Home > The Hitlerization of Britain

The Hitlerization of Britain

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 8 July 2007

Governments UK

Quietly but insidiously, Gordon Brown’s regime is working diligently to turn Britain into a full-blown police state, the kind which Hitler and Stalin would have been proud of.

Almost unannounced, Britain now has a Minister of Security, ex-Navy Admiral, Sir Alan West.

The creation of such a post is a disturbing sign of how advanced has become the politicization of the intelligence and police services in Britain and their servility to a foreign policy created, not in Britain, but in Washington, D.C. Britain’s role as a vassal state has been underscored by the appointment of a political figure whose ultimate purpose is the repression of his own people.

He has already confirmed that by publicly calling for people to snitch on each other and report each other’s activities to the police. Foreseeing the time required to further degrade social values along these lines, he recognizes that it might take up to fifteen years to create. To cynically and deliberately set out to create a society of psychosis, fear and terror is to do exactly what Hitler and Stalin did. It is also the act of a traitor who seeks to take away the last freedoms of his own people.

What, I wonder, would all those who, in the defence of freedom and democracy, went willingly to their deaths in WWII think of Sir Alan’s ultimate act of treason? Is this the kind of society for which they laid down their lives?

Through this despicable appointment we can see Gordon Brown for what he really is. For all his hollow talk of promoting a ’sense of Britishness’ Mr Brown-nose-Bush is nothing more than another traitor.

How long, I wonder, before the docile British public rise up against the likes of these? Its famous tolerance seems now to be entirely misplaced in that it appears to tolerate those who abuse their authority and condones intolerance against the very victims of that abuse.

Britain, like America, has descended into a mass psychosis where lies are believed simply to perpetuate a semblance of normality amongst destruction and chaos; that what is being done is right and proper by a government seeking ’to protect’ its people against outside threats.

Meantime, those governments are not only daily committing mass-murder against others in our name; they are committing disguised acts of terror against their own people in order to gain a strangle-hold position of control. And if we remain passive, as we are presently doing, that strangle-hold will finally strangle us all.

CHIMES OF FREEDOM, http://chimesofreedom.blogspot.com

Forum posts

  • Do you have any real evidence that the recent events in Britain where staged by the goverment ?Oh I forgot your last post suggested the firemen where in on this affair, why not the paperboy, maybee the sanitation workers, just keep rambling on dont even think about looking for truth before you write. This site seems to be the only place world wide where you can post it is quite evident you lost all credibility here now.I have read much here on the 911 episodes but there was evidence to go along with it you have nothing at this time. Perhaps you should polish your career by writing on restroom walls maybee someone will give your rantings an actual thought.

    • 68 226, I think the really important question to ask is whether there is any REAL evidence that those accused of driving or setting the blaze in the vehicle palyed any part in that and what, not the other way around. Was it staged? Are they still innocent until proven guilty? And was it REALLY a so called "terrorist attack? Let’s not forget the State-run media is now labelling most EVERYTHING with the word "terrorism" so much so that soon spitting on the sidewalk or jaywalking is going to be called TERRORISM. Whether this event was simply ANOTHER staged event (and YES we have seen so many that people ARE getting sceptical) or not we have to realize the author of the article is right in saying those ORWELLIANS that want a completely Police State monitored 24/7 cradle to grave MICROCHIPPED society are trying to use ANYTHING they can to acomplish this, they have made their Agenda quite clear. British Cameras that speak in little childrens voices trying to direct citizens every action doesn’t sound like a type of society I want for my family, my relatives fought and died for FREEDOM as outlined in the Bill of Rights, and the right of PRIVACY, not SLAVERY as outlined in the Military Commissions Act or the so call (p)atriot ACT!!!

    • 68.***.226.***, you really should do something about your spelling: ’were’ is w-e-r-e, no ’h’. ’Where’ indicates a place. And ’maybe’ as you see has only one ’e’.

      Still, illiteracy should not indicate a lack of intelligence but like your misspellings something vital appears to be missing in terms of your basic common sense. Go on beleiving in all the garbage the government is feeding you. Tell me, if they tell you to eat shit would you?

    • 68.***.226.***, you really should do something about your spelling: ’were’ is w-e-r-e, no ’h’. ’Where’ indicates a place. And ’maybe’ as you see has only one ’e’.

      Still, illiteracy should not indicate a lack of intelligence but like your misspellings something vital appears to be missing in terms of your basic common sense. Go on believing in all the garbage the government is feeding you. Tell me, if they tell you to eat shit would you?

    • 209.***.186.*** Quite. And I think it’s worth pointing out that a lot of people from the old British Commonwealth from many countries, from South Africa to India, Australia, Canada. New Zealand, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), the West Indies and Africa fought alongside English, Welsh, Scots and Irish tommies.

