Home > US House Passes Thought Crime Prevention Bill 404-6

US House Passes Thought Crime Prevention Bill 404-6

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 1 November 2007

Internet Attack-Terrorism USA

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 1955 titled the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This bill is one of the most blatant attacks against the Constitution yet and actually defines thought crimes as homegrown terrorism. If passed into law, it will also establish a commission and a Center of Excellence to study and defeat so called thought criminals. Unlike previous anti-terror legislation, this bill specifically targets the civilian population of the United States and uses vague language to define homegrown terrorism. Amazingly, 404 of our elected representatives from both the Democrat and Republican parties voted in favor of this bill. There is little doubt that this bill is specifically targeting the growing patriot community that is demanding the restoration of the Constitution.

.....Particularly alarming is that the bill mentions the Internet as a main source for terrorist propaganda. The bill even mentions streams in obvious reference to many of the patriot and pro-constitution Internet radio networks that have been formed. It also mentions that homegrown terrorists span all ages and races indicating that the Congress is stating that everyone is a potential terrorist. Even worse is that Congress states in their findings that they should look at draconian police states like Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom as models to defeat homegrown terrorists. Literally, these findings of Congress fall right in line with the growing patriot community.


Kucinich voted against it.

Forum posts

  • Congress is to represent the men and women of the united States. They are NOT to pass any law that violates the CONSTITUTION. It is clear that we have unethical and immoral men and women in Congress. As free men and women we are allowed to disagree with the President, the Governors, the Senators and anyone else that holds a view that is not in harmony with nature (live and let live). The wealthy live in a distorted world and not the real world. The men and women who are the ones who do all the work are the ones who need to hold these offices. Many are educated above and beyond those who hold government offices today. These men and women are barred from obtaining these offices do to the false money schemes.

    We have become a world of propaganda. "If I don’t like it, it should be society". Too many people make this statement in today’s world. What happened to LIVE AND LET LIVE, DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU?

    We need to rid government positions of attorneys , (as per the real 13th Amendment), the wealthy only groups and the secret societies groups, and fill those positions with honest men and women. THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE.

  • This link might give some insight to the unlawful groups that are holding the men and women of the united States hostage.

    They control the economy, the stock market, 401k’s where virtually all retirement plans are today (gambling at it’s finest).

    They send our jobs overseas.

    They bring foreigners form all over the world to fill jobs which should and could be filled with Americans.

    They have taken a self sufficient country and made it dependent on the government.

    They have taken a REPUBLICAN from of government and made it a DEMOCRATIC from of government.


    • There is ONE party in the US. It simply has 2 faces.

      What the US needs is a SECOND PARTY. Failing that, a revolution.

      Oops....I guess I’m thinking. Don’t wanna do that!

  • I think I thunk a thought crime-winston smith

  • YOU WILL NOT make desparaging comments about Zionism or Israel...and sign ’ze papers

  • What’s the big deal over the loss of a few measely freedoms and liberties when we’re at war against evil doers who hate us because we’re free, we gotta sacrifice some of them to get some safety and security in return and freedom isn’t free, right?

    Only girly-men, criminals and terrorists object to our governments domestic spying program directed at the public because they’re cowards or hiding something illegal, and all law-abiding "good americans" welcome the eavesdropping because they know its necessary to catch evildoers and have nothing to hide and nothing to fear, right?

    We must be thankful that our leaders and congress legalized torture and gave the president the power to impose a state of martial law because we have to do whatever it takes to force information from the terrorists about "al qaeda" plans for terrorism and lock down the country to protect it from further attacks, right?

    We should be grateful that our congress passed the USA Patriot Act and every other act-including the one that outlaws "thought crime" because we need every tool we can get our hands on to identify suspicious acting people and arresting them to prevent future crimes and terrorist acts, right?


    Aside from the fact that these are extremely simple-minded and irrational statements, they are contradictory and dangerous to the country because they overlook the possibility that the "enemy" we are told to be fearful of may be firmly entrenched within the halls of power in our government carrying out policies that are harmful to this nation and its people. These enemies who are executing these detrimental policies may be doing the bidding of certain foreign or domestic interests or doing it for their own personal glorification.

    We should be worried that people in our government who are obsessed with power and control are the ones who are deciding for the rest of us what constitutes "terrorist behavior" and applying it randomly to terrorize us into a state of silent submission and obedience to their hidden agendas.

