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False Flag operations and the illusion of the American Dream: CIA Torture Tapes and 911

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 2 January 2008
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Attack-Terrorism Secret Services USA


Many people in the world had never heard of a False Flag operation before 911. The realization that these kinds of events are the norm in establishing and maintaining an empire must be a rude awakening for most Americans, especially now that the illusion of a just and true America has disappeared with the latest news that the CIA and the White House not only destroyed the CIA Torture Tapes but also “stonewalled” and “obstructed” the 911 commission, the goal of which “was to provide the American people with the fullest possible account of the ‘facts and circumstances relating to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.’”

How unfortunate that it has taken so long for this awakening to occur, since the damage done is beyond belief. Two wars are being fought with no end in sight, over one million Iraqi civilians have been murdered along with thousands of American and Afghani citizens, countless wounded and dismembered, trillions of dollars wasted, and the world brought to the brink of a Nuclear World War III. All of it based on a lie.

The lies however did not begin and will not end with this administration or the CIA. The most recent revelations that the FBI fabricated evidence used to connect Oswald to the Kennedy assassination, and the growing evidence against the governments version of what transpired on 911, are forcing people to accept the reality that there is something seriously wrong with those who govern the United States of America.

The first step towards understanding what has transpired is to be informed. The following three documentaries are must viewing for all patriotic Americans who love their country and have a desire to regain their freedom.

JFKII: The Bush Connection

Oklahoma City Bombing: Murder in the Heartland

911: Loose Change

The second step is to use this information to prosecute those who orchestrated these events. Just because the CIA does not abide by their motto “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” it does not mean Americans should discard its meaning. It’s never too late to undo the wrong that has been done.

Further information on how to become involved at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and 911truth.org


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