by Open-Publishing - Sunday 2 September 2007

Religions-Beliefs Governments USA


Reasons in the world exceed to considerer to Bush like the Devil, as President Chávez in the UN did. The worse President of the United States—as the world is already catalogued in Surveys in its own country and—every day commits an action that redoubles its condition of Devil.

The North American newspapers and journalists, intellectuals · and " intelectualoides"( bad writers), politicians of the world to the service of imperialism, and in Venezuela, politicians, ex—diplomatic of the fourth Republic, and cipayos(bad persons) journalists of the country, and until the inept candidate of the Devil, the oppsition and the rich ones, with their phrases in crushed language, have left in uproarious "cháchara"(non sense phrases) and a fuss arranged by the press, the radio and the TV, to speak of the "tremendous error" and the great difficulties that can bring for the country the right signallings that President Chávez in the UN did.

Hypocrites of greater mark. That Chávez in the UN said? That Bush is the devil and smells of sulfur. That he is alcoholic. That every day says it in average North Americans. Since one has also said that when his father was President he locked up in a quarter of the White House to inject drugs. That is gathered in a book.

The phrases of Chávez are based on facts. The alcoholism, that is recognized in the United States. And the one of devil is not an invent. The policies that the present renter of the White House has lead have been demonic, that is, own of the Devil.

The fallen down one of the towers of New York already until in the United States takes the blame the power group of the White House. On that base one he put to massacre people in Afghanistan.

It invented the one of the arms in Iraq, to massacre and to continue massacreing that country. It vetoed in the UN a resolution that had forced Israel to stop its genocide and massive destruction of Lebanon. Is not these diabolic actions? Is not truth that with those diabolic actions it has well deserved the one that are denominated to him like Devil? It is not thing of the devil to remove to a President from its house and to send it for Africa, as it commanded to make Bush with Aristide?

And it is not thing of the devil to protect to a terrorist like Posada Carriles ? And it is not thing of the Devil putting in a coup d’etat against a legitimately elect governor as he is President Chávez? And is not thing of the devil the last one that Tony Blair along with made invent the one of the acts of terrorism in the airplanes, with small bottles of indicated soap of liquid Reuter like dangerous explosives?

And not to follow, because the things are so many that can be mentioned, go only three phrases coming from authorized the sulphurous Devil or by properly him, who if they surround diabolic threats and until lombrosians:

1. - Bush to Blair: "Commanded to the President of the Lebanon so that it stops that excrement of Hezbollá". Demonstration of scorn against the Arab peoples and Nazi racism.

2. - Ordered by Bush at the Condoleezza: It is necessary to leave (at least two weeks more) so that Israel culminates its task. Which task? To demolish the infrastructure and services of the Lebanon, and to kill and to massacre in bad form young, women and old Lebaneses? Is that a "task"? That is not a task. That is a bad crime.

3, - "We are prepared to return yours at the age of Stone". Message of Bush, through its sigüí Armitage, to its "ally" President of Pakistán. Prepotencia (expression of bigpower) based on means superiority military. And to take to a country at the age of Stone is not logical to infer of that phrase that would have mounted atomic pumps in airplanes?

What complains sent all those plañideras ( falses cries) of today by those if serious phrases?

Expression everything of the double rasero (account) and hipocresity and of the servility to operate according to orders the voice of the master.

Traduction: By Google Sistem

Forum posts

  • Sorry but the translation sorta ruined the effect you were trying to produce. But we get the idea: Bush IS the Great Satan, The Devil, the Anti-Christ.

  • I don’t believe in the ’devil’, ’satan’ or the ’antichrist’. Those things are distinctly christian in making. I am not a christian. I understand there are evil people in the world. People who feed on the blood and loss of others. Many of those evil people are in powerful positions of influence. They are driven by greed and a lust for more power, not by an imaginary being in an unknowable plane of existence. They are self-driven.

    When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.