by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 10 January 2007

Wars and conflicts Governments USA Peter Fredson

The New Bush Plan

By Peter Fredson

January 10, 2007

Ever since the elections of November 2006, George Bush has struggled against reality by immersing himself in a “listening” frenzy with his ears turned only toward advice coinciding with his own flawed judgment. Now, it seems he has come up with a plan to ensure victory and success in Iraq.

From all indications he is going to let the Iraqis take the blame. That is, provided the Iraqis are grateful to Bush and his neocons for invading them with shock and awe, destroying their infrastructure, ruining their homes, and filling graveyards with Iraqi dead. Bush is caught in his fantasy that somehow the Iraqis are “sovereign.” That his occupying army is there mainly to give chocolate and gum to Iraqi kids who have somehow gotten their parents killed.

But that is nit-picking. Those Iraqis damned well better understand that Bush is not kidding around this time.

They unreasonably ask why their oil is being given to foreigners, why there are billion-dollar permanent bases in their country, why the only place in Iraq with electricity, water and other necessaries of life is in the Green Zone and why the U.S. Embassy has thousands of “diplomats?” They unreasonably ask why their homes are being destroyed by tanks, their doors kicked in, and strange masked creatures from outer-space bearing very deadly weapons and toss grenades into their living rooms? They see U.S. helicopters and ask if their purpose is to deliver mail or food or provide some service for Iraqis.

They wonder what “noble purpose”, what “moral principle” led Mr. Bush to kill several hundred thousand Iraqis. They wonder why after Saddam Hussein was captured, the Americans did not leave immediately, perhaps taking Saddam to Guantanamo with the rest of Bush captives?

So, if the entire Bush strategy is built around getting the Iraqis to play ball with him, because he is such a nice guy, then his plan is doomed to abject failure. Bush has no idea how to get out of Iraq. He likes being a War President. He loves shredding our Constitution and making signing statements. It makes him a “big man.”

After all, what are the lives of grunts and boots worth? Compare that to the majestic ego of our Imperial Chimpmaster, without rival in our history. He will leave a legacy like the slime trail of a slug in the garden.

Tonight he will use all of his personality tricks to give the hard sell to his “plan.” He will smile broadly, smirk a couple of times, hunch his shoulders, slice with his hands, and strive mightily to avoid any impression that he has no idea what he is talking about.

And all of his sycophants will clap harder.

Forum posts

  • BOW DOWN to the ZIONIST CONTROLLED PUPPET!!!.....So far the Middle East Game Plan is proceeding along....2steps forward and 1 step backward..but always forward to World Slavery

  • How much more are we going to stand for, Americans? Now we’re bombing the sh&* out of ANOTHER country to reinstall the group that killed our soldiers in Somalia. Did you know that?!!!! And isn’t just the best timing that this unprovoked attack came at this time to distract our attention from the announcement of bush’s latest "plan"for what’s left of Iraq?!!!!!!

  • Mr Bush is still behaving arrogantly, in spite of his loss in the last election. The new majority in congress and that of the American people are against increasing the troops in Iraq. However, Mr Bush is behaving like the losing gambler, who bids for higher money as he loses more.
    The problem in Iraq has been initiated by the occupation, and then started to turn into civil war by the action of militias belonging to Abdulaziz Al-Hakim and muktada Al-Sader. The USA troops in Iraq did not bother to take any action against these militias, and let them kill tens of Iraqis everyday in Baghdad. The only thing that bother Mr Bush administration is the people who reject his policies in Iraq, and those who ask for timetable for withdrawal. Those people are being harsened, imprisoned, and even killed by USA troops under various acquisitions such as being insurgents. The bombing of Haifa street in Baghdad a couple of days ago is one example. How any body can justify bombing a residential area at the center of Baghdad. Who can justify killing civilians; women and children buy destructing their homes on their heads?. The Iraqis know that only Mr Bush administration can do that, because it has being doing that. Thus Mr Bush policies in Iraq have led to the killing of much more Iraqis than the former regime did. Moreover it has killed more than 3000 of the American troops, and yet that policy is hungry for more blood in Iraq.
    Now it is time to stand and prevent the recent policy of Mr Bush, in order to safeguard both Iraqis and USA troops.
    Mohamed Younis / IRAQ

  • The difference between Iraq and Vietnam? Bush had a plan to get out of Vietnam.

    • That’s a good one!!

    • That Dirt Bag Duncan Hunter was on C-Span today talking non-sense about how we won in Vietnam and we liberated them and brought them democracy.....what total crap, the nut job has no concept of truth or of history. We LOST in Vietnam after 15 years and after killing 3 million Vietnamese. The pig is delusional, he stood there and horseshit flowed from his lying mouth. I guess he thinks that if he goes around lying enough, that people will believe his re-write of history. What a maggot.

      How do the people in San Diego stomach that piece of lying garbage? It is not bad enough that he is a total crook, he is also an ugly warmonger. GET RID OF THIS KIND OF GARBAGE IN CONGRESS....