Home > The BIG LIE - "Iran is a Threat" by Scott Ritter

The BIG LIE - "Iran is a Threat" by Scott Ritter

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 9 October 2007

Nuclear International

Iran has never manifested itself as a serious threat to the national security of the United States, or by extension as a security threat to global security. At the height of Iran’s “exportation of the Islamic Revolution” phase, in the mid-1980’s, the Islamic Republic demonstrated a less-than-impressive ability to project its power beyond the immediate borders of Iran, and even then this projection was limited to war-torn Lebanon.

.....The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), mandated to investigate Iran’s nuclear programs, has concluded that there is no evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Furthermore, the IAEA has concluded that it is capable of monitoring the Iranian nuclear program to ensure that it does not deviate from the permitted nuclear energy program Iran states to be the exclusive objective of its endeavors.


Key Phrase: ..."there is no evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons"...

there is no evidence
there is no evidence
there is no evidence
there is no evidence
there is no evidence
there is no evidence

Understand now?