Home > Collaborators of Catastrophe: Inside the Ministry of Truth

Collaborators of Catastrophe: Inside the Ministry of Truth

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 26 October 2006

International Governments USA Manuel Valenzuela

Taken from www.valenzuelasveritas.blogspot.com

Storytellers of the American Narrative

The creators of American reality, those propagators of charades and mirages who dwell inside the hallways of the Ministry of Truth - otherwise known as the Corporate Media - continue their dance of deception and whitewash, festering in their offices of propaganda, directing the narratives and the epics hundreds of millions of Americans consider truth. Much like the disappearance of warmth giving way to the crispness of cold arrives with each annual changing of leaves, so the remarketing of American reality is altered by the changing faces of circumstance. Today, this change is the complete disaster that is the occupation of Iraq, an endeavor whose initial fruition could not have taken shape without the blitzkrieg marketed incessantly into every home and mind in America by the Department of Propaganda, the Ministry of Truth and its army of pseudo-journalists.

With the complete and utter failure of America’s experiment with hubristic imperialism outside its hemisphere, with the complete collapse in confidence by the people of the government and its leaders, with the fictional war on terror losing muster, with the American people questioning the Iraq debacle in growing numbers, the masters and lords comprising the Establishment have been forced to alter direction and appease the minds of the masses. Inside the Ministry of Truth the decision has been made, therefore, to open the curtains, if only minimally, to a small manifestation of truth and fact that has for three years been kept hidden from the people and that sheds light on the Iraq War and its horrific reality.

In the upper echelons of the Establishment’s pyramid and the corporatist power structure, there has arrived a realization that Iraq is and will remain lost, a miserable failure turning more putrid every day, forever becoming a gash that will not heal, a ghost whose lack of placidity will for decades haunt the psyche of America. The Bush Crusade, once seen by the elite as a harbinger of empire and hegemonic power, an excursion becoming the genesis of perpetual wealth and richness, has instead transmuted itself into the greatest strategic disaster in the history of the Pax Americana. In the span of three years, Iraq has surpassed Vietnam, in the totality of the circumstances, as a perpetual burn whose scab will continue to be pulled off by the shame of what America did to Iraq, by the embarrassment of such apparent failure, by the geopolitical suicide it committed in Mesopotamia and by the severed image of the nation in the eyes of the world.

For the American masses, meanwhile, a great discomfort at the disaster unfolding and the failure apparent has been born, as if the growing number of rotting corpses throughout Iraq have exported their terrible stench across the Atlantic to the far reaches of America, finally arriving to wake from the doldrums of comfort and laziness the minds of millions of American people. Yet these millions of Americans grow disquieted not because of the genocide committed by their military, not because of the death of 655,000, or the displacement of 1.5 million, but because of the complete failure in not succeeding and winning, because of the death of almost 3,000 occupying soldiers, for creating a new memory of debacle, quagmire, defeat.

The narrative so-meticulously concocted and crafted by the Ministry of Truth, of an America destined by the Christian deity for greatness, incapable of defeat, always triumphant in victory, forever carrying the torch of goodness, chosen to fight the forces of evil, a beacon of freedom and liberty to the world, has been shown as the sham that it is, a fantasy laced with the glazed sugar coating of Hollywood perfection and brainwashed delusions. The aura of arrogance, the spirit of invincibility, the confidence of victory, the manifest destiny of America has taken a severe and humiliating blow at the hands of a mosaic of “rag tag,” “sub-human,” “third-world,” “dark-skinned,” “Arab and Muslim” resistance fighters, or mujahadeen. The glorious mirror of fables of American prominence that has for decades been used to condition and brainwash the masses has been blasted into pieces by a war of choice and by a cabal of mass murder and criminality.

The job has thus fallen to the Ministry of Truth and its agents of propaganda to once again reassemble the many pieces of the smoking mirror and reconstruct in the mind of the American masses the fantasy and fiction of an America that only exists in the thoughts of the brainwashed and the easily manipulated. The mirror of American preeminence, splendor and greatness that has been used for decades to make servants of the population must be refurbished, lest the people wake from their hypnotized stupor to see that the American Dream is but one more charade, one more level of control over their lives, one more fantasy injecting fog and haze into myopic eyes, one more mirage whose true nightmare remains hidden by the warm glow of the television.

