOL are government mouthpieces. AOL is ’babynet’ and Yahoo is owned by AOL. Time Warner, Sports Illustrated, Popular Mechanics and most of the nations biggest newspapers are government mouthpieces. What would you expect.

      Larry Silverstein pulled Building 7 admittedly. The twin towers were brought down by controlled demolition - that’s a given. Whatever hit the Pentagon wasn’t a 757. The US Government had a BIG hand in 911 and has been covering up the crime ever since with phoney "terrorism" claims and phoney Bin Laden videos. Bin Laden’s been dead for several years. He was a business partner with the Bush family. The Bin Laden family was flown out of the country during the "no fly" period following 911. There were NO ARAB names on the airline passenger lists. At least 9 of the alleged hijackers have been found alive in other countries. The government doesn’t change its offical story though. The whole thing is rife with deceit, treachery, lies and murder. 3000 people died as a result of US government sponsored terrorism. Thousands have died in Afghanistan and Iraq since because of US government sponsored terrorism. AT LEAST 2500 US soldiers have died for TOTAL LIES.

      911 was an inside job.