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Russian Jet crashes in field, compare photos with Pennsylvania Flight 93 wreckage

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 22 August 2006
1 comment

International Attack-Terrorism Transports

Unfortunately 150+ people died in a Russian airliner crash today, but if there can be a silver lining, it is that this crash could help expose the lies behind 9/11, thus preventing another fake terror attack and a full scale WW III.

Please send these photos to friends and media that still believe the official 9/11 story. The Russian jet left lots of wreckage and debris... according to the official gov’t story of 9/11 Flight 93 "plunged into the ground with such force that the plane literally disintegrated."

Russian Jet 1
Russian Jet 2
Flight 93 crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 9/11/2001

The fundamental question is: Why did the Russian jet crash and leave a field of debris, while Flight 93 crashed and "literally disintegrated" ... even the engines?!

more Russian Jet photos

FL 93 Screenshot with caption

Forum posts

  • That Flight 93 crash photo above is from Pennsylvania State Government website:

    It’s worth noting that there are 6 pages of photos- and most of them are shots of the news and cleanup crews. The image above is the closest picture of the crash site. Why?

    the full caption from the state.pa website

    9/12/2001 - Somerset Crash Site - Looking at the crash site itself is a sobering experience. It is difficult to believe that a large Boeing 757 aircraft plunged into the ground with such force that the plane literally disintegrated and created a still smoldering crater. People looking down over the hill at the site became very quiet, almost reverent, at the sight of so much destructive force on Wednesday.