Home > George Carlin - Who Really Controls America

George Carlin - Who Really Controls America

by Open-Publishing - Monday 4 September 2006

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  • This is a great rant!

    But for some reason this video didn’t work on my computer (most do), so i checked youtube and whatdoyouknow... hobbitfan had a bit longer version of the same clip


    • Carlin’s points are, unfortunately, all too relevant. But the notion of unity at the top, of all those fat cats united against the common man, is a stretch for the most part. Are there "clubs" practicing exclusion and explotation of the lower classes? Sure. But are they all joined together in a cabal? No. The people at the top, say for instance, Trump, is every bit as competitive against the other memeber of the Fortune 500 as they are against him. It doesn’t let up simply because you’ve got $10 or a $100 million in assets. Greed knows no limit.

      The wealthy didn’t get together and intentionally make people stupid in America. A lot of Americans require no help in that regard. They simply aim to advance their own kind. And who doesn’t? Very few people.

      Actually, the kind of person Carlin is talking about is someone like Bill Gates, a man from a rather successful background but certainly not from the top 10 percenters. Gates is no dummy, but he’s a far cry from a genius, unless simply making money based on people’s ignorance is genius. If that’s the case the makers of Head On are also geniuses.

      Gates bought the basic DOS system from an unwitting individual who had no idea of how to successfully market the software, or, maybe, he could’ve been Bill Gates. Gates paid $15,000 for it. Rather than backwards-engineer the system, or reorient so it would be more flexible with future upgrades, Gates stuck with it and hired a crew of engineers to incrementally add on new functionality, one product at a time, much of which was not entirely compatible with DOS. The Apple was already far ahead of Microsoft in the late 80s but because of the ignorance of the masses, they gravitated to Gates. No conspiracy. No gun being held to anyone’s head. Just plain stupidity, mostly on the part of well educated individuals who didn’t do their homework, not the No Kids Left Behind types.

      Then after peddling a series of systems designed for planned obsolescence, and making a bloody fortune, Gates accrues world class wealth, which, amazingly, he decides to shift a sizable percentage of it to Africa. OK, one doesn’t want to sound racist here, but why when America’s going to hell in a handbasket would he choose Africa? Because they’re the the neediest people on the face of the earth? Probably. But, it seems, there’s another reason. The people at the top, like Gates, isolate themselves from common people, sort of like Bush Sr. when he had to check his groceries out in Maine and didn’t know what a scanner was. Those people are ignorant too, especially about the rest of society that’s on the other side of those sealed limo windows.

      Gates is reading the profit charts and they’re telling him a lot of educated, successful people are buying his system. On paper, the economy is growing steadily at about 3% per annum. He isn’t ignoring the common people; instead he’s bought the line that everyone in America can make it on their own. The Internet is going to educate your poor yearning to be free. The blogs are going to grow intelligence like bacteria in a petri dish. Why help America when it’s doing so well, except for drug addicts and bums?

      You know who’s stupid? You know who doesn’t get it? You know who’s not in a cabal to keep people dumb, but is dumb himslef? None other than Mr. PC - Bill Gates, and countless others at the top who know less about the human condition than some of the homeless huddled on American streets.

  • I’ve ALWAYS liked George Carlin because he’s always spoken the truth. I couldn’t have said it better myself!!! Thanks for the post.

  • Consumption at Walmart you should add. Worthless merchandise for worthless people.