Home > Mumbai Terrorism: Beyond Official Story- I

Mumbai Terrorism: Beyond Official Story- I

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 23 December 2008

International Attack-Terrorism


Kashmir Watch, December 21

By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Terrorism could be the best tool or toy the arrogant states could employ to terrorize innocent people. It has become an international norm to emulate the Western and Indian media reporting and make analyses strictly according to their mindsets; any deviation or diversion from the "usual" ways is resisted and badly condemned by their global agents. My views not conforming to Indian or US media modes are, therefore, have not been digested by a few select Hindu friends who other wise read my regularly wherever I manage to get them published. On Mumbai terrorism some of the criticism made by them is as horrible as the terrorist acts themselves. They are unable to stand my stubbornly refusing to attack Pakistan as the Indian and US media religiously did, as the Israeli media elaborately decoded the "Islamic terrorism" in their own ways. From the expression these Indians made about my observations on Mumbai Nov26 reveals a possibility that some of them have just escaped from some mental hospital without completing the treatment.

Indians have again proved they are the best chess players and the high precision shooters. Most probably, the Indian strategists and media were keen to trace the terror links freedom fighting Kashmiris and to trap some more “Afzals” under Mumbai terrorism category and delay the freedom movement. Some how, that strategy did not work this time around. And Kashmiris are to that extent safe, though they are harassed every where.

Considering the Muslims as cheap, US-led Western powers and their Eastern allies like Israel and India harp on terrorism to terrorize the Muslims and deny what is their due in the ever-growing development of global economy. Generally, the terrorism acts look formidable and real because of the heavy death tolls and media hype to terrorize the innocent people by making them believe that some private Muslims- terrorists, supported by a few Islamic states, alone are responsible for this ghastly terror affair.

Indian Strategy of unleashing terror on innocent Muslims directly or in a proxy manner has indeed worked very well so far in its favor, because Hindus rule and control Indian system and could easily ruin any one it does not like. India is a known terrorist state with its continuous genocide of innocent Kashmiris in their own lands now under Indian occupation. Although only recently the world has come to know about involvement of Hindus and their organizations as well as military agencies in terrorist activities to defame Islam and kill Muslims, these nefarious activities have been going on for decades since Indian separatists got independence from UK . The terrorist acts in Indian towns are the hidden strategies of Indian majority people to deny any benefits to Muslims and malign neighboring nations on account of terrorists.

Mumbai mayhem reveals glitteringly that terrorism ploy could help the colonialists and imperialist nations to advance their global interests. Cash-rich India wants dominate world affairs, influence the world organizations, retain Jammu Kashmir under military occupation, and kill Muslims, especially the Kashmiris without any trials once they are brought to its terror custody. In the name of “law & order’, Muslims all over the country are arrested and jailed on the eve of anniversary of demolition of grand Babri Mosque by the militant Hindu Jihads, while Kashmiri Muslims struggling for their sovereignty back form occupier India are being persecuted, tortured and killed on their own lands, Kashmir. India needs no obstructions to their killing of Muslims either in jails or outside. Under the cover of Mumbai terrorism and as pressed by Indian media-cum-intelligence, Indian government is on its way to pass a law to deny the Muslims the right to bail.

The kinds of inflammatory articles being arranged for publication by global media magnets are notorious for their insights and analysis. These days only the US-led nations like Israel and India are capable of inform the world about what is happening, how and why. The entire burden of their arguments are to show how bad the Muslims, the so-called "terrorists". When the so-called democracies say something people tend to believe, after all the USA does not tell lie so are the Hindus and Israelis, they think. India media has made it point to equate terrorists with Muslims as if Muslims are terrorists and they should be brutally killed.

After suspecting Pakistan for its possible involvement in Mumbai terror, the USA now has cleared Pakistan off any such involvement. When USA makes a statement it becomes an international law. It is no more a secret strategy of India that it seeks international, especially the American, sympathy on terrorism plank, essentially when New Delhi has been for quite some time making all out efforts for coming closer to USA and other big powers, by focusing on terrorism acts. And exactly the Mumbai terrorism ploy India is keen to utilize officially to claim a seat on the notorious UNSC.

(....>> continued)

The author is Delhi based Research Scholar in International Studies and can be reached at