Home > Why American citizens WILL accept the use of NUKES

Why American citizens WILL accept the use of NUKES

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 27 January 2007

Nuclear Wars and conflicts International USA

Why will American citizens accept a Nuclear strike on IRAN?.........Because they "think "that no American soldiers will die in a nuclear airstrike.The fact that the middle east will become a radiation fallout zone(it already is-DU) dosen’t matter as long as they can continue to go to work,go to the mall,brink beer and watch t.v. The fact that thousands if not millions of innocent Middle Easterners will suffer horribly MEANS NOTHING!!

The ONLY reason that American citizens are against the current war is because Sons and Daughters are being killed and maimed.The fact that this War is based on outright lies by BUSH,the CIA and willing manipulation by Zionist Americans and Zionist Israel is irrelevant.If no soldiers were being killed Americans would totally support the insanity.

....The bottom line is that the motivations and rationalizations of American citizens are selfish,guttless,immoral,infantile,unethical and completely devoid of any spiritual inspiration or guidance .It is amazing how a small group of evil people,over a period of 100 years, can create and entire nation of brainwashed "guttless wonders".

We as a nation DESERVE to be relegated to a state of feudal slavery.....land of the free and home of the brave my ASS!!!!

Forum posts

  • America will receive a few nukes by itself. That will teach the American dumb asses.

  • Next time think twice before you start flying planes into us buildings, what should we do thank you and say please do it again, perhaps if Carter was president he would have. When will you learn religion and politics will never mix stop spreading your hate and masking it under the cloak of god.
    I will feel safer drinking beer and watching tv knowing a 747 with madmen aboard wont crash into my home because Bush and the American people tooks the steps needed to protect are great nation.
    When your walking through the soon to be fall out zone you can thank the extremists and the goverments that protected them.
    Sure sucks to be you.