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Who Said What?

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 18 October 2007
1 comment

Wars and conflicts Governments Daveparts

By David Glenn Cox

Score Cards! Get your scorecards! Can’t tell the players without a scorecard. In Soviet Russia the one party communist state would choose two candidates to run for a party office. Then the people would be asked to vote to decide on the candidates already anointed by the power structure. It was only the illusion of democracy, a silly exercise.

Only by offering pastries and free beer to those who had voted could the Soviets keep the facade operating.

So when Americans vote who picks the candidates? Who decides who the front runners are? Who then tells you who the front runners are? How do we know the differences between them?

1. "The American military has succeeded. It is the Iraqi government, which has failed to make the tough decisions that are important for their own people,"

2. declaring that he/she envisions an American victory there and asserting that a hasty withdrawal by the United States would unleash a bloodbath reminiscent of the Vietnam War era.

3. "I voted against it. I knew it was going to pass overwhelmingly," "I think it is important for someone like me who has been a strong supporter of the military — the best thing we can do right now is get them out of the middle of this sectarian war in Iraq."

4. "It will matter to us if Iraq. totally collapses into civil war, if it becomes a failed state the way Afghanistan was, where terrorists are free to basically set up camp and launch attacks against us,"

5. accused the Congress of planning to “pull the rug out from under” American troops. Saying the American pullout from Vietnam more than 32 years ago was to blame for millions of deaths in Cambodia and Vietnam, and for putting a dent in American credibility that lasts to this day.

6. "Our country is at war and our government has the obligation to protect the American people," "Any activity we conduct is within the law. We do not torture."

7. “I know how important it is to work with the Congress, to enlist them, to have them be involved from the very beginning, and frankly, to have ownership,"

8. "A lot of those lobbyists, whether you like it or not, represent real Americans," "They represent nurses, they represent social workers, yes, they represent corporations that employ a lot of people. The idea that somehow a contribution is going to influence you – I just ask you to look at my record."

9. "When we find somebody who may have information regarding an attack on America, you bet we’re going to detain them, and you bet we’re going to question them,"

10. ... there is a place for ’severity,’ in a conversation that included mentioning waterboarding, hypothermia, and other techniques commonly described as torture."
"I have said that those are very rare but if they occur there has to be some lawful authority for pursuing that ... there has to be some check and balance, some reporting ... in those instances where we have sufficient basis to believe there is something imminent."

11. “The Government will make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures. The position and rights of the President remain unaltered.”

12. “By a unique upheaval in the last few weeks our national honor has been restored and thanks to your understanding the union between symbols of the old greatness and the new strength has been celebrated.”

13. It’s in all our interests to preserve and strengthen Social Security into the next century. And if we don’t want to burden our children and grandchildren-if we want to make sure Social Security remains solvent well into the 21st century-we must make bold decisions now. All our voices must be heard. Republicans and Democrats, men and women, young and old-all Americans must be an integral part of the public debate. Your voice matters. As we embark on this critical national debate, make yours heard.

14. First, let me start by saying that Franklin Roosevelt did a good thing when he created the Social Security system. Social Security has been an important part of a lot of people’s lives in America. The Social Security system created by Franklin Roosevelt provided a safety net for people in their retirement. And it worked. There are a lot of people still in this country counting on their Social Security check. And, therefore, I want to start by saying to people who are getting their check, people who were born prior to 1950, the system will not change when it comes to you. The system has got plenty of money in it to make sure you get your check.

Answers, 1. Hillary Clinton 2. George Bush 3. Hillary Clinton 4. Hillary Clinton

5. George Bush 6. George Bush 7. Hillary Clinton 8. Hillary Clinton 9. George Bush

10. Hillary Clinton 11. Adolf Hitler 12. Adolf Hitler 13 Hillary Clinton 14. George Bush

Where is my beer and pastry?

Forum posts

  • Daveparts: You have done a great service for those American voters who still believe in our bogus 2 party system. The leading party members of both fake parties do indeed preach the same party line, no difference between them whatsoever.