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9/11 Responders Speak Out on Government Failure to Address Environmental, Health Impact of WTC colla

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 24 June 2007
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Health Attack-Terrorism USA

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Two 9/11 responders join us to talk about the government’s neglect of the thousands of people who volunteered for the Ground Zero rescue and recovery effort. Trained emergency medical technician Regina Cervantes is featured in Michael Moore’s latest documentary SiCKO and traveled to Cuba for medical treatment. Leading advocate John Feal is president of the FealGood Foundation that assists 9/11 responders who have been denied government benefits. [includes rush transcript]

Almost six years after the attacks, there has been no congressional funding devoted to the environmental health impact of the collapse on Lower Manhattan residents. On Wednesday Senator Clinton announced a subcommittee proposal requesting $55 million for precisely such a program that would screen and treat all individuals exposed to Ground Zero dust. For the thousands of ailing 9/11 responders who have been getting sicker and sicker while waiting for treatment and benefits, does this hold any promise? To find out, we are joined today by two 9/11 responders.

Regina Cervantes.Trained emergency medical technician. She rushed to Ground Zero on September 11th and suffers from respiratory illnesses. She is featured in Michael Moore’s latest documentary SiCKO and traveled to Cuba for medical treatment.

John Feal. Leading advocate for 9/11 responders. He is the president of the FealGood Foundation that assists 9/11 responders who have been denied government benefits. He was a first responder at Ground Zero and suffers serious health consequences.
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Forum posts

  • Remember, actions speak louder than words! The government doesn’t care about you. Never forget that. The government cares about government and that is all. In order to stay government, at least in the USA, they need votes, so for a short while each election term, they ask for your vote. That is the way it works. So, for a while they pretend that they care about you by offering you insurance, retirement benefits, tax incentives to work harder, etc. Now that you know this, don’t complain and don’t get confused that they really care about you, because they don’t. Remember, it could always be worse. Sometimes governments even try to kill you. Best advice, stay clear, way clear, or you will be a sorry puppy!