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Corporate Tested, Media Approved

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 10 July 2007

USA US election 2008 Daveparts

The face race is well underway and in full swing, the second quarter fundraising stats are in and Obama raised more money than Hillary did. John McCain raised less than Rudy but neither raised as much as Obama of course this is all media crapola. The idea that some how fundraising equates to support when in fact the opposite is more likely true. The media opines fundraising is the only metric they have to gauge support before actual ballots are cast. That is of course complete and total nonsense, as if you can you predict the winner of the Kentucky derby by the wealth of the horse’s owner?

To get elected President you must be corporate approved and then you are anointed with the media seal of approval. The following candidates are not corporate approved and therefore cannot be elected President, Dennis Kucinich, voted against the war and against the patriot act. Calls for single payer national health insurance and a windfall profits tax on oil companies. Kucinch couldn’t get elected if he owned Diebold.

Mike Gravel former Senator from Alaska alienated the Democratic Party in the 70’s by leading the fight to defund the Vietnam War and to eliminate the draft. But by his refusal to play ball by the rules of the corporate kingmakers Gravel will never achieve prominence other than as a noisemaker. I once heard Jesse Jackson tell a joke about his own treatment in the media. As Jackson told it, he was meeting with the Pope in Venice and as they traveled through the canals a gust of wind blew the Pontiff’s hat off into the water. Jackson stepped out of the gondola and walked across the water and picked up the hat, shook the water off and walked back and stepped in the gondola and handed it back to the Pope. The next day the headlines read, Jesse Jackson Can’t Swim!

Kucinich and Gravel could cure cancer and the headlines would read, Candidates Practice Medicine Without License! Without media no attention without attention no money. Then the media story becomes Obama raised more money than Hillary did. John McCain raised less than Rudy but neither raised as much as Obama of course this is all media crapola, no money no attention no attention no money. The podiums in the recent debates were set up in all most exactly in the order of fund raising. Hillary Obama and Edwards in the middle Biden, Dodd and Richardson then off to the side and Kuncinich and Gravel barely on the screen.

What of ideas? 67% of Americans want the troops out of Iraq immediately yet the front runners explain, “Oh we can’t do that we might vote for it symbolically but we don’t mean it” Kucinich and Gravel favor immediate troop withdrawal but they are just fringe candidates. 38% of the electorate want Bush impeached and 58% want Cheney impeached. What do the Democratic front runners say? “Oh that would be counter productive, we have more important things to do or it would disrupt the country. As if soldiers’ dying pointlessly in a needless war isn’t important or looting the treasury wasn’t disruptive. Gravel favors impeachment if Bush won’t withdraw the troops and Kucinich has already introduced articles of impeachment against Cheney but they are just fringe candidates.

On every issue the Democratic front runner’s positions mirror corporate interests Hillary favors more H1b visas and Obama takes money from Nuclear power interests. Only nuances differentiate between the front running candidates views, different slogans on the same corporate laundry soap. The media frames the issues and the corporation’s frames the candidates leaving the election as no more than a frame up.

Not much different than Soviet style elections pick a candidate, A or candidate B they both hold the same views and will vote the same way but it’s democracy isn’t it? However in America instead of the candidates literally disappearing they just disappear from the media.

The President commutes the Vice President’s chief of staffs prison sentence as the White House stonewalls on subpoenas over the prosecutor’s firings and what does the media focus on? Educated morons who couldn’t successfully detonate
a bomb, and a suicide bomb at that. Below average high school students in Columbine managed better.

But both FUX news and CNN the Craven News Network dwell on the particulars with superlative rapture. The “terrorist’s” cell phones contained all the conspirators phone numbers and only if they had posted their names on a highway billboards themselves could it have been made any easier for Scotland Yard.

The media ask, was there an Al Queda connection? I feel certain Al Queda would deny any connection to this Moe Larry and Yousef cabal of terrorists. But to Fux News and CNN they were criminal masterminds with co conspirators everywhere all around us. Far too busy with these pseudo terrorists four thousand miles away to discuss the President’s on going criminal behavior or any of the issues of real interest to the thinking public.

The media refers to Scooter Libby as a member of the White House staff like a janitor or a secretary when he was the Vice President’s chief of staff, a boss the number one man of the number two man. Republican’s complain that they don’t understand what the crime was so that therefore commutation was appropriate. But the judge and the jury did understand the crime and sentenced the accused to thirty months in prison.

Yesterday story presenter and part time AIPAC employee Wolf Blitzer had Michael Moore on his program as his guest to talk about his new movie Sicko. Little Wolfie attempted to use fellow corporate news network employee Dr. Sanjay Gaupta to refute the facts of Moore’s film but Moore turned the tables on them. He repeatedly asked Blitzer to explain CNN’s failures in reporting the news accurately, the lie’s that got us into this war, about the corporate sponsorship of Gaupta reports. Blitzer couldn’t or wouldn’t answer and kept asking Moore to confine himself to the film while Moore maintained it was all the same issue lying about the war lying about healthcare all in the name of corporate overlords.

Wolfie said well that’s all we have time for but offered to continue the discussion off the air on tape. Moore answered, “Oh no!” Wise to the ways of the media he wouldn’t put his foot in that trap but then asked, “Complete and unedited?” and then quickly agreed.

Wolfie then turned it over to Jack Cafferty who complained Moore has used most of his time, silly me I thought it was the networks time. Lou Dobbs resident prima donna then asked gees, “How does a guy who make millions from his films have the nerve to complain about making a profit? As if making millions as a filmmaker is no different from making millions by denying healthcare to people who have paid for it.

Dobbs then expressed to Little Wolfie, “That what ever CNN is paying you it isn’t enough.” Poor Wolfie had to spend ten minutes with an unruly guest who wouldn’t be controlled or manipulated and behaved as someone who wished to express their ideas should have acted. Or as Moore commented maybe that’s why CNN hadn’t had him on the air in three years.

Dobbs went on to his program to complain about media elite’s that don’t understand middle class Americans. Apparently Dobbs had already forgotten his lamenting of poor Wolfie’s income I would suggest they both watch, The Deadliest Catch or Dirty Jobs perhaps they would develop a better understanding of elite’s and overworked. But Dobbs and Wolfie and Cafferty see their incomes as hard earned and well deserved while I see them as nothing more than well paid prostitutes giving lip service. But Moore’s real service here is to break down the false front of contrived corporate news. But when you consider CNN’s slogan is the most trusted name in cable news and your competitors are FUX and MSMBS its akin to saying Moe, smartest of the three stooges!