Home > The Godless Troublemakers!

The Godless Troublemakers!

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 27 July 2006

Movement Wars and conflicts International Religions-Beliefs

"Why don’t they help us?, try to help us?...before this great and granite planet falls apart?"....Gene Pitney’s "A Town Without Pity"

Just who is it then, who is making matters worse on this sadly violent little planet? Surely it’s the Godless heathens and Socialists, right?

Surely it’s the American enemies: Countries like France, Cuba, Russia, China, Venezuela, Bolivia, Spain. Socialist regimes and dictatorships who are, so the State Department claims, the grossest violators of human rights on the globe. Surely it must be these fiends who are giving the world grief...right?

Surely NOT the God fearing U.S., the God loving Isreal,spiritually diverse Lebanon,fanatical Iran, Syria,brotherly loving Iraq, strictly dogmatic Afghanistan, Oil boing Uzebekistan, Azerbaijan, India, Pakistan (no love lost there!)...all larded down with self rightiousness and intensely religious populations? Surely not these? The U.S. supports and loves most of them so how could they be culpable of severe violations of God’s laws?

Maybe...just maybe...the last group of countries mentioned should put down their Bibles and Torahs and Korans and just look at each other as PEOPLE for a change.

Couldn’t hurt.. Seems to be working MUCH better in those "heathen" countries. Seems to be.

Forum posts

  • yes, aLL THIS grief because of a Book of Fables written by men who claim themselves "chosen".....at least by THEIR god.

  • If you wish to learn just who these people are who claim that they are God’s chosen people then I suggest you read a book written by Arthur Koestler called "The Thirteenth Tribe". This book is available free in the public domain on the internet, just google the name "The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler who identifies the global troublemakers. They are the descendants of the Khazar Empire who appointed themselves as God’s chosen people. Also google the name Benjamin Freedman and down load the speech he gave in 1961 trying to warn Americans about who the Khazars are. The Zionists Jews are in fact descendants of the Khazars who have sold the myth to Christian America that they are in fact God’s chosen people, this is one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetraited on the social world.