    Everyday, we’re bombarded with messages from media that we face serious threats from all around us from criminals and terrorists and each other, and the implied message is that every one of us (the "little people" who make up the bulk of society that is) is a potential criminal/terrorist who could go berserk and kill at any time and must be watched and restrained.

    All human beings have emotions and impulses that drive them to do good or bad things and our so-called "leaders in the white house/congress/senate/military-industrial complex and the bureaucrats that carry out the mundane every day tasks of government also possess these same emotions and impulses that can drive them to do good and bad. The only difference between "us" and "them" is that the average american faces severe consequences for breaking laws while high government officials and law enforcement officers are largely immune from punishment because they create the laws and enforce them and feel free to break them.

    Powerful government offices command respect and admiration from common americans and draw deference and obedience to the occupants of those offices whether they deserve them or not. The people who seek these offices are aware of this and depending upon their motivations will use these powers inherent in their positions to good deeds or evil ones.

    Too many americans assume that there is something inherent in american politicsthat prevents bad or in some cases evil people from attaining high government offices or that these sorts of people are transformed into decent conscientious individuals when they are exposed to the rigors and requirements of office. There are also those who don’t care either way who runs our government and focus only on their small immediate world believing that they are insulated from the influences of the outside world.

    The american people, just lilke the people of ancient Imperial Rome, Napoleonic France, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan, Stalinist communist Russia, the Shah’s Iran, Pinochet’s Chile believed their leaders when they were told that they were threatened by remorseless and pitiless and ruthless foreign enemies . Their leaders, without exception, demanded that they be given absolute emergency powers to deal with dire situations. They also demanded that the public surrender their freedoms and privacies and submit to oppressive "security measures" for the good of the state. Torture was justified and used on people the state identified as "enemies of the state" for whatever arbitrary reasons that could be thought up. An atmosphere of suspicion and paranoia toward each other was encouraged by these dictators of history so that their unfortunate citizen-victims would focus all their time and energies and thoughts towards turning against each other and pledging absolute fealty to the state so that they would not recognize the real threat to them from their leaders.

    It cannot be stressed enough that all dictators will use whatever lies and treacheries they can conceive of to attain absolute power. Power is an end, not a means and it is pursued for its own sake, not to accomplish anything positive in this world. Freedoms are taken away by dictators so that they can exercise unlimited control over everyone and hand out punishments on a whim to their political enemies and dissenters without any fear of repercussions to them. Torture is for the sake of pure sadistic pleasure of the torturers at causing the powerless to suffer in agony and to destroy the victims will to resist and their minds

    Companies selling something create a "need for their product or services" in the minds of their prospective customers to create a profitable demand for it. The mafia creates a need for its protection services by instigating crime waves in neighborhoods to scare people into paying for its high priced "protection services" . Doctors prescribe harmful drugs to patients to build up a steady stream of profitably sick patients. Some firefighters start fires to generate a need for their services and to create "hero worship". Some cops instigate crimes or frame up innocent people for crimes to ensure that there are always crimes to solve and criminals to lock up and they will never be unemployed. Why should we believe that our own government is any different?

    People who are so obsessed with power that they will lie for it and steat for it and kill for it will not hesitate to do harm to their own fellow citizens and lay the blame for any staged terrorist incidents on some invisible "enemy" to seize power and control over people. It is the oldest trick in history and many people have fallen for it before the american people. The american people are but the latest dupes to have had the wool pulled over their eyes.

    A common feature of all dictatorships was that they arose with the misguided approval of the people who were conned by their "leaders" into self-destruction and not by force because all dictators know that force is the quickest way to alienate people against them.

    Instead, the dictators stroked the people ego’s by telling them that they were superior and everyone else were imperfect and inferior to soften them up for the imposition of totalitarianism. The american people were told by their leaders they were the superior people on earth and believed they were and that America was the superior nation and that other nations had to submit to its wishes. Such arrogance was characteristic of the german people in Nazi Germany when Hitler rose to power. Arrogance makes people susceptible to exhibiting the kinds of reprehensible behaviors that thought were impossible within them and only present in the "inferior subhumans" of other nations .

    The cancer of dictatorship that americans thought was an impossibility here in America has become a reality because of that arrogance.