      All this is forgotten by a xenophobic and sensationalist media under orders from an opportunist government to spread poison and lies just as did Goebbels in the Third Reich and Stalin.

    • If the goverment told you to eat healthy fruit would you eat shit because your programmed to do just the opposite.Because mainstream media is putting a label on this are you lashing out ? Do you want to be as credible as they are ? Why not better yourself gather some hard facts people will listen, we can debate all day everyones favorite color and not make any gains however if you can bring anything of value to the table you then become a credible source.
      If the best rebuttle is my poor grammer skills and mockery of the firefighters that put out the blaze it is quite clear you are lacking any hard evidence, common sense will not win in court and not turn any heads, but science will.
      For the moment I am in the middle as things unravel and there is more clarity everything will evolve.
      P.S. I can ship you a fruit basket, or should I have the firefighters deliver it? By the way you only have to click the send to site button once, basic computer illiteracy does not validate intelligence, but does signify lack of common sense. Peace brother have a nice day.

    • I don’t need the government or any other basket case to advise me. I follow my own instuition and common sense. And both of these tell me that the Glasgow fire was highly suspect, including the manner in which it was (slowly) put out.

      I also know that western governments have a long history of terrorising their own people. Witness NATO’s Operation Gladio (have you heard about it? If not, find out) and the manner in which the British secret services colluded with the UDA to cause bomb atrocities in England and then blame them on the IRA.

      More recently there’s 911 in the USA and 7/7 in the UK. 911 was used as an excuse by both Bush and his sidekick, Blair to start an entirely fake ’War on Terror’ which turned out to be a War OF Terror against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan where about a million have died at the hands of the fighters for freedom’n’democracy.

      Some people will never wake up to the truth. Perhaps because they’re afraid to face the unpleasant reality that governments don’t do people any favours. They’re one purpose is self-preservation. Ergo, the state is the enemy of the people as the anarchists have always and correctly said. Sorry, pal, it doesn’t offer you or I much of a future other than war, war and more wars.

      I think it’s time for you to take the Red Pill, now open your mouth ...

    • I dont need any red pill pushing bigot to teach me history or advise me on the goverment. You are a neocon in sheeps clothing, your mind is set without giving the issue a second thought. Do you think the world will fall to there knees and and praise your banter, you dont have any logical evidence at this time to back your claims, there are plenty of jewish controlled media outlets that can spin propaganda, you are just a junior version of them. Stick to the article in question we dont need to cover anything else, or could it be you just dont have anything solid to add ? My goverment has never did me any favors, perhaps you should grow up and realize your goverment doesnt owe you any favors.
      See ya in the funny papers.

    • 68/226, (Do you have a name?) I’m T.A., I REALLY care about my country, and I DON"T believe EVERYONE in "government" is corrupt. Naturally society needs HONEST functioning government of some type to peacefully exist and thrive. BUt what I do SEE and everything I have learned tells me this, is that ORGANIZED crime has ALWAYS been a part of governments as well as corruption, but LATELY the violence and false flag techniques of these folks seems to have no limitations. WE seem to be witnessing an ALL OUT WAR on the CITIZENS who have done nothing to deserve this. 9-11 DEFINATELY had INSIDE help, whether it was just looking the other way or sometheing much more sinister and I think more and more and more of the world realizes this as time goes by.

      So naturally citzens have a right to be VERY concerned if THEY did it once THEY will do it again, I see nothing that has changed other than a huge part of society NOW has come to grips with FALSE FLAG ATTACKS. AS You say it is best to have EVIDENCE either way whether one assumes those in the U.K. acted intentionally in some kind of keystone cops ’terrorist’ attempt OR whether it was simply ANOTHER Fasle Flag style event to further enact support for this "Hitlerization" as the article calls it, or better this NAZIFICATION and totalitrain power grabbing. I believe with all of the actors out there now on the world’s stage that EVERY event must be thoroughly questioned, WE are being warned by those in positions of power in our OWN government, that certain other players ther are fully cabable of using SYNTHETIC terror to start a war with Iran and destroy our Bill of Rights. I think it is CRITICAL we listen to them and prepare for what seems likely. The neo-CON lust for perpetual warfare that "won’t end in our lifetime (as Cheney is quoted as saying) is losing steam the Majority of Americans are against this perpetual bloodbath. Obviously, if the Global Mafia used synthetic terror once to get this Reign of terror going what is to stop them from engaging in even more synthtic terror to try and prolong it. I see nothing unless of course our intelligence community has had ENOUGH of being made to STAND DOWN and goes after those who would kill their OWN PEOPLE as a pretext for Endless war. WE must all hope and pray this will be the case.


    • "You are a neocon in sheeps clothing": really, do you even know what the neocon agenda is all about?

  • The real enemy is the ZIONISTA hiding in the BUSHES....and the Clintons..and the Cheneys...and any number of appointed and "elected" white stooges...for the last 100 years.....