The reality of American life, with its elaborate system of chains and shackles that clandestinely enslave millions to the elite through the mechanisms of predatory capitalism, together with the true nature of America’s domination over the planet, destroying Earth, pillaging resources, ruining nations, birthing enormous suffering, killing millions, enraging billions, must never be allowed to penetrate past the firewalls of propaganda that have since birth been implanted inside the mind of the American masses. The Delusion of the American Dream must remain steadfast and firm so that the Earth’s Nightmare may be allowed to continue. Disastrous endeavors that dispel the self-aggrandizement inherent in America’s delusions attack the basic core of the American people’s conditioned minds, creating the mechanisms by which the citizenry begins to question the fiction they have lived all their lives.

If leadership can be so incompetent as to give birth to debacle and utter failure, even with the greatest military and resources the world has ever known, then how can it govern the rest of the nation’s problems? If defeat, eventual retreat and loss of nearly 3,000 troops, along with the maiming, of both body and mind, of countless tens of thousands more, is the result of an adventure that was supposed to end with flowers and candy thrown at our feet, signifying a marvelous, heralded victory proclaiming American greatness, then what has happened to the only nation blessed by the Christian deity? What does a humiliating withdrawal from Iraq do the American psyche when years of brainwashing seemingly disallow the reality now experienced from ever rising? With the Iraq failure - much like the Vietnam example before - firmly impressed upon the precepts and beliefs the system inculcates into our minds, contradicting that which we have been taught about ourselves, at odds with the fictions hammered into our psyche, an audacious challenge to the constructs of what the state and the corporation say is our reality is issued, making millions breathe above the murky water of lifelong conditioning, oftentimes for the first time.

For in the American narrative, the invincible American military, the most moral and virtuous in the entire world, fighting evil wherever it may rise, protecting humanity from evildoers, is not supposed to struggle against dead-enders, dark-skinned sub-humans or third-worlders. It is not supposed to get trapped in quicksand or quagmire, fighting for survival against an army of resistance fighters, most of whom were simple peasants before occupation. It is not supposed to become that which it has been sent to fight, yet transformed into terrorists and torturers and rapists and mass murderers has it become, dispelling the fallacies of the Dream we all believe to be real and true. In times of disaster and unwinnable war, where frustration and discontent grows, where unsettling facts become the thorns bursting the bubble of infallibility, the fantasy of what we think we are and the reality of what we truly are clash in a fiery battle for truth, unleashing in the mind of the less gullible the beginning sprouts of doubt, forging the genesis of what is a vortex of uncomfortable epiphanies and awakenings.

It is when the Dream jousts with Reality that awakenings to truth emerge, as always after violent storms of thought penetrate a brainwashed mind that refuses to pull its anchors from the draining harbors of control. Like two armies engaged in hand to hand combat, the Dream conditioned and Reality experienced meet on the battlefield of thought, creating volatile and uncomfortable conundrums tearing a mind that has never been confronted with a challenge to what it thinks is truth and reality. In times beset by inevitable questioning of the state and the so-called leaders of the people, when decisions and policies lead to defeat and failure and debacle, leading to embarrassment and deep collective introspection, millions of citizens will confront the dark Dream, wondering why its tenets and axioms have not held firm, finally seeing the light, realizing that the Dream they lived no longer corresponds with the Truth they now see, in the process shattering the smoke-filled mirrors that surrounds them and becoming aware of what has been done them, and who is responsible.

Rewriting the Iraq Script

What strategic defeats such as Vietnam and Iraq do is to plant doubt and uncertainty in the minds of Americans regarding the fictions taught and inculcated from cradle to grave. What wars that are not won and incompetent occupations accomplish is to irrigate the fields of slumbering minds with the enriching fluids of emancipation, if not throughout the population then certainly in the realities of tens of millions, enough for a movement to grow and a momentum to infiltrate into the collective conscious of the American people. Thus, the danger to the Establishment of the Iraq War disaster is that if it is allowed to fester and continue hemorrhaging, just as its momentum dictates that it will continue to do, the American mind may indeed sprout forth the reason and logic and cognitive thinking that has been appropriated for decades by the system, creating the necessary mind shock and thought tempest that might spring in the masses the enlightenment and renaissance that the elite are frightened to death of.

This reality is the danger both to the system that has worked to perfection for decades - which has served to virtually enslave and make surfs of the masses - and to the Establishment that is its chief custodian. A debacle of the Establishment’s own making, granted life through its own hubris and incompetence and complete manipulation of the People, the Iraq War now threatens the very group that collaborated to give it wings. The Establishment pushed for war and invasion and occupation, using its vast tools of propaganda and manipulation to set the country on the path towards war. The Establishment allowed lies and deceptions and blatant manipulations of falsity to pass through its barriers and gatekeepers, granting the green light for complete acceptance by the People of a war known to be immoral and illegal before it was even begun.

Today, what the ruling class of America helped birth has become a Frankenstein unleashed and unchained, threatening to eviscerate both the American bubble granting the elite control and its delicate yet omnipresent Dream that although strongly threaded, remains a fragile concoction of fantasy, brainwashing and perpetual conditioning, from the cradle to the grave. Having become a monster that has taken on a life of its own, albeit after succeeding in the complete looting of America’s treasury in favor of the elite, though now threatening the interests of its masters and the power of Establishment, the Iraq War must therefore be injected with a cocktail of the elite’s antibiotics, made to be reborn, recreated and remarketed so as to appease the growing rumblings and discomfort of the American people, so as to prevent disgruntled frustration from mutating into vociferous opposition. Its reality must be reigned in, controlled and spun according to the interests of the elite, before it spins out of control, out of the reach of the ruling class’ tools of mass manipulation. It must be contained before it spirals beyond even media repair, becoming the spark that launches a challenge of the system by the people.

For the Establishment, damage control using its Ministry of Truth and its army of pseudo-journalists must be meticulous, surgical and rapid, like a barrage of artillery fired upon the American populace, altering the perception of a losing adventure, creating a new fiction arranged within the parameters of the American Dream. It must be enveloped with the sugar coating inherent with the American narrative, with the fable of greatness and virtue so as to reclaim millions of minds lost, so as to prevent the erosion of millions more. And so the manufacturers of American reality, those whose job it is to create the perception millions believe is the real world, have been assigned with the task of launching a new campaign of smoke and mirrors, trying to reclaim an eroding Dream and a lost war of choice.

The repackaging of the debacle in Mesopotamia, which will be done by spinning and manipulating its realities and truths in such a way as to maintain dormant the awakened mind of the citizenry, thus preventing the lower classes from ever rising to challenge power, will of course be implemented with the Establishment’s weapons of mass deception and manipulation, namely, the Corporate media, both on camera and in print. In order to freeze a rapidly boiling pot of anger at the war itself and thereby assuring, at least for a few decades more, the domination of the many by the few through the hypnotizing catatonia of the masses, the Establishment will bombard the airwaves and the printed opinion pieces with the propaganda of a perceived victory in Iraq, of an honorable handover of power, of competence defined and honor triumphant. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

The Iraqi government will be made the incompetent, the warmongers, the corrupt, the institution that cannot establish security or peace, even though it never stood a chance at governance, being born with two arms fused behind its back, inheriting a debacle of historic proportions that even history’s best leaders could not salvage. The new Iraqi government will be blamed for civil strife, sectarian violence and the continuing decline in security and standard of living, even though it was the Americans who sowed what the Iraqi government must now reap....

Read the rest of this essay (much, much more), at:


Forum posts

  • The Bushites have not yet given up on their dream of world domination. Their propaganda machine, their spin doctors, their lying press secretaries, their paid journalists, all combine to tell the American public that Bush is the greatest hero in the history of the world, the darling of his God, the Julius Caesar of our day. In turn he lives in his bubble of security, isolated from all reality, and his handlers keep him supplied with confidence and probably some kind of anti-depressants. The Neocon cabal is still intact, untouched, except for a few Republican Senators that have had to quit in disgrace. But otherwise they can still accomplish much harm. For instance, where are the 3 task forces that sailed out toward the Straits of Hormuz, with full battle gear and missiles and planes? Is this the October Surprise that Karl Rove mentioned? Bush can still launch World World III and no Republican Senator is around to stop him. The next election is crucial in stopping the trend towards Neo-Fascism and the disappearance of democracy in the U.S.

  • A User’s Guide to the War Train

    Going to Hell on a War Train

    Ozone and fear smell sharp like blood
    an acrid undercurrent of inevitability
    as the wheels squeal and brakes burn
    crashing in a slow-motion tumble

    Dangers pile up in deadly drifts
    as the train plows blindly into night
    following the flow of neon and pavement
    toward the rim of a Grand Canyon

    Speeding up rather than slowing down
    even as wildfires rage all around
    the conductor jams the crank ahead
    warning sirens screeching by

    We loaded the 15 tons of fuel with tax
    what did we get- another day of shame
    and deeper in debt to a corporate game
    smash and grab our last glimmers of hope

    Storm clouds roll in with thunder
    carrying a clinging stench of decay
    from the south and the oceans
    yet the train races into oblivion

    Madcap flickers of figments in windows
    prove the passengers preoccupied
    watching pretend people acting heroic
    as they fly by trenches full of bodies

    This train was bound for glory
    once upon a time in a book
    now it’s full speed toward hell
    the demon driver a silly crook

    In the wind we wished for home fires
    roasting sweet treats and meats
    instead the stench of the nation
    is bombed bits of buildings and blood

    We’ve witnessed the wickedness of war
    yet we follow warlords’ rules
    killing after killing and corruption
    shall our epitaph read: "Death by Fools"?

    B.Z.B. Evans
    Ministry of Mutation


    History will Judge Us by our Corruption or our Courage

    Regardless of the rhetoric being spun out of Washington, DC that we "must win" the war in Iraq, and the insurgents must die, along with all the terror-mad men who hate us, if we are to survive these times with any shred of dignity we must face the facts laid out before us by the rest of the world. We are suffering under the most criminally corrupt regime of corporate pirates to ever seize power in the industrial world, and we are being robbed blind as they distract all of us with far-flung manipulations of terror and sacrifice our children. War-profiteers such as the world hasn’t seen since the days of the Roman Empire.

    In reality, the investigations and disclosures about the events of the 9-11 attacks are still being quashed and censored, even in the face of victims families protests, as are the apparently criminal lies of aggression which resulted in the Bush regime launching military deployment to oil-rich islamic lands. In reality, the "insurgents" are mostly people in desperate situations who have lost relatives to gargantuan military weapons doing desperate things for revenge or what they believe is survival. In reality, the "terrorists" are mostly ideologically committed young people who feel the US is challenging them to a global duel of historic proportions, which is exactly what the Bush regime has done since the day they seized the White House with the help of several Bush-appointed justices.

    As tragic and bloody as their "war on terror" (an Orwellian nightmare) is, remember it is all a well-planned vast distraction. How disoriented do we feel some days when we spend so much of our energy focused on some burning country half a world away whose language we do not speak and culture we barely understand? Meanwhile, back at home, the Bush corporate cronies are busy gutting every environmental protection and social program fought for in the last century, robbing consumers at the pumps, clear-cutting forests, building secret mega-weapons, deploying God knows what new spy technology, and generally undermining what we once considered a "democracy." And the very idea that anyone will "win" the war in Iraq is a corruption in itself. Humanity has already lost itself in the bombed-out gardens of Babylon.

    At some point we the people, in order to retain any sanity, will have to face these crooks and put a stop to it. Find their soft underbellies, where they claim to have a heart, plastic or otherwise. Hit them in the profiteering and expose their reptilian lies. Demand justice, and the truth for which so many thousands have died. Allow the investigations of the Bush-Bin Laden-Rumsfeld-Saddam-CIA-Saudi-Cheney-Halliburton-Enron-Unocal-9-11 web of deception to be realized, and it will be like banishing the wicked witch and her flying monkeys. Begin envisioning these war criminals behind bars.

    Our world will not only be happier for it, but will actually have a chance for survival, rather than armageddon.

    B.Z.B. Evans, Irregular Unit 008
    Burning Bush http://burnbush.blogspot.com

    How to Translate "War"

    We should ask ourselves if
    "war" is a universal idea or
    an undiagnosed mental disorder

    see the bloody invasions blasting
    history becoming one long crime
    a wasting contagion on the world

    now in the final hours
    like a fat drunken giant
    fighting flies and wasps
    with a sledgehammer

    The last national challenge:
    translate "patriotic"-
    to extraterrestrials
    before "blasting away"

    B.Z.B. Evans
    BombShelter 2013