Home > Rosie O’Donnell

Rosie O’Donnell

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 1 April 2007

Music Wars and conflicts USA

Rosie O’Donnell

Michael D. Morrissey

April 1, 2007

Can be sung to the tune of "Eileen O’Grady,"and redistributed for non-profit purposes.
Orig. place of publication is (see for tune) http://members.tripod.com/mdmorrissey/rosie.htm.

Rosie O’Donnell and Daniel O’Connell

We’ll follow you into the fray

Two heroes of darin’, one fightin’ for Erin

And one for Americay

O’Reilly and Hanitty, where is their sanity

Flag-wavin’ is all they can do

Perfidious traitors and collaborators

They can’t hold a candle to you


Rosie, you’re one of our kind, we want you to speak your mind

About 9/11 and Building 7

We know that explosions caused all that implosion

Never before, now or of yore

Did steel buildings fall by fire

So by whose volition, controlled demolition

Did they turn into dust and a funeral pyre?

You’re fighting for reason, exposing the treason,

We’re sick of their lies and their war

If it ever gets out, the true crimes of those louts

There’ll be heaven to pay and much more

Rosie you’re beautiful, truthful and dutiful

We’re proud that you’re standin’ your ground

We’ll teach them some manners who fly the false banners

And one day we’ll bring them around


Forum posts

  • I’ve never agreed with Rosie on anything, however, I think she is very heroic concerning her VERY public statements about 911 et all!!! She has A LOT to lose, but she’s done it anyway.
    She has my utmost admiration and I’ve written her to say just that. If you agree with her, admire her you should do likewise if you wish. ABC will get rid of her unless we stick up for her!

  • Funny times. You would find more political articles in magazines like "Vanity Fair" than in the supposed political press of America. Also that O’Donell came out with facts and truth shows the same trend.

    Truth is truth and facts are facts and it doesn’t really matter who brings them to acknowledgement.

    • Well I posted this link under a rather cheeky heading here alreay above, but perhaps everyone has already seen WTC7 being imploded so many times they don’t need to see it again, but if you haven’t yet wacthed it being OBVIOUSLY imploded here’s some great footage and comparisons. Just wait. NOw that THIS part of the 9-11 INsider Charade is coming to light, I look for a shoft in the "official" White House conspiracy theory from "diesel fuel caused this near PERFECT implosion to "the ther Terrisssts snuck bombs into our buildings" hhahahhahahhahh yea, RIGHT! PLease send out to EVERY site you can, and spread the word... 9-11 was definately an INSIDE job, and the "offical" conspiracy theory is falling down faster than the imploded WTC7!!!
