Home > Video: RFK, Jr. Rips “Coal Barons”

Video: RFK, Jr. Rips “Coal Barons”

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 3 March 2009

Demos-Actions Environment USA

A huge and spirited rally demanding “Climate Justice,” was held in Washington, D.C., on March 2, 2009. One of the speakers at the event was Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His remarks were a scathing indictment of the “Coal Barons.” He said: “Clean coal is a dirty lie.” RFK, Jr. also alleged that the Coal Barons are running, in some instances, a “criminal enterprise.” He charged that some of the practices of the Coal Barons, like “mountaintop removal,” are “destroying the environment...America’s heritage and health... and subverting our democracy.” He alleged, too, that the “Coal Barons” are enabled by “crooked politicians up on Capitol Hill,” who act as “indenture servants” of the Wire Pullers. For background on the rally, go to: