Home > Marie-George Buffet: "We should declare war on the Right"

Marie-George Buffet: "We should declare war on the Right"

by Open-Publishing - Friday 17 November 2006

Parties Elections-Elected France FR - Presidential 2007

At the close of work at the National Conference, Marie-George Buffet notably had to say:

"We measure the unparalleled stakes in the 2007 elections, for the future of our country: either to slide into bi-partism, with its hopeless succession of alternances, or instead to give rise to a popular alternative to neo-liberal politics. This must be our objective: to construct on the Left a popular and political majority, around a project capable of changing our life. This ambition, I sum up in all my meetings with the simplest of words: to beat the Right, and to succeed with the Left. This ambition is shared well beyond our own ranks. To proclaim such an ambition should appear, I’m sure, politically incorrect with respect to the political scenario that others wish to write for our people. In their film, we are already 48 hours before the second tour of the election, the official candidates are designated, the debating positions are taken, the election is already sealed. But no! We the citizens have not decided. And there are still those who resist, those who build and work in the anti-liberal assemblies, and who are not content to play stand-in roles.

"You have just proposed to the communists that I be a candidate. I also wish to tell you that what I wish, in this fight, at your sides, with all those with whom we work, is to make it evident that there exists in this country a force, a will, to break with the liberal politics carried on these last decades, a will to build, through deep reforms, new social relations, a new conception of citizenship and of work, a new practice of political power. Change, to put it simply. ... Permit me to address all the youth that this society has locked up in misery in their housing projects. The tenants of the established order, who do violence to you every day, are not afraid of burning automobiles. What they fear is the expression of your voices, your struggles. What they fear is what you have done to the CPE [2] It is a democratic uprising, which, by the mobilization of the youth, mobilizes all generations against the world they wish to impose on us. It is perhaps in the name of these youth, and of the less-young, broken and stigmatized, that we must declare war on the Right".

[2] Contract for a first employment, defeated last spring.
