Home > Aristocracy and Democracy

Aristocracy and Democracy

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 11 October 2007


A great number of today’s books, films, magazines and shows lead people in the direction of disorder, anarchy and chaos. And they are tremendously popular! It is astonishing to see to what extent human nature needs to feed on such diabolical stuff. So much so that you cannot really blame artists and writers for giving the public this kind of food; they are simply trying to provide what it demands so avidly. It is not entirely their fault therefore, but even so, if they had been taught by Initiates, they would know that they must not stoop to satisfy the baser appetites and lusts of men’s lower nature. They would stay on a higher level and, in this way, the public would be forced to rise in order to reach them and to reach the higher intelligence and beauty that they possess.

Instead of this, in trying to satisfy the masses, the demos, the stomach, they have helped to supplant the aristocracy of the brain, with the result that it is now men’s lower nature that has the upper hand and flaunts itself, lays down the law and imposes its will.

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