Home > Pope’s exorcist squads to wage war on satan

Pope’s exorcist squads to wage war on satan

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 30 December 2007



The Pope has ordered his bishops to set up exorcism squads to tackle the rise of Satanism.
(More wars on unknowable, unprovable and intangible, non-existent beings created by Christianity itself.)

Vatican chiefs are concerned at what they see as an increased interest in the occult.
(Only the priests are allowed to mutter "magic words" to transform wheat and grape juice into living flesh and blood)

They have introduced courses for priests to combat what they call the most extreme form of "Godlessness." (read US democracy)

"..."Thankfully, Benedict XVI believes in the existence and danger of evil ....."
(But has said little about the illegal and immoral slaughter of millions in both Iraq and Afghanistan, the unlawful, sadistic and fascist imprisonment of hundreds, if not thousands in secret prisons throughout the world)

"..."Thanks be to God, we have a Pope who has decided to fight the Devil head-on," he said...."
(The Pope later clarified the statement saying it was not intended to include George Bush or his minions)

"What profit hath not that fable of Christ brought us"
- Pope Leo X

Forum posts

  • Nobody ever expects the Inquisition, do they? How many heretics will they execute this time?

  • finaly someone will start fighting this bunch of satanics that have the our people of the world
    dying in his hands i.e. politics,bankers,the media,and all that crap like the autor of this article.

  • Start with all of the pedophile priests!

    • "war on Satan"....sounds strangely like "war on terrorism"

      Both have no identifiable enemy

      Both are wars on ’words’.

      Both are wars on state-created enemies:
      Satan- a creation of Judao/Christianity via Rome
      Terrorism - a creation of US government imperialism.

      Both have no benchmarks of success.

      Neither can be ’won’.

      Sounds like the Vatican needs to piss away some of it’s ill-gotten-gain. Deplete the treasury before the big crunch and mass exodus - much akin to the US today.

  • Somebody in the Vatican must have been fallen on his head.

    That is just laughable!