Home > David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru

David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 18 April 2007

Elections-Elected USA

I. The worst electoral fraud and undermining of democracy in United States
A. The so-called “elections” of 2000 and 2004.

II. The worst abuser of the death penalty in United States history:
A. George W. Bush presided over One Hundred and Fifty Two executions while
governor of Texas.
B. During his reign as governor, Texas set a record by executing forty people in
one year.
C. While other governors were declaring moratoriums on capital punishment due
to deficiencies in the legal system, Bush was routinely denying death-row
inmates the opportunity for DNA testing that could have exonerated them.
D. Bush then disingenuously boasted that no innocent person had been
executed “under his watch,” knowing that any evidence which could potentially
disprove this boast was immediately destroyed after an execution had

III. The worst school shooting incident in United States history:
A. Over thirty dead at Virginia Tech.

IV. The worst terrorist attack on United States soil in United States history:
A. Over three thousand dead at the World Trade Center, Pentagon and in the
hijacked airplanes.
B. Arguments persist that the Bush dictatorship encouraged, or intentionally
ignored warnings about, these impending attacks to build support for its
invasion of Iraq, which was in the planning stages long before these attacks

V. The worst natural disaster in United States history:
A. Hurricane Katrina was America’s costliest disaster.
B. It was the deadliest hurricane since 1928, killing over
eighteen hundred people.
C. The catastrophe was worsened by the ineptitude of the Bush dictatorship in
responding to the crisis.
1. Bush’s mother demonstrated the callousness the Bush dictatorship felt
towards Katrina victims when, as survivors languished in the Houston
Astrodome, she remarked, “[S]o many of the people here were
underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”

VI. The worst foreign policy debacle in United States history:
A. The invasion of Iraq was based on outright lies about
weapons of mass destruction.
B. Dissenters were often attacked through corrupt and illegal means, like Joseph
C. Wilson, whose wife was exposed as a CIA operative after he questioned the
Bush dictatorship’s motives for the Iraqi invasion in an OP-ED piece for the
New York Times.
C. Over three thousand Americans have died in Iraq since Bush bellicosely
strutted across the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln in front of a banner
proclaiming “Mission Accomplished.”
D. More Iraqis may have died since the American invasion than under the
dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.
E. Few of the architects of this illegal war ever participated
in combat situations themselves.
1. Bush used his family’s influence to serve in the National Guard during the
Vietnam War.
2. Dick Cheney received five deferments to avoid serving in Vietnam,
because, as he now claims, he had, “other priorities.”

VII. The worst erosion of the Constitution and Bill of Rights in United States history:
A. The hysteria-driven “Patriot Act” essentially destroyed the Bill of Rights.
B. But even these expanded powers were not enough. The National Security
Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) also engaged in illegal
spying on American citizens.
C. Not surprisingly, the Bill of Rights conveniently resurfaces when members of
the Bush dictatorship are accused of engaging in corrupt practices, such as the
politically motivated firings of federal prosecutors,
1. Monica Goodling, who was allegedly involved in these firings, chose to
invoke her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination rather than
testify before a Senate Committee investigating these firings.

VIII. The worst venality in United States history:
A. Dick Cheney’s former company, Halliburton, stands to make billions from no-
bid “rebuilding” contracts in Iraq.
B. Paul Wolfowitz, one of the cowards who instigated the Iraqi war, abused his
authority as head of the World Bank by giving payoffs to his girlfriend.

IX. The worst human rights record in United States history:
A. Long heralded as a bastion of human rights (largely because it concealed its
abuses under the guise of covert activities), the United States, under the
dictatorship of George W. Bush, has become one of the worst human rights
abusers in the world.
B. Torture was/is routinely used to extract confessions.
C. Secret prisons were established throughout the world to conceal these human
rights abuses.
D. Detainees in detention camps, like Guantanamo Bay, are
denied due process and the right to fair and impartial trials.
E. Alleged “enemy combatants” like Jose Padilla were detained on bogus charges
that magically “disappeared” after years of illegal detention.
F. The judicial branch of government, particularly the
ethically deprived United States Supreme Court (which
corruptly elevated Bush to power in the first place) has failed to serve as

a “check-and-balance” against these abuses.
X. The worst cowardice in United States history:
A. In addition to the previously mentioned cowardice of many of the architects of
the Iraqi war, who are so willing to demand sacrifices of others they don’t
demand of themselves, there is the cowardice of those in the entertainment,
music and journalism industries, who “bravely fight” the Iraqi war from the
safety of film sets, recording studios and news offices, knowing that the
absence of a military draft ensures that neither them nor their loved ones will
ever be forced to “practice what they preach.”
B. The United States Congress has repeatedly failed to indict and impeach Bush
and his minions for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, even though the Bush
dictatorship has used the resources of the United States military for personal
and political gain, lied about the motivations for war and intentionally
concealed evidence that would have exposed these lies. Yet Congress
demonstrated no such hesitancy when it attempted to impeach former
President Bill Clinton for lying about a sexual affair. Apparently in America
lying about a sexual relationship is worse than lying about a war that has cost
thousands of lives and billions of taxpayer dollars.

