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The Rapture Came Early This Year: Falwell takes his leave.

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 16 May 2007

Religions-Beliefs USA

Old Jerry was called by the Lord decades ago. He was skinnier then, but just as obnoxious. Today he slipped his mortal coil at 300 larded pounds and only 73. I have a dog older than that.

He just couldn’t stay away from cheeseburgers. That’s cruel and puerile, I know, but that’s who I am, and let’s face it...ol’ Jer’ deserves it.

There is no doubt that Mr.Falwell did indeed rise from a boisterous Southern preacher with a small church to become a man of huge influence in the religo-political arena at home and abroad. The best I can say for the man is he wasn’t ever caught with a hooker. That’s saying something for a man who found sin everywhere he looked. Gays, Abortionists, Stem Cell enthusiasts, Pornography and TV Violence. He wanted it stopped, so he turned to Republicans who also claim they want it stopped and dump all the blame on Liberals and Democrats. That’s fair. Sure. Logical.

Jerry blamed Gays and other "perverts" for 9/11 and Katrina. Of course! I knew that before he did, but I have no voice so couldn’t stop the vile and pathetic sinners...et voila!..the Muslims attacked us. Sorry.

Mr. Falwell, fat bulging head bulging over his tight and proper "Kristian" collar, made a lot of absurd statements in his short life, not the least of which was that Jews can’t go to Heaven without converting and that he...Jerry..had a standing reservation in Paradise because he answered God,supports holy war in the Middle East, and was chosen...like Bush.

Today, in brief comments to the Washington Press Corps, I heard Giuliani and McCain clearly state "We all loved him and will miss him".

Uh huh.

By now, Jer’, you’ve found your place in the great beyond. Perhaps it is WE who make false assumptions as to your final destination.

Some day we may just find out.