Home > Rampant Paranoia as November elections approach! What do the "boys in the (...)

Rampant Paranoia as November elections approach! What do the "boys in the back room" want?

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 5 September 2006

Elections-Elected USA

Years ago Marlene Dietrich sang a great song entitled "See what the boys in the back room will have". The "boys" in question were, of course, the powerful elite who ruled the town. What they want..they almost always get.
Today’s "Back room boys" are divided into three powerful groups who more or less call the shots in America. Not just in politics, but in all areas of economic and philosophic endeavor.

The first group is composed of wealthy Republicans, many of whom are politicians and/or in high political position; i.e. Congressmen, pundits, think tank members, Neocons and private individuals like Murdoch or Richard Mellon Scaith. Men of tremendous power and influence on public opinion through the print or electronic media or through Pentagon influence.

The second group of "Boys in the back room" (with or without cigars), are the top corporations. Pharma, Tobacco, Oil and Nuclear energy, and the WAR industry. These boys have had enormous profits literally handed to them on a silver platter by the Bush administration. They’ve been given the keys to the vault, as it were. Tax cuts and subsidies, and contracts galore...and endless!

The third group are what my friend refers to as the "Jesicans", i.e.the extreme religious RIGHT. They are literally controlling many areas of government law...or at very least trying very hard! It is estimated that approx. 33% of the Bush BASE is composed of this group! Influential leaders like James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have an unbelievable amount of clout with the Bushies. They approve of the "war against the heathens", they push for laws against gay marriage and flag burning and abortion...and want to dictate to all Americans THEIR position on morality.

As November approaches, it is my considered opinion that these powerful and amoral "Boys in the back room", whose power is omniscient....these three groups of power mongers....will do ANYTHING to maintain Republican power in the Senate and the House.
Too much is at stake. In fact, one could say the very FATE OF THE WORLD may well hinge on whether or not WE can beat these combined forces!

These groups, whose influence and profit levels are incredible to the point of absurdity...will resort to ANY action to achieve their ends...to HOLD the POWER they now enjoy.
The will intimidate voters, rig machines, create long voter lines, discourage voting in Democratic districts by giving false information, they may block highways and roads leading to voting booths, create misinformation, state that machines are "out of order", and even steal paper ballots where they exist.

I know this sounds like rampant paranoia, but just think for a moment what’s at stake IF they should lose to the Democrats:
Investigations into Bush lies and deceptions.
Investigations into Halliburton,etc.
Demands for Rumsfeld’s resignation..again!
Elimination of key tax cuts.
Vigorous enforcement of environmental and worker safety laws,etc.
Cuts in subsidies to corporations who outsource jobs.
Enforcement of oil drilling laws.
Promulgation of healthcare for all Americans.
Protection of human rights and prosecution of those high ranking military officers guilty of torture and rape policies.

See? The Boys in the Back Room ALWAYS get what they want. They can’t afford NOT to!

Forum posts

    Most bloggers are anticipating a big Democratic victory in November but still can’t accept that dirty tricks will abound . These scum like being in power and don’t care WHO dies or gets f**ked over in the process . Just keep track of all the "unusual" occurences that happen in most of the voting in two months .

    • Also: Watch for an uptick (again!) in "terror warnings" nationwide, "foiled plots" and reports that "we’re turning the corner and winning in Iraq"...or maybe "The Iraq Army is ready to take over and troops are expected to be headed home within weeks", etc, etc.

      My pet idea (shared by many, I’m sure) is some form of "attack" on a major U.S. city, but probably a FAKE!...i.e. harmless chemicals, minor explosion, etc. Oh!..one more thing! More "Al Qaeda #2s arrested or killed in Iraq"


    • Y’all better take Alex Jones warning of another false flag attack on us seriously. These sob’s will not go down quietly. Does anyone here honestly believe that "the guys" will relenquish their hold on what they perceive as power? I smell fear and panic among the bastards who did 911, don’t you? They’re doing suicidal things, trillions in debt, insane foreign wars that can’t be won, lunatic housing and ecomonic bubbles etc. It’s as if they KNOW there is no further need for prudent, sensible governance. They’re going to take us down with them. COUNT ON IT.
      To those sorry souls who actually believe the dems with ride up white horsies and save them, they’re all cut from the same cloth. Check out these politicians for yourselves.

  • The Republicans and their closeted cronies - the Democrats - are trying their best to win the hearts and minds of the sleepy American public. They have lowered the price of gas - at least until after the November elections. They have had their media mouthpieces tell us about the big new oil find in the Gulf of Mexico - that could boost US reserves by 50%. They have had Bush going around speecifying about how we are winning the "War on Terror," and how we haven’t been attacked since 911. So, forget about a "terrorist" attack - unless it is the Real McCoy, this time. Another False Flag would be bad for business.

    As for the elections, it really doesn’t matter if the Democrats win the House or even the Senate, for that matter. Didn’t Pelosi say that impeachment was not on the table for discussion? And, as for the Iraq War, it will continue under a Democratic House and Senate leadership. You won’t even be able to tell that there was a "sea change" in the Congress.

    This is all to say that "democracy" is now dead in the US of A. It’s been on life support for many years, and finally passed away with the appointmnet of G.W. Bush in 2000. America now needs a different kind of remedy than the one naive people hoped to find through the process of electoral politics. But, unfortunately, the majority of the population remains distracted by the quest for plasma TV’s, the latest celebrity gossip, and who’s going to win the US Open, the World Series, the Super Bowl, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

    • The so-called leaders of the Democratic Party are well known to be DINO (Democrats in Name Only). The last thing they want to see is the Democratic Party in control of anything. These people are pro war, pro Israel, and pro tax cut. Bush is just fine by them. The Democratic leaders have done their level best to sandbag and undermine anti war candidates in their own party. The result of this has been GOP victories in the pastthree national elections. The same will happen in November. The leadership will make lots of noise, travel around the nation (in expensive rented jets), make a lot of commercial connections, and in the end lose once again. People need to turn on them en masse as soon as they lose the November elections.

  • While I have little doubt that there will be a concerted effort to steal the November elections, I still hold out hope that if enough people vote for change, their attempt to steal the election won’t go without notice. When Bush stole the election in ’04, it took quite a bit of organization across the country, but the sad fact is, he still raked in something like 59 million votes. I think that if enough Republicans cross party lines, the tactics they use to sway the election results will will ultimately fail, or at least be exposed. That could very well be a pipe dream, but at this point, its about the only hope left (although I’m not naieve enough to think that even if exposed on any meaningful level, the result would yeild little more than a feutal "investigation", some poor bastard relegated the scapegoat, and the fraudulent results left in tact).

    Personally, I watch Fox News and listen to the right wing radio hosts (not exclusively though). Its really a great way to learn the Republican agenda before it takes effect. Its nausiating, infuriating and comes with the risk of killing brain cells, but if you know what the agenda is, it really is kinda fun to read between the lines and connect the dots. They all say the same thing! They like to tenderize their base before cooking it.

    I can just immagine the right-wing think tanks sending the "daily talking points" emails or faxes out to these programs each morning. It really is amazing that the sheep who listen to that shit actually believe it and regurgitate it as truth. So anytime there is a major effort affot to gain public support, or sway their base’s opinion to get behind some new evil scheme designed to fuck over the poor and middle class and further roll back New Deal social programs, just tune into Hannity, Savage, O’Reily, Limbaugh, or any one of these mindless, soul-less puppets to get a preview of what’s to come!

    There is no morality in government and politics any longer. Maybe there never was. But there is no issue on the table presently that does not have its roots in economics, and we currently have a band of corrupt businessmen making corporate decisions with our lives and well-being and passing them off as sound political decisions for the good of the populace. Politics ought to be the righteous governance of menfor the good of the whole. Unfortunately, what we have now is a group of cronies (5%) looking out for their own and their bottom line at the expense of the majority. Hopefully people will shake off the apathy and realize that its better to have a little money in the bank than to see a manger scene in the town square as they wait in line for a loaf of bread.

    • There is a new propaganda piece being release by ABC about the events surrounding 9/11. Its designed to make Democrats look soft on national security and responsible for the security breach that enabled 9/11 to happen. Anyone with half a brain should be able to see through this, but that’s unlikely. Spread the word!