What is the sum of these ten “worst” points?: GEORGE W. BUSH IS THE WORST “PRESIDENT” IN UNITED STATES HISTORY!!

I know there are many who will argue that Bush cannot be held accountable for all the items on this list. I disagree. Evil begets evil and death begets death. Bush and his minions are the personifications of both. Bush also personifies the Faustian ideology of selling one’s soul to the devil for a few years of power. What makes Bush especially vile is that, after making this satanic pact, he attempted to allege that “God” placed him into power.

It is no coincidence that the worst examples of evil and death in American history have occurred under the auspices and influence of the Bush dictatorship. But the most horrific reality of all is that his reign of terror is not over. Thus the question remains: How many more will suffer, how many more freedoms will be lost, and how many more will die before the nightmare ends?

David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of PRAVDA.Ru

Forum posts

  • I can certainly agree in your assumptions regarding Iraq and other areas and no doubt your correct about being the worst president in history. Unless you have video of Bush waving a wand and conjuring up a hurricane in the gulf its just plain foolish to say Bush can control nature, the fact of how his administration governed over the recovery is something to fault . It is quite cold of you to use the trajedy in Virginia as a slap in the face to Bush , the parents of those kids certainly will not agree with you.There is only one person to blame and that is the shooter himself, because he was from south korea does not make south korea responsible and certainly Bush was not pointing the gun. It was an unfortunate incident performed by a sick troubled youth, there are no politics here or fingers to point, and you have sunk to a new low, a parasite on the belly of a snake to try and turn the death of thse students into something political. Perhaps they should check this killers web browser he may have been troubled and confused from reading your website.

    • I disagree. As Hoffman states, a culture of death makes many think that killing and death is the panacea for all their ills. After all, Bush repeatedly declared that war was a "last resort," when all the time he was set on waging it. The point Hoffman makes is simply that it seems coincidental that so many "worsts" seem to be occurring under Bush’s reign. Coincidence or fate? I guess that’s the question being raised by the article. We should not only examine what creates a person like the shooter at Virginia Tech. We should also examine what creates a man like George W. Bush, and why so many were so eager to supplement his madness by giving him power he does not deserve. Thank you.

    • Well said. In fact the worst exploiters seem to be those like the National Rifle Association (NRA) who were tripping all over themselves arguing that the incident at Virginia Tech is not an argument for gun control, and puffing their chests at the fact that nothing Bush is saying is deviating from their position. Of course, I know there are those who say guns don’t kill people, people kill people. But in a world where executions, violence and war seem to be the only avenue to political power, it is no wonder that others think there is no other solution to their problems.

    • Indeed! And talk about politics. Bush trips all over himself to go to Virginia Tech, but when was the last time he went to a funeral of a soldier killed in Iraq?

    • Get real people, there certainly is enough factual evidence pointed at Bush for countless choices he made, I doubt many can deny this. Just to give you the benefit of doubt I suppose any crime on American soil during his presidency puts him at fault as its his watch. Has me wondering who was president when Ed Geen ate the people he killed , is hard to beleive they tossed geen in a institution when by your logic the president at that time was at fault because of high unemployment and Ed was hungry? How come nobody has explained how Bush created the hurricane, do we have a secret weather machine, does he have the power to control nature? If Bush was this talented he could just create more oil. I try to keep an open mind but to blame him because of the actions of a twisted individual has no bearing, perhaps your thinking so far out of the box you shoud reign yourself in.If by chance your meaning was society in general is at blame , then all of us are at fault as regardless of are age we should be mentoring the generation behind us.I can certainly see why your web site is classified as a tabloid, anything to turn heads and sell a product regardless of the hurt you bring to others.

    • It’s amazing that those of you who whine about "hurt" are outraged only when tragic deaths occur in the United States. Today’s news announced that 178 people were killed in Baghdad because of Bush’s illegal war. Where’s the outrage over that? Is Bush going to attend the funerals of those victims, or is he, like you and so many others, simply going to shrug and say, "So What," because the victims were not American.

    • When I posted earlier the news of 186 killed in Iraq did not yet hit the web. I do agree with you as one loss is tragic enough let alone 186 in a day, even more tragic is the total count of people and soldiers combined in Iraq. Here is a late new years wish, that being all mainstream media give Iraq the same attention as V tech > I would think that after a week of in depth coverage and the real sights and sounds of bloody war the public would get up on there hind legs and demand troops home.

    • Our hearts ache over these atrocities. We are working for change, in leadership, in laws, as this is the way in America. Please do not think we do not care. We are working on reform at all levels.

      We care so much. The heartbreak is now getting very verbal, as in this blog.

      I just think back to the election, especially of 2004, that after the first four years, people actually voted for GWBush again. I am from Ohio, and the votes for the opposing candidate were somehow erased from record.

      What gets me about this war: We were supposedly after Osama (remember him), in Afghanistan, and were getting so close to finding him. He was like in the next cave over. Then, poof, we are now in Iraq, for ???? WMD????