by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 1 August 2006

International Elections-Elected Governments South/Latin America

In today, when we wrote these commentaries, still they are two electoral processes those that tomorrow call the attention of the settlers of Venezuela.Ya, first of August, will be the three electoral processes those whom they will occupy the interest of venezolanos.En first place, are the elections in the Communal Councils, organisms of the popular power that will put in direct hands of the population the handling of all the subjects concerning each sector.En second place is the election of the Security Council of the UN, in which Venezuela is candidate to have a seat, with already an ample endorsement of numerous countries of America, Africa, Asia, the Australian Continent and Europe. And thirdly, tomorrow, First of August, the Electoral Campaign begins to choose to the ¨Presidente of the Bolivartiana Republic of Venezuela, with the main incentive of the candidacy to its re-election by the present President and Leader of the Bolivariana Revolution, Commander Hugo Chávez Fri’as.

In first case, Advice Communal, deals with organisms to be able of base of population, in all districts, small villages and populations, which they group the residents, that take care to diagnose, to evaluate and to hierarchize the different necessities, and to establish the corresponding plans to come to his solutions, and which receive and administer the resources directly destined for so fin.Son more than thirty thousands throughout all the country, and in each one a promotional commission is chosen directly, an electoral commission and later the Communal Council, who groups as well to the different organisms already formed in each site stops to study and to propose solutions to the specific problems, in each Technical caso:Mesas of Water, Committees of Feeding, Earth Committees, Committees of Culture, Energy, Ambientey Ecology and others, according to the necessities. These elections mean a general mobilization of the population but referred to each site in specific.

In the second case, election for the Security Council of the UN, and although is a distant election, and in an international institution, the UN, where there is no the direct vote of the Venezuelan citizens, is as if they had it, because with the ample politicalization of the population, that election has come turning a subject from the daily conversation, and provokes a great interest. In the first place, by the right position, worthy and combative, that it maintains the government bolivariano, before the maneuvers of imperialism to impose its single-pole world thesis, against the thesis of the world to pluripolar or multipolestar, that from the beginning of its government has come raising the Head from the Venezuelan State Hugo Chávez.

Those positions are reflected in the direct activity of the Bolivariano Government, through their Chancellery, with the progressive and nationalistic governments to raise the necessity of a firm, democratic and progressive voice in the Security Council of the UN, that is against mandates, maneuvers and impositions, to that is customary imperialism in the Security Council. Conscious of the situation and of which it can mean for his intentions the fact that Venezuela accedes to the Security Council, the imperialistic power group that govern in Washington, maneuver, it presses and it threatens countries, so that they do not vote by Venezuela. But the diplomatic action of the bolivariano government, and the fight in the towns to cause that Venezuela goes to the Security Council of the UN, with complete certainty will guarantee that objective like a triumph of the towns against Imperialism.

In the third case, the Electoral Campaign to choose the President of the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela, considers everything a combat of the Venezuelans to maintain to President Chávez like President, to guarantee therefore the deepening of the revolutionary process, and to defeat the maneuvers that with the direct direction of the American Embassy from Caracas, and the resources in dollars sent in direct form and behaved shamelessly by the government of Washington, handle the different groups that compose at the present time the members of the opposition, and that in last instance are united in an intention común:sabedores of the impossibility to defeat al¨Presidente Chávez by the electoral route, to use this like an average one for to deteriorate the political situation and to create conditions for other options, those of the violence, like them have been imposed in the record that imperialism handles to them and the North American embassy in Caracas.En that to weaken the electoral climate and to go to the maneuver of the retirement at the end of the elections to open field to the violence agrees the skinny ones, the estólidos ones, the violent ones, and all and each one of the grupúsculos that today compose the opposition in Venezuela.

Before this situation, a powerful movement of the great majority of the Venezuelans is prepared to the great Electoral Campaign by the Ten Million Consciences and of Votes for President Chávez. In order to make of this Electoral Campaign a great school of civismo and revolutionary learning for the Venezuelans, an instrument of organization and incorporation of the population in its organisms of being able direct as they are the Communal Councils, the Committees of Earth, Feeding, Ambient Water,de, House, etc.Una study school and reflection from the practice about the socialism of Century XXI. A Campaign of ample Committees of citizens of all the extractions and members of the different social organizations in which today the citizens group themselves venezolanos.Una done Electoral Campaign from down upwards, and not the other way around, like has been the traditional thing until now, that is not kidnapped by the Political Parties and their "commandos" of imposition from above, which finally they finish kidnapping organizations of participation of the population and annulling them, but that is a generating Electoral Campaign of conscience, of popular participation, of true revolutionary enthusiasm, an electoral campaign that glimpses of unit and fights, because what matters it is the expansion of the conscience and revolutionary in multiple centers of interest and participation, united in the intention to guarantee the deepening of the revolutionary process, expressed in a great voting of Ten Million for President Chávez, that simultaneously are Ten Million conscious Venezuelans of the necessity to make advance and to deepen the bolivariano revolutionary process and of the socialism of the XXI.Esa century is the condition to defeat to imperialisdmo in its intention to confuse and to paralyze to the town venezolano.Hacia that great campaign electorasl we must advance with all the forces that are able to contribute the town of Venezuela.

We are sure that the revolutionary and progressive sectors worldwide will be from already pending of this great mobilization of the integral town venezolano.Como of revolutionary groups, and of important groups of activators, facilitadores and tutors of the Mission Culture, that we endorsed and we worked burningly by a consequent way of deepening of the bolivariana Revolution towards the socialism of sigloXXI, we will be pending to think and to inform through this page bellaciao.org, to which so much in Venezuela is being recommended him, as one of reading forced for all revolutionary and progressive person.

31 Mondays